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shown to have a stimulatory effect on malignant liver tissue. 6,15,16,10,17




Meschino Health Comprehensive Guide to Herbs

5. Competitive Binding with Some Toxins: Silymarin appears to compete with amanita phalloides – based toxins (from

toadstool (deathcap) mushrooms) for a receptor on the cell membrane. Under experimented conditions, silymarin

prevents death in animals exposed to these very lethal liver toxins when given prior to the amanita phalloides

toxins, or within 10 minutes after exposure to these toxins. 10,7,8,18

6. Increased Superoxide Dismutase Concentrations: Silymarin has been shown to increase the concentrations of

superoxide dismutase – a very powerful intracellular antioxidant, which quenches the superoxide anion (a very










Clinical Applications: (Primarily The Treatment of Various Liver Conditions)

1. Cirrhosis: Patients with liver damage due to excess alcohol consumption have shown improvement in laboratory,

and liver biopsy assessment after silymarin treatment. Another study revealed improved survival in patients with

cirrhosis who were treated with silymarin versus placebo, in a 4-year study involving 87 patients. 20,21,22 A double-

blind, placebo-controlled study involving 106 Finnish soldiers with alcoholic liver disease revealed that treatment

with Milk Thistle produced improvement in regards to a reduction in liver enzyme blood levels and histological

improvement of liver cells, as evidenced by liver biopsy samples in 29 subjects. 49 Two other studies have provided

similar evidence 50, 51, although not all studies performed to date have demonstrated these types of positive results

in alcoholic liver disease. 52,53

2. Chronic Viral Hepatitis and Acute Hepatitis: Most, but not all, studies have shown the effectiveness of silymarin in

treating both acute and chronic hepatitis. 10,23,24,47 In the majority of these studies improvement in bilirubin levels

and liver serum enzymes have been documented, and a reduction in abdominal discomfort, fatigue, and improved

appetite have been reported in patients treated with silymarin. To date the majority of successful clinical trials have

administered silymarin intravenously (I.V.) and therefore, the applicability of these findings to the oral ingestion of

silymarin is not completely known. 10,23,24,25 However, one recently completed, well-designed clinical trial showed

that the oral intake of Milk Thistle (yielding 240 mg per day) decreased blood levels of AST, ALT, and gamma-

glutamyltransferase (GGT) in a study of 20 patients with chronic viral hepatitis. These are all known to be important

liver enzyme blood tests that are highly correlated with the degree of liver damage. 23

3. Protection from Chemical Toxins: Animal studies reveal that Milk Thistle extract protects the liver from a variety of

toxins including alpha-amanitin and phalloidin (both from the extremely poisonous Deathcap or Toadstool

mushroom), carbon tetrachloride, thioacetamide, DL-ethionine, phenothiazines acetaminophen and ethanol



Several human studies have shown that silymarin can reverse certain instances of liver damage induced by alcohol

consumption (treated subjects demonstrated improved values for amino transferase (AST) and alanine

aminotransferase (ALT) in blood testing). There was also a trend in the concentrations of total and conjugated












Another study with patients taking the psychotropic drugs phenothiazines or butyrophenones, demonstrated that

silymarin decreased liver damage induced by these drugs and decreased serum levels of malondialdehyde (MDA),

which is a biomarker for the production of free radicals. 31 However, a study examining the protective role of Milk

Thistle in Alzheimer’s patients taking the drug tacrine, failed to show that Milk Thistle could prevent the liver

inflammation that is known to be a side effect of this medication. 54

4. Enhance Detoxification: For general support of liver detoxification in anti-aging medicine silymarin has been shown

to significantly increase liver concentrations of glutathione, increase solubility of bile and provides additional

antioxidant support to liver cells. As such, it is recommended by anti-aging and holistic practitioners as supplement

that may help to slow the biological processes of aging and exert a number of health-promoting effects that are

consistent with principles of disease prevention practices. 10,32,11,12




Meschino Health Comprehensive Guide to Herbs

5. Psoriasis: A number of reports suggest that silymarin may be of value in the treatment of psoriasis, likely due to its

ability to inhibit the synthesis of pro-inflammatory leukotrienes and improve the liver’s capacity to detoxify foreign

