Complete Body Detox Guide to Better Health by Chris Leung - HTML preview

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Section 3: Practical Implications of DETOX

-Risk/Reward of detoxification, supplements et al

-Taking your health back one step at a time

-Dietary advice for DETOX

-Final Thoughts

Facts to know about Detox - Risks, Rewards, Benefits, and Dangers of DETOXIFICATION (DETOX)



-Understand the products, process and what you are trying to accomplish

-Herbals and vitamins are enablers, but can also be harmful if taken incorrectly, be sure to read the label before taking any supplements.

-Ensure ample intake of vitamins and vitamin analogs (B1, B2 B6, B12, B15, C, P, PP, A, E, and folic acid)

-Good things to look for to replace what you are taking out are things (foods and supplements) that contain and foster anti-anemia, phospholipids, unsaturated fatty acids and enzymes.

-Some elements might interact or counteract with one another.

-Keep and eye on your metabolism and energy levels

-Absorption of the different building blocks of nutritional supplements are of extreme importance when in DETOX

-Multi-vitamins will ensure you still get the full spectrum of what you do need for normal functions and functioning of your body/its different systems.

-Zinc, Vitamin A and even the C’s, Ds, and B-complex vitamins, with calcium are all important. Literally taking care of yourself from A to Z, still a priority although your eating patterns, habits and behaviors are altered drastically!

-You need to guard yourself against not getting enough of vitamins and minerals to live healthy and well, responding to the needs of and demands made on the body.

-Lack or loss of the proteins and B-vitamins have to be balanced to ensure good nutrition.

-If you are ill, nursing, pregnant, it is not the time for a detoxification! Throughout these types of processes you might end up feeling sluggish, or sleepy.

-You should also make it a top priority to ensure that you take good care of your body BEFORE, DURING, AND AFTER THE DETOX, CLEAN, CLEAR AND CLEANSE!

Here are some more healthy DETOX tips to ensure results and success:

-maintain proper nutrition

-follow a balanced dietary program

-eat MORE whole foods from all food groups

-Consider all the elements of a healthy diet and stick to them

-Understand and support, following the basics of healthy and nutritional eating

-get all of your vitamins from food and supplements to address your needs

-Ensure balance, variety and moderation in your diet, exercise and lifestyle

-Variety in your diet is important in all stages of detox. Pick from natural bread and other whole-grain products; such as fruits; vegetables; dairy products; and meat, poultry, fish and other protein foods. Fiber-intake and hydration is still extremely important.

-Weight maintenance, control, and even loss if required also needs attention.

-More, smaller, healthier meals, more often, smaller portions, taken regularly to keep your blood sugar stable and your metabolism ticking!

-Do not skip meals, get hungry, thirsty or suppress/deny your appetite.

-Cut salt, sugar, starch, and refined foods from your diet.

-Also, fats and fried foods have togoand be cut from your palette, menu and plate!

-Low-fat products and lean proteins are good. Enable yourself, setting up for success in all your dieting, nutritional, lifestyle changes and even detox. Know what to expect and prepare for it.

-Make better choices for your vitality, balance, well-being and even longevity.

-Engage in activities and habits that promote good health and reduce risk for major chronic diseases.

- Weight maintenance

- Exercise

- ZERO trans-fats, less saturated fats

- Less salt, sugar, refined flours and processed foods

- opt regularly for lean, low-fat, or fat-free.

- Drink three glasses of low-fat milk and hydrate with lots of water

While you are following a detox, many dietary type advice is also given to optimize your results. You can pay close attention to what you eat and put into your mouth, also and especially AFTER DETOX:

Whole Grain Foods



-whole-wheat bread, brown rice, multi-grain pasta

-Easier to digest

-Manage hunger, keep blood sugar in check

Plant, vegetable and healthier fats/oils.

-olive, canola, soy, corn, sunflower, peanut, and other vegetable oils

-fatty fish, salmon

-healthy fats

-good for your heart and fights build up and clogs in your arterial walls, plaque and calcification of the heart/arteries

Vegetables and Fruits.

-Protective qualities and contributions against heart attack or stroke, cancer;

-lowers blood pressure; fights intestinal problems

-natural sources of sugar and fiber

Fish, Poultry, and Eggs.

