L-lysine supplementation has been shown to increase the release of growth hormones and thus may be used to
support lean mass and an anti-aging intervention by some individuals.7
Dosage Ranges
1. Herpes Simplex: 1,000-3,000 mg per day is the usual daily dosage in the treatment or prevention of herpes I and
2. Growth Hormone Release: 1,000 – 2,000 mg taken just prior to bedtime, usually in conjunction with 1,000 – 2,000
mg of arginine pyroglutamate.7
Adverse Side Effects and Toxicity
At supplemental amounts (1,000-3,000 mg per day) no consistent adverse ef ects have been reported in humans.
Abdominal cramps and transient diarrhea have been reported at doses of 15-40 gms per day.1 Note that during a
herpes outbreak some patients my take more than 10 gm per day to block the replication of the virus.
Drug-Nutrient Interactions
There are no well known drug interactions with L-Lysine.6
Meschino Health Comprehensive Guide to Accessory Nutrients and Essential Oils
Accessory Nutrients and Essential Oils
1. Flodin NW. The metabolic roles, pharmacology and toxicology of lysine. J Am Coll Nutr 1997;16:7-21.
2. Griffith R, DeLong D, Nelson J. Relation of arginine-lysine antagonism to herpes simplex growth in tissue culture. Chemotherapy
3. DiGiovanna JJ, Blank H. Failure of lysine in frequently recurrent herpes simplex infection. Arch Dermatology 1984;120:48-51.
4. Murray M, Pizzorno J. Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine. Revised 2nd Edition. Rocklin, CA: Prima Publishing, 1998. p. 521-2.
5. Griffith RS, Walsh DE, Myrmel KH. Success of L-lysine therapy in frequently recurrent herpes simplex infection. Treatment and
prophylaxis. Dermatoliga 1987;175:183-90.
6. Healthnotes online. Healthnotes 2000, Inc: Lysine.
7. Klatz R. Grow young with HGH. New York: Harper Perrenial Publishers; 1997. p. 204-5.
Meschino Health Comprehensive Guide to Accessory Nutrients and Essential Oils
Accessory Nutrients and Essential Oils
Malic Acid
General Features
Malic Acid is synthesized in humans as one of the steps in the Kreb’s cycle during the production of ATP, which is the
body’s primary source of energy. 1 It occurs in high concentrations in apples and is often referred to as apple acid. In
food processing it is used to acidify wines, acid drinks, fruit juices, soda water and various soft drinks. Malic Acid is
also used in cosmetic products to adjust the pH of the product and to act as a moisturizing agent, often in the form of
sodium malate. 2
Clinical Application and Mechanism of Action
1. Fibromyalgia - Malic Acid supplementation in combination with magnesium supplementation has been shown to
improve fibromyalgia in a six-month, double-blind, cross-over trial, involving 24 fibromyalgia patients. In this study,
the treatment group demonstrated a significant reduction in the severity of pain and tenderness and in some
psychological symptoms associated with their condition, during the period they ingested 1200-2400 mg of Malic
Acid and 300-600 mg of magnesium per day. During the cross-over period, when placed on the placebo, their
muscle pain scores rose from 6.8 to 21.5 within two days, in the six patients comprising this sub-group. However,
in a shorter trial of only four weeks, the combination of Malic Acid (1200 mg) and magnesium (300 mg) was not
ef ective in reducing pain in a double-blind, cross-over trial of patients with fibromyalgia. This may indicate that a
longer period of treatment is required to realize improvement in these cases. 3,4
2. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome - It is speculated that Malic Acid supplementation in combination with magnesium
supplementation may be helpful in the treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome. There is one published report to
support this contention, but bet er controlled studies are required to substantiate this application. However, chronic
fatigue syndrome is similar in nature to fibromyalgia, thus practitioners may wish to utilize this intervention on a
therapeutic trial basis. 5
Dosage and Standardized Grade
Fibromyalgia (and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome) - Malic Acid, 600 mg, twice per day and magnesium, 150 mg, twice per
day (up to 2400 mg of Malic Acid and 600 mg of magnesium have been used safely). 3,4
Adverse Side Effects, Toxicity and Contraindications
Current research does not indicate any adverse side ef ects from the use of Malic Acid at the above-cited levels of
intake. 6
Drug-Nutrient Interactions
At present there are no known drug-nutrient interactions with Malic Acid. 6
Meschino Health Comprehensive Guide to Accessory Nutrients and Essential Oils
Accessory Nutrients and Essential Oils
Pregnancy and Lactation
During pregnancy and lactation, the only supplements that are considered safe include standard prenatal
vitamin and mineral supplements. All other supplements or dose alterations may pose a threat to the
developing fetus and there is generally insuf icient evidence at this time to determine an absolute level of
safety for most dietary supplements other than a prenatal supplement. Any supplementation practices
beyond a prenatal supplement should involve the cooperation of the at ending physician (e.g., magnesium
and the treatment of preeclampsia.)