compounds and contaminants. Some evidence suggests that certain bioactive agents absorbed in the intestinal

tract, that escape detoxification by the liver and intestinal mucosal cells, may trigger inflammatory reactions

involved in the exacerbation of skin conditions, such as psoriasis. 33,34 This application, however, requires further

substantiation, according to certain authorities. 47

6. Sluggish Liver or Minor Hepatic Insufficiency: This term is usually used by European physicians and American

Naturopaths to describe a myriad of symptoms involving aching beneath the ribs, fatigue, unhealthy skin

appearance, general malaise, constipation, allergies, premenstrual syndrome, and/or chemical sensitivities, for

which Milk Thistle has been recommended. 55

Dosage and Standardized Grade

Most Milk Thistle products are standardized to 70 to 80 percent silymarin content. Thus, a 200 mg (70% silymarin

extract) tablet contains 140 mg of silymarin. 35,36, 46, 47,48

a. Liver Conditions: for the liver conditions mentioned above a dosage of 140 mg of silymarin, three times daily is

often used. 30, 46,47,48 After 8-12 weeks improvement should occur, allowing a reduction to 140 mg twice per day.


b. Psoriasis: 140 mg of silymarin, three times daily. 34

c. Therapeutic Detoxification Support: 140 mg of silymarin, twice daily. 38

Adverse Side Effects, Toxicity and Contraindications

Milk Thistle is extremely non-toxic and side effects are rare. It increases bile flow and thus, may cause mild diarrhea in

some individuals. 39,40,41 A study of 2,637 subjects reported in 1992 showed a low incidence of side effects, limited

mainly to mild gastrointestinal disturbance. On rare occasions more severe abdominal discomfort has occurred. 56,57

Drug-Nutrient Interactions

There are no known adverse drug interactions reported for milk thistle. However, as it stimulates liver detoxification

pathways it may potentially speed up the metabolism of some drugs. Thus, practitioners should closely monitor

patients on concurrent medications. 42,43,44,45

Milk Thistle may reduce the liver damage or side effects of certain medications, and thus its concurrent administration

with the following medications may be advisable:












Meschino Health Comprehensive Guide to Herbs

Pregnancy and Lactation

During pregnancy and lactation, the only supplements that are considered safe include standard prenatal

vitamin and mineral supplements. All other supplements or dose alterations may pose a threat to the

developing fetus and there is generally insufficient evidence at this time to determine an absolute level of

safety for most dietary supplements other than a prenatal supplement. Any supplementation practices

beyond a prenatal supplement should involve the cooperation of the attending physician (e.g., magnesium

and the treatment of preeclampsia.)

References: Pregnancy and Lactation

1. Encyclopedia of Nutritional Supplements. Murray M. Prima Publishing 1998.

2. Reavley NM. The New Encyclopedia of Vitamins, Minerals, Supplements, and Herbs. Evans and

Company Inc. 1998.

3. The Healing Power of Herbs (2nd edition). Murray M. Prima Publishing 1995.

4. Boon H and Smith M. Health Care Professional Training Program in Complementary Medicine.

Institute of Applied Complementary Medicine Inc. 1997.

1. Foster S. Milk Thistle. Silybum marianum. Houston, TX: American Botanical Council;1997:p7

2. Awang D. Milk thistle. Can Pharm J 1993;422:403-4

3. Wagner H. Antihepatotoxic flavonoids. Plant Flavonoids in Biology and Medicine: Biochemical, Pharmacological, and Sturcture-

Activity Relationships (Cody V, Middleton E, Harbourne jV, eds.) Alan R. Liss, New York 1986:p545-58

4. Adzet T. Polyphenolic compounds with biological and pharmacological activity. Herbs Spices Med Plants 1986;1:167-84

5. Hikino H, Kiso Y, Wagner H, Fiebig. Antihepatotoxic actions of flavanolignans from silybum marianum fruits. Planta Medica


6. Wagner H. Plant constituents with antihepatotoxic activity. Natural Products as Medicinal Agents (Beal JL and Reinhard E, eds.)