-Protein sources, fish


-Protect you against disease

-Lean meats are better like chicken and turkey

-Preferred meats are low in saturated fat

-Eggs make for a great breakfast – still the most nutritious and important meal of the day

Nuts and Legumes.

-protein, fiber, vitamins, and minerals

-choose from black beans, navy beans, garbanzos, and other beans


-source of healthy fats and oils

Dairy or Calcium Supplement.

-Building and keeping strong bones are a top priority

-vitamin D and exercise

-calcium source

-cheese in moderation (as it is higher on the fats scale)

Red Meat and real Butter

-Too much fats and meats are not healthy

-Source of cholesterol

-Vegetable oils are better

Refined foods, flours, starches and candy/sugars

-AVOID White Rice, Bread, Potatoes, Pasta, and Sweets

-Surges in blood sugar

-Weight, diabetes and heart disease

Multiple Vitamin

-Daily supplement, full-spectrum, slow release

-Fill nutritional shortfalls and holes in your diet and intake that you are not getting naturally or from the foods you eat, not eating enough, diet or detox etc.

There are many things we take in from our environment that can be harmful , not so good, even toxic to us. We try our BEST to avoid them at all times.

Very few of us are aware or conscious of some of the things that surround us, we use, wear, are in our home and in the places we frequent, that can put us at risk – this includes the foods we eat, the supplements we take, what we drink etc.

There are different methods, levels and intensity, durations and processes for/of detoxifying

Supplements, the right foods, exercise can all help you optimize DETOX

There are many diet and nutritional plans that may actually help you with your detox, before or after. They help you stick towhatever your action plan is and make the

lifestyle changes that are necessary to optimize and maximize the benefits that you get from detoxification (DETOX).

Mediterranean diet

-ENJOY all and everything in moderation, including butter and pasta

-base principle is keep it simple using basic ingredients, like tomatoes and olive oil

-easy to plan menus and prepare the dishes – fitting even the busiest of lifestyles

-eating more of some foods, less of others

-low carb


-moderate consumption of alcohol and even cooking with wine is allowed and encouraged for optimal health and longevity

-recipes and culinary delights abound

-reduces high cholesterol levels effectively

-some call it the heart-healthy diet

-Click here to learn more about the Mediterranean diet

The South Beach Diet

-Gaining fast in popularity combined with detox plans or following right after

-It also includes lots of daily servings of fruit, vegetables and whole grains, nuts and healthy oils

-It builds a lifestyle that you can sustain and keep healthy throughout your life

-It is about making better choices about food

-It is different from the Atkins diet

-Not really low-carb or low-fat

-Rapid weight loss in the first two weeks is quite commonplace

-Starving yourself will actually have you gaining weight

-When losing weight and staying heart healthy matters, this is the plan for you

-You are not necessarily depriving yourself of foods you love, just eating differently and less, reintroducing the right foods back into your diet as you go along and getting rid of the bad habits along the way!

Here are some general tips for diet, weight loss and eating healthier, detox- follow-up and nutritional advice:

-Healthy (not fast), safe weight loss that you can sustain is best.

-Try and work for a holistic approach advocating an all-round healthy balanced diet.

-Include all food-groups

-Hydrate – drinks lot of water

-Keep the portions small and more meals more frequently to get and keep your metabolism engine revving!

-Pick foods that you already like to eat will increase your chance of sticking with the plan and staying motivated.

Much can be said about cleansing routines, flushing techniques and DETOX.

When you do opt to use these detoxification techniques and processes you can be well on your way to a holistic healing and well-being solution and action plan for yourself that can make all the difference. You will feel better, refreshed and in-balance. If done right, it can be extremely effective.

If for whatever reason medications, diet, exercise, yoga, and everything else you have tried your hand at was disappointing, yielding no results, even failed, then clean, clear and cleansing techniques and processes like these discussed here might work for you. You can even strengthen your immunity in the process. You can keep your arteries and heart healthy

You can keep unnatural chemicals, additives and irritants out of your body by choice organic toxins and inorganic chemicals can be banned from your skin, tissues, bloodstream and organs through purging the system of them, trace elements, build-up and toxicity that might actually be making you really ill, causing diseases that you are not even aware of yet

Rid your body of potential and lingering problems

Exposure happens quickly and combined over time to affect your whole body and its parts.