References: Pregnancy and Lactation
1. Encyclopedia of Nutritional Supplements. Murray M. Prima Publishing 1998.
2. Reavley NM. The New Encyclopedia of Vitamins, Minerals, Supplements, and Herbs. Evans and
Company Inc. 1998.
3. The Healing Power of Herbs (2nd edition). Murray M. Prima Publishing 1995.
4. Boon H and Smith M. Health Care Professional Training Program in Complementary Medicine.
Institute of Applied Complementary Medicine Inc. 1997.
1. Baynes J, dominiczak M. Medical Biochemistry. New York: Mosby, 1999:182-3
2. Fiume Z. Final report on the safety assessment of Malic Acid and Sodium Malate. Int J Toxicol 2001;20(Suppl1):47-55
3. Russell IJ, Michalek JE, Flechas JD, Abraham GE. Treatment of fibromyalgia syndrome with Super Malic: a randomized, double blind,
placebo controlled, crossover pilot study. J Rheyumatol, May1995;22(5):953-8
4. Abraham GE, Flechas JD. Hypothesis: Management of fibromyalgia rationale for the use of magnesium and malic acid. J Nutr Med
5. Anonymous. A follow-up on malic acid: CFIDS Buyers Bluc Health Wathc. Spring, 1993
6. Healthnotes, Inc. 2001. Malic acid:www.puritan.com
Meschino Health Comprehensive Guide to Accessory Nutrients and Essential Oils
Accessory Nutrients and Essential Oils
General Feature
Melatonin is a molecule that has been found in every animal and plant studied to date, from human beings to the most
Comment [c31]: Melatonin is capitalized as per
primitive one-celled algae that evolved more than three billion years ago. In each organism, Melatonin’s molecular
instructions of Arlene.
structure is identical. This sameness is a rare occurrence in biology.
In all the life forms studied, Melatonin has been produced in the same circadian (daily secretion pat ern) rhythm, with
higher levels produced at night than during the daytime.
In humans, Melatonin is produced and secreted by the pineal gland in the brain. It is synthesized from serotonin,
which itself is synthesized from 5-hydroxytryptophan and tryptophan. In the human body Melatonin acts as a
hormone, neurotransmitter, antioxidant and immune system modulator.
It is best known for its ability to induce sleep and elevate mood. Humans produce five to ten times more Melatonin at
night than during the day, a circadian rhythm found in animals as well. Peak amounts occur around two or three
o’clock in the morning.
After puberty the body’s production of Melatonin declines. By age 40 humans produce approximately 60 percent less
Melatonin than a 10 year old and by age 70 or 80 Melatonin levels may be undectable.1
With respect to its antioxidant properties, Melatonin is unique in that it is both a water-soluble antioxidant and a fat-
soluble antioxidant. Some studies suggest that as an antioxidant it is twice as ef ective as Vitamin E, five times as
ef icient as glutathione, and five hundred times more ef ective than the synthetic DMSO. However, Melatonin is
produced in picograms (a trillionth of a gram – the smallest amount of any hormone), whereas Vitamin E, and other
antioxidants, are present in much higher concentrations.2
Supplementation Studies and Clinical Applications