Hippokrates-Verlag, Stuttgart, Germany 1981

7. Vogel G et al. Protection against Amanita phalloides intoxication in beagles. Toxicol appl Pharm 1984;73:355-62

8. Vogel G et al. Studies on pharmacodynamics, site and mechanism of action of silymarin, the anti-hepatotoxic principle from Silybum

marianum (L.) Gaert. Arzneimittel-Forsch 1975;25:179-85

9. Valenzuela A et al. Silymarin protection against hepatic lipid peroxidation induced by acute ethanol intoxication in the rat. Biochem

Pharm 1985;34:2209-12

10. Hikino H, Kiso Y. Natural products for liver diseases. Economic and Medicinal Plant Research 1988;2:39-72

11. Valenzuela A, Aspillaga M, Vial S, Guerra R. Selectivity of silymarin on the increase of the glutathione content in different tissues of

the rat. Planta Medica 1989;55:420-2

12. Campos R, Garrido A, Guerra R, Valenzuela A. Silybin dihemisuccinate protects against gluta thione depletion and lipid peroxisation

induced by acetaminophen in rat liver. Planta Medica 1989;55:417-9

13. Fiebrich F, Koch H. Silymarin, an inhibitor of prostaglandin synthetase. Experientia 1979;35:148-50

14. Fiebrich F, Koch H. Silymarin, an inhibitor of prostaglandin synthetase. Experientia 1979;35:150-2

15. Sonnenbichler J et al. Stimulatory effect of silibinin on the DNA synthesis in partially hepatectomized rat livers: Non-response in

hepatoma and othr malignant cell lines. Biochem Pharm 1986;35:538-41

16. Sonnenbichler J, Zetl I. Biochemical effects of the flavonolignan silibinin on RNA, protein and DNA synthesis in rat livers. Plant

Flavonoids in Biology and Medicine: Biochemical, Pharmacological, and Structure–Activity Relationships (Cody V, Middleton E, and

Harbourne JB, eds.) Alan R. Liss, New York 1986:319-31

17. Magliulo P, Carosi G, Minoli L, Gorini S. Studies on the regenerative capacity of the liver in rats subjected to partial hepatectomy and

treated with silymarin. Arzneimittelforschung 1973;23:161-7

18. Desplaces A et al. The effects of silymarin on experimental phalloidin poisoning. Arzneimittel-Forsch 1975;25:89-96




Meschino Health Comprehensive Guide to Herbs

19. Muzes G, Deak G, Land I et al. Effect of the bioflavonoid silymarin on the in vitro activity and expression of superoxide dismutase

(SOD) enzyme. Acta Physiologica Hungarica 1991;78(1):3-9

20. Schopen RD, Lange OK: Therapy of hepatoses, Therapeutic use of silymarin. Med Welt 1970;21:691-8

21. Ferenci P et al. Randomized controlled trial of silymarin treatment in patients with cirrhyosis of the liver. J Hepatol 1989;9:105-13

22. Deak G et al. Immunomodulator effect of silymarin therapy in chronic alcoholic liver diseases. Orv Hetil 1990;131:p1291-2 p1295-6

23. Buzzelli G, Moscarella S, Giusti A et al. A pilot study on the liver protective effect of silybin-phosphatidylcholine complex (IdB1016) in

chronic active hepatitis. International Journal of Clinical Pharmacology Tehrapy and Toxicology 1993;31(9):456060

24. Lirussi F, Okolicsanyi L. Cytoprotection in the nineties: Experience with ursodeoxycholic acid and silymarin in chronic liver disease.

Acta Physiologica Hungarica 1992;80(1-4):363-7

25. Berenguer J et al. Double-blind trial of silymarin versus placebo in the tratment of chronic hepatitis. Muench Med Wochenschr


26. Weiss RF. Herbal Medicine. Gothenburg, Sweden: Ab Areanum 1988:362

27. Hruby C. Silibinin in the treatment of deathcap fungus poisoning. Forum 1984;6:23-6

28. Faulstich II, Jahn W, Wieland T. Silybin inhibition of amatoxin uptake in the perfused rat liver. Arzneimittelforshung 1980;30(1):452-4

29. Tuchweber B, Sieck R, Trost w. Prevention of silybin of phalloidin-induced acute hepatotoxicity. Toxicology and Applied

Pharmacology 1979;51:265-75

30. Salami HA, Sarna S. Effect of silymarin on chemical, functional and morphological alterations of the liver. Scandinavian Journal of