When your natural processes and organs cannot or no longer deal effectively with dispelling waste, harmful toxins from your system, it might need a boost or help from you, both from outside in and inside out – the onus is on you to cleanse your system of these toxins and build up. There are various ways in which and how you can do this. Make it a top priority to regularly, or at least once, remove, expel and get rid of these toxic chemicals as well as other toxins in your body.

It can occur anywhere in and on the body. Your intestines, organs, arteries, senses, even brain and heart can all absorb harmful elements, poisonous compounds, toxins (by choice or by accident, once off or prolonged exposure), small to moderate to severe exposure and concentrations with adverse effects, now, tomorrow and even in the future, affecting your longer-term health and well-being.

Here are some other negative effects DETOX can spare you and protect you from:


-hyper secretion of mucus

-imbalance in bacteria and fungus

-microscopic ulcerations

-pH imbalances

-liver and kidney difficulty, malfunction, breakdown or failure

and many other health related issues and problems, even disease, putting you at increased risk over time.

You can opt for a systematic, gradual removal of toxic substances from the body and intervention will be necessary to effectively RID YOUR BODY OF THESE TOXINS FOR GOOD! It cannot just be left up to random change. You cannot, should not and dare not gamble with your health – you just get one edition of that!

There are numerous studies on detox that proves that it gives your body and your health a fighting chance, boost and even enables healing and recovery BETTER!


BUT, how would you know which DETOX is BEST FOR YOU, when and where to do it?

The answer is probably as unique as individuals and their case! Yet, here are some general guidelines that might put you on the right track finding a solution for you:

-Practically work out what you need and want to achieve

-Consult your doctor, detox-specialist, identify and discuss your need, plan and select a detox routine, process, technique and regimen that works and will make a difference for you

-Ensure that you are healthy, not nursing, pregnant, extremely tired and do not have to function full-tilt and can afford to give your body some time to get back to its natural balanced state, get rid of the toxins as the processes involved might have some ‘side-effects’ considered natural and part of the normal process!

-Whom you are, where you are in your life, schedule, career, personal life and more might affect your preparation, detox process and follow-up. Choose some detox method that you know will bring about change and results

-Naturopaths and holistic healers, medical and well-being practitioners will all be able to assist you in this process – YOU DO NOT HAVE TO TAKE THE JOURNEY ALONE.

-Cleansing, cleaning and clearing, flushing and DETOX takes planning, timing, persistence and discipline.

-If at any time during, or even after your DETOX you experience difficulty or discomfort, stop and consult your physician immediately. Each area of your body will require special attention as well as your whole health, which is reflective of you being so much more dynamic than the mere sum of your difference parts. There are different cleanses and routines recommended for different parts of your body like skin, liver, lymph, nervous system, heart, lungs, kidneys, stomach, bladder and other.

-You can choose one general one or take them one at a time to ensure success and results that address the concerns and issues that you might have effectively, affordably and reliably.

-Resting and allowing your body, mind and soul to reload, replenish, restore is essential too! Also, have periods of non-cleansing, just enjoying life and not necessarily undoing all the good you did, but not obsessively purge, flush etc. making your whole life center and surround it! It is unnatural, unhealthy and not necessary to maintain a healthy living balanced life.

Different people might have different sensitivities and responses to DETOX. Here are some of the symptoms, discomforts and/or things to be on the look out for as you move through these detoxification and cleansing routines:

-Dry mouth

-Emotional irritability





-Loss of appetite

-Low energy

-No interest in sexual relations or intimacy

-other aches and pains

-Skin eruptions

-Temporary constipation or diarrhea

-Temporary stopping of menstruation or missed periods

-Tight muscles


Some would recommend you start with something simple like a colonic cleanse or enema, getting the liver to work better and dump all the toxins in your body OUT, FOR ONCE! Activated charcoal can clear the GI tract with varying degrees of efficiency for individuals as it binds and absorbs the harmful elements and your body excretes and gets rid of it. Powder, capsules or tablets are available for this purpose. Bentonite clay, hydration and supplements, comprehensive foods additions to your diet are great ways to accomplish lots in a short period.

