Comprehensive Guide to Minerals by Dr. James Meschino - HTML preview

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53. 1 Keen CL, Zidenberg-cherr S. Manganese. In: Present Knowledge in Nutrition, 6th ed. Brown ML, editor. Washington, DC:

International Life Sciences Institute; 1990.

54. 1 de Rosa G, Keen CL, Leach RM, Hurley LS. Regulation of superoxide dismutase activity by dietary manganese. J Nutr


55. 1 Wimhurst JM, Manchester KL. Comparison of ability of Mg and Mn to activate the key enzymes of glycolysis. FEBS Letter


56. 1 Rubinstein AH, Levin NW, Elliott GA. Manganese-induced hypoglycemia. Lancet 1962;2:1348-51.

57. 1 Murray M. Encyclopedia of Nutritional Supplements. Rocklin, CA: Prima Publishing; 1996.

58. 1 Healthnotes 1998-2002. Available from: URL:

59. 1 Freeland-Graves JH, Lin PH. Plasma uptake of Manganese as affected by oral loads of Manganese, Calcium, milk, phosphorus,

Copper, and Zinc. J Am Coll Nutr 1991;10(1):38-43.

60. 1 Rossander-Hulten L, Brune M, Sandstrom B. Competitive inhibition of Iron absorption by Manganese and Zinc in humans. Am J

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Meschino Health Comprehensive Guide to Minerals


General Features

Manganese functions in many enzyme pathways that af ect blood sugar regulation, energy metabolism and thyroid

hormone function. It is an important prosthetic group for the antioxidant enzyme known as the superoxide dismutase

(SOD), which provides a vital antioxidant function in the body by quenching the highly reactive, superoxide anion.

Preliminary studies show that manganese supplementation can increase SOD activity.

In 1972, the first report of manganese deficiency in man was recorded with symptoms of weight loss, transient

dermatitis, nausea, and vomiting, changes in hair and beard colour and slow growth of hair and beard. In animals,

manganese deficiency manifests as impaired reproductive capacity, pancreatic function and carbohydrate metabolism,

skeletal abnormalities and ataxia of the offspring.

Absorption and Metabolism

Absorption mechanisms are yet undefined, but a specific manganese-carrying plasma protein has been

identified (transmanganin). The total body content of manganese is about 10-20 mg, which is

distributed throughout all tissue, but the highest concentration occurs in the pancreas, liver, kidneys,

and intestines. Absorption from the intestinal tract is poor (less than 20 percent) and the major route of

excretion is through the bile.i,ii,iii

Recommended Daily Al owance (Manganese)

Age Group



Under 6 months


6-12 months


1-3 years


4-6 years


7-10 years


Adolescents & Adults

2.5-5. 0i

Supplementation Studies and Clinical Applications