Gastroenterology 1982;17:517-21

31. Palasciano G, Portincasa P, Palmieri V et al. The effect of silymarin on plasma levels of malondialdehyde in patients receiving long-

term treatment with psychotropic drugs. Current Therapeutic Research 1994;55(5)537-45

32. Nassauto G et al. Effect of silibinin on biliary lipid composition. Experimental and clinical study. J Hepatal 1991;12:290-95

33. Kock HP et al. Silymarin: Potent inhibitor of cyclic AMP phosphodiesterase. Meth Find Exp Clin Pharm 1985;7:409-13

34. Weber G et al. The liver, a therapeutic target in dermatoses. Med Welt 1983;34:108-11

35. Blumenthal M, Brusse WR, Goldber A et al. The Complete German Commission E Monographs. Austin, TX: American Botanical

Council 1998:p685

36. Health care professional training program in complementary medicine. Boon H and Smith M. Institute of Applied Complementary

Medicine Inc. 1997:241-5

37. Wagner H et al. The chemistry of silymarin (silybin), the active principle of the fruits of silybum marianum (L.). Gaertn Arzneim-

Forsch Drug Res 1968;18:688-96

38. Brown DJ. Herbal Prescriptions for Better Health. Rocklin, CA:Prima Publishing 1996:151-8

39. Murray MT. The Healing Power of herbs. Rocklin, CA:Prima Publishing 1992:p246

40. Brown D. Silymarin educational monograph. Townsend Newsletter for Doctors 1994;136:1282-5

41. Tyler VE. Herbs of Choice. The Therapeutic Use of Phytomedicinals. Binghamton, NY: Pharmaceutical Products Press 1994:p209

42. The Botanical Pharmacy. Quarry Health Books2000. Boon H and Smith M:250-4

43. Beckmann-Knopp S, Rietbrock S, Weyhenmeyer R et al. Inhibitory effects of silibinin on cytochrome P-450 enzymes in human liver

microsomes. Pharmacol Toxicol Jun2000;86(6):2506

44. Venkataramanan R, Ramachandran V, Komoroski BJ et al. Milk Thistle, a herbal supplement, drecreases the activity of CYP3A4 and

uridine disphosphoglucuronosyl transferase in human hepatocyte cultures. Drug Metab Dispos Nov2000;28(11):1270-3

45. Zhao J et al. Tissue distribution of silibinin, the major active constituent of silymarin, in mice and its association with enhancement of

phase II enzymes: Implications in cancer chemoprevention. Carcinogenesis Nov1999;20(11):2101-8

46. Healthnotes Online. Healthnotes Inc, 2000. Milk Thistle

47. Natural Products Encyclopedia. Milk Thistle

48. Dietary Supplement Information Bureau. Thistle

49. Salmi HA, Sarna S. Effect of silymarin on chemical, functional and morphological alterations of the liver. A double-blind controlled

study. Scand J Gastroenterol 1982;17:517-21

50. Feher J, Desk G, Muzes G et al. Liver protective action of silymarin therapy in chronic alcoholic liver diseases [in Hungarian]. Orv

hetil 1989;130:2723-7

51. Fintelmann V, Albert A. Proof of the therapeutic efficacy of LegalonW for toxic liver illnesses in a double-blind trial [translated from

German]. Therapiewoche 1980;30:5589-94

52. Trinchet JC, Coste T, Levy VG et al. Treatment of alcoholic hepatitis with silymarin. A double-blind comparative study in 116 patients

[translated from French]. Gastroenterol Clin Biol 1989;13:120-4

53. Bunout D, Hirsch SB, Petermann MT et al. Controlled study of the effect of silymarin on alcoholic liver disease [translated from

Spainch]. Rev Med Chil 1992;120:1370-5




Meschino Health Comprehensive Guide to Herbs

54. Allain H, Schuck S, lebreton S et al. Aminotransferase levels and silymarin in de novo tacrine-treated patients with Alzheimer’s

disease. Dement Geriatr Cogn Disord 1999;10:181-5

55. Giannola C, Buogo F, Forestiere G et al. A two-center study on the effects of silymarin in pregnant women and adult patients with

so-called minor hepatic insufficiency [in Italian]. Clin Ther 1985;114:129-35

56. Albrecht M, Frerick H, Kuhn U et al. Therapy of toxic liver pathologies with Legalon [in German]. Z Klin Med 1992;47:87-92