You will see short-term results, but rest assured the work continues from the inside out long after these initial detox days have passed. You will reap the benefit for days, weeks and years to come, if done right and effectively, for the right reasons!

To optimize your chances at successfully DETOXIFYING YOUR BODY

-Plan and prepare well

-Spend some time, attention and effort on getting the Food and Nutrition aspect of your diet, habit and life ready, real and HEALTHY!

-Focus on your overall well-being, doing the DETOX for the right reasons, Enhancing, enjoying and ensuring your quality of life, taking issues with nurturing yourself regularly as a top priority! (we normally take it for granted or do  not pay any attention to  it at all – find some middle ground!)

-Accept yourself and your body, loving what you see and making the most of what nature has given, has to offer and will continue to provide you, tapping into those reserves and bio-chemical strengths that you have, your body’s natural ability to heal itself for example is under-rated and under-estimated!

-In your life, environment, products, purchases, personal and body care products, foods, home and work life and environments, pay some closer attention to and considering MORE the presence and avoidance of toxic substances. Focus on your overall health and well-being as well, exercise, eating healthy, drinking lots of water, supplementing, natural foods, balanced diet, activity you enjoy, maybe even some yoga and/or breathing exercises to keep you on the fast and inside track to continued DETOX success!


-Collaborate with an expert! DO NOT GO THE JOURNEY

ALONE. Educate and empower yourself with knowledge, skill, know how and how to’s to detox successfully. Have a plan of action and prepare your body for what lies ahead.

-You can even try and select a holistic healing practitioner or wellness partner who is experienced with detoxification techniques

-Review and evaluate your reasons, rationale, need and timing for your detox and cleansing processes.

-Be realistic in your expectations about detox and do not expect instant miracle cures!

-Pick the technique of detox that works best for you and your situation. Just because it works for someone else, does not necessarily mean that it will work for you. There are no guarantees.

-Schedule time for your detox and be aware of the symptoms that you might develop and things to do during this time, what to do in case of discomfort or feeling lousy!

-Make sure you have support throughout the process

-Allow yourself some rest and relaxation in-between and after a detox or purge.

-Sustain your results over time, strengthen your body and live well! Those are the real outcomes and measures of success for DETOX with a difference.

There are also many other things you can change/alter, adjust or avoid in your life and lifestyle, choices and habits:

-Chlorinated water – use less

-Eating too quickly, on the run, poor digestion of food from various causes and/or poor elimination of waste products, being irregular not advisable.

-Exposure to different forms of radiation (i.e., x-rays, electromagnetic and more) should be cut down to the minimum

-Over-stressed, taking too much steroids and NSAIDS can kills off healthy bacteria in the body

-Over-use of antibiotics lessening your natural responses and resilience

-Unhealthy diet, not enough fiber and liquid (water) in your diet, gas and indigestion, types of food you eat should be changed to be more healthy, varied, natural and balanced, from all food groups to ensure optimal health and well- being.

There are many places in and throughout the body where you can focus your detoxification efforts and attention. Here are just some of them:

-Gastrointestinal - liver, gallbladder, colon, and the entire GI tract

-Lymphatic - lymph channels and lymph nodes

-Respiratory - lungs, bronchial tubes, throat, sinuses, and nose

-Skin and dermal- sweat and sebaceous glands and tears

-Urinary - kidneys, bladder, and urethra

The following diets, nutritional and eating plans can be classified and described as potential detoxifying-friendly diets.

-Diuretic Diet - Using natural diuretics to alleviate fluid retention.

-Fat Flush Diet - Popular 3 phase diet plan

-Lemonade Diet - The Master Cleanser Diet

-Liquid Diets - Liquid or Juice-only diets, short- term detox programs and initiatives

-Liver Cleansing Diet - focused in on liver function, health and disease

-Raw Food Diet - A generic diet advocating consumption of raw, uncooked food only.

When you do decide to DETOX, ask yourself the following questions:


-Medical condition

-Reason for detox

-Method to follow

-Activity and fitness level


-Any diseases, illnesses or immune disorders

-Nursing or pregnant

Answers to these initial questions will help you BETTER assess the most appropriate level of detoxification that might work its magic for you.

Fasting, moderate, blitz, improving digestion and cleansing, flushing of one, more or all of your system(s) and body of harmful toxin build-up, all the way up to supervised clinical detox.