57. Adverse Drug Reactions Advisory Committee. An adverse reaction to the herbal medication in milk thistle (Silybum marianum). Med

J Aust 1999;170:218-9




Meschino Health Comprehensive Guide to Herbs

Muira Puama ( Potency Wood)

General Features

This is one of the best-known herbs for treating erectile dysfunction and is used to enhance libido in both men and

women. This shrub, native to Brazil, has been used traditionally as an aphrodisiac and nerve-stimulant in South

American folk medicine.1 The British Herbal Pharmacopoeia recommends this herb in the treatment of impotence. 4

Principle Active Constituents


Clinical Application and Mechanism of Action

1. Erectile Dysfunction

A 1990 study conducted at the Institute of Sexology in Paris, France, demonstrated that 62 percent of men re-

awakened their libido and 51 percent of men reversed erectile failure problems in 262 subjects, who initially

complained of lack of sexual desire and inability to attain or maintain an erection. Results occurred within two

weeks of beginning therapy with Muira Puama supplementation, at a daily dosage of 1000-1500 mg per day. 2

2. Female Libido Enhancement

A unique blend of Muira Puama combined with Ginkgo Biloba (herbal VX) was assessed in 202 healthy women

complaining of low sex drive. After one month of treatment with Herbal VX, 65 percent of women reported statistically

significant improvements in frequency of sexual desires, sexual intercourse, and sexual fantasies, as well as in

satisfaction with sex life, intensity of sexual desires, excitement of fantasies, ability to reach orgasm, and intensity of

orgasm. A double-blind study is planned to further substantiate these results.3

Dosage and Standardized Grade

Erectile Dysfunction – 1000 – 1500 mg per day, in divided doses, if used as a single agent (Standardized to 6:1 extract

from Muira Puama root). 2

Adverse Side Effects, Toxicity and Contraindications

Muira Puama is well tolerated and no significant side effects have been noted. 1,2,3 Muira Puama is reported to be

non-toxic at therapeutic doses. 4

Drug-Nutrient Interactions

There are no well-known drug-nutrient interactions for Muira Puama at this time. 1,4




Meschino Health Comprehensive Guide to Herbs

Pregnancy and Lactation

During pregnancy and lactation, the only supplements that are considered safe include standard prenatal

vitamin and mineral supplements. All other supplements or dose alterations may pose a threat to the

developing fetus and there is generally insufficient evidence at this time to determine an absolute level of

safety for most dietary supplements other than a prenatal supplement. Any supplementation practices

beyond a prenatal supplement should involve the cooperation of the attending physician (e.g., magnesium

and the treatment of preeclampsia.)

References: Pregnancy and Lactation

1. Encyclopedia of Nutritional Supplements. Murray M. Prima Publishing 1998.

2. Reavley NM. The New Encyclopedia of Vitamins, Minerals, Supplements, and Herbs. Evans and

Company Inc. 1998.

3. The Healing Power of Herbs (2nd edition). Murray M. Prima Publishing 1995.

4. Boon H and Smith M. Health Care Professional Training Program in Complementary Medicine.

Institute of Applied Complementary Medicine Inc. 1997.

1. Duke JA. Handbook of Medicinal Herbs (Boca Raton: CRC Press) 1985

2. Wyanberg J. Aphrodisiacs: Contribution to the clinical validation and use of ptychopetalum guyanna (murira puama) –

presented at The First International Congress on Ethnopharmacology. Strasber, France June 5-9, 1990

3. Waynberg J, Brewer S. Effects of herbal VX on libido and sexual activity in premenopausal and postmenopausal

women. Adv Ther 2000;17(5):255-62

4. British Herbal Pharmacopoeia. British Herbal Medicine Association. West York, England, 1983:132-133




Meschino Health Comprehensive Guide to Herbs


General Features

Picrorhiza is a perennial plant, whose roots and rhizomes have been used for thousands of years in Indian traditional

medicine. It grows high in the Himalayan mountains. 1,2 Picrorhiza’s most important use is in the treatment and

prevention of liver conditions, whereby man