Taking control of your environment both inside and out and outside in, will help you better live, healthier, longer, more in-balance and toxin-free! Improving your well-being and even potentially your longevity and quality of life. DETOX can make a difference if done right.

Detoxification and Healing: The Key to Optimal Health by Sidney McDonald Baker, M.D. Keats Publishing, 1997, is a wonderful publication if you are interested in learning more about how the body deals with waste and toxins and how to effectively tap into these natural processes, boost them and GET RID OF THEM FOR GOOD! The bio- technicalities and promise of bio-chemistry and what nature can bring to the table to cleanse our bodies properly needs to be better understood and used in our daily lives, where these world meets environment. They are both aspects of the same reality.

For the most part, there are reasons behind illnesses and weakness, symptoms and imbalances in the body manifesting itself in disease and discomforts. Immunology and Biology are closely linked where we as humans are concerned and we need to understand these fundamentals, how they work and function, how to get them at and on their best behavior, peak performance – to tap into them effectively for healing, balanced and longer , better, healthier living all-round!

There are many faces and iterations, forms and processed to DETOXIFICATION.

Some, any or all of the following might be at play and considered, at work and even interacting, complementing and supporting the overall process, outcome, success and results, level of efficiency :

-improving the body’s overall abilities to handle toxic substances and harmful elements

-applying to  BOTH elements from within and without metabolic and/or environmental,

-strengthen immune and other internal organs and system

-protecting the body and health

-Avoiding toxins

-Mastering on-going and improved detoxification processes

-improving and/or protecting healing, health and well-being

-Totally avoiding all harmful or potential allergens or toxins might not be realistic or even possible, healthy or feasible and should NOT become and obsession of sorts

-Healthy eating, balanced living and good nutrition, supplementing, activity and exercise are all part of this recipe and equation for success As we continue to learn about refining and improving efficient detoxification mechanisms, we make it a priority to holistically and deliberately work on our health and well-being, NOT JUST FOCUS ON TOXINS AND GETTING RID OF THEM.

-Individualized supplementation, diet and choice also matter

-Optimal and peak performance will have different meanings for different people and NO TWO DETOX processes and procedures will be the same for any individual!

Explore different avenues and channels, processes, procedures of detoxification, finding the one or combination therapies and strategies that addresses your needs and situation(s), target, goals, purpose, direction and desires BEST/MOST:

-Allergy Extracts, Herbs and Chelation

-Baths, Saunas and Hydrotherapy


-Charcoal Therapy

-Compresses, Poultices and Packs

-Diet and Nutrition

-Exercise and Bodywork

-Organ and system, cleaning, clearing and cleansing such as the liver, colon, gall bladder and many more

-Oxygen Therapy


Medical procedures and how they affect and enable, necessitate and/or hinder or help detoxification, might also need closer consideration and contemplation in the future. For example procedures and processes that involve any, some or all of the following:


-Radiation Treatment




-Dental Work

… and many others. WE need to find comprehensive, holistic, natural processes enhanced and customized to suit your OWN need and specific body, condition, health and targets, comfort level and perspective(s), for DETOX to be MOST successful. That in a sense is the essence here. Despite myriads of published, online sources, people are still looking for answers, quick fixes, solutions that work, things to do and implement, in order to change their situations, condition, health, well-being, environment and live healthier, longer lives.

The news and headline is not new: we can make a difference with DETOX! The how is quite different. WE NEED A DETOX PLAN, prepare and plan for its success, work for results (they will not just happen, by random chance or luck!) , it is NOT about weight loss primarily, it can and should be practical and easy to do for anyone! (if deemed appropriate and necessary). Strengthening your body, systems (immune system), using your human systems equilibrium and balance as you should, bio-chemistry in your favor and creating a healthier environment in and around it to interact, be and exist in is key!

Ending this section with a piece of advice from a recognized expert in the field from detoxification seems appropriate:

"Dramatic cleansing reactions, although some people swear by them, are not necessarily desirable, for in the case of serious illness or exposure to toxic chemicals, the liver and other organs of detoxification and elimination are overworked. In extreme cases, sudden detoxification can be fatal. People who are young, healthy, active, health-conscious