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Vitamin B1 - Thiamine


The B-Vitamins play an essential role in the metabolic processes of all living cells by serving as cofactors in the various enzyme systems involved in the oxidation of food and production of energy. Some B-Vitamins are required for DNA synthesis, the formation of myelin, neurotransmitters, creatine, red blood cells and participate in other vital functions, such as maintaining safe blood levels of homocysteine.

Vitamin B1, or Thiamine, is known as the antineuritic vitamin because it is needed for normal functioning of the nervous system.

Absorption and Metabolism

Thiamine is absorbed in the proximal and lower duodenum. It is phosphorylated in the mucosal cell to Thiamine phosphate and then carried to the liver by the portal circulation. It is not stored in any great quantity in the body and must, therefore, be supplied daily.


Energy metabolism

Thiamine combines with phosphorus to form the coenzyme Thiamine pyrophosphate (TPP), which is necessary to convert pyruvate to acetyl coenzyme A, the central compound of the Kreb’s cycle. The Krebs cycle yields ATP energy to power all biological reactions within the body.

Synthesis of Nucleotides and Fatty Acids

TPP is required in the pentose phosphate shunt, which is necessary to synthesize nucleotides, required to make DNA and RNA, and for fatty acids.

Nerve conduction

TPP affects the nerve cell membrane in a manner that facilitates normal nerve transmission. This is a non-coenzyme function of Thiamine.

Recommended Dietary Allowance (Vitamin B1/Thiamine)

Classical Vitamin B1 Deficiency

  1. Beriberi
    Beriberi is a condition that affects the nervous system and/or the heart muscle. Lack of ATP synthesis in Vitamin B1 deficiency (Beriberi) results in loss of function or paralysis of the lower extremities (polyneuritis) and/or heart failure. In modern society, it is most common in alcoholics.
  2. Wernicke-Korsakoff Syndrome
    This is a syndrome often found in alcoholics, includes encephalopathy, with loss of immediate memory, disorientation, nystagmus and/or ataxia, as well as signs and symptoms of polyneuritis and related B1 deficiency signs and symptoms. 1

Vitamin B1 Supplementation

  1. Epileptics taking Dilantin
    Typically experience improved mental function has been noted in these subjects with 50 mg Thiamine supplementation in a six-month trial.2
  2. Alzheimer’s Disease
    Many Alzheimer’s Disease patients have been shown to have poor B1 nutritional status.3 Thiamine demonstrates some pharmacological effects on the brain in that it mimics acetylcholine, the memory neurotransmitters.4 Thiamine has been shown to improve mental function in patients with Alzheimer’s Disease and age-related impaired mental function (senility) at a dose of 3 to 8 grams per day. The long-term consequences of a dose this high is unknown at this time, but no significant side effects have been reported in these preliminary trials.5,6
  3. Congestive Heart Failure
    Older individuals often display poor nutritional status for Vitamin B1. Many diuretic drugs used for high blood pressure and congestive heart failure cause a depletion of Thiamine, which is needed for energy production in heart muscle.37 In a trial supplementing patients with congestive heart failure with 80-240 mg of Thiamine, there was an increase in left ventricular ejection fraction of 13 to 22 percent, on average. This outcome is associated with improved survival.8
  4. Mouth Ulcers (Cankers or Apthous Stomatitis)
    Supplementing with 300 mg B1, 20 mg B2and 150 mg B6has been reported to provide relief in people suffering from regular outbreaks of canker sores. Thiamine deficiency is strongly linked to apthous ulcer vulnerability.910
  5. Depression
    Deprivation of Thiamine (0.33 mg per day) results in signs of depression, fatigue, headaches, including voluntary restriction of social engagements. Symptoms were alleviated when subjects were given 1.4 mg of Thiamine for only one day in one study.11

Vitamin B1 Toxicity

Thiamine appears to be very non-toxic even at high levels of intake 100 mg per day.11,12

Drug-Nutrient Interactions

  1. 1. Alcohol
    Alcohol interrupts the conversion of Thiamine to its active form, which can result in Vitamin B1 deficiency with excessive intake.13
  2. The following drugs are also reported to cause Thiamine depletion:
    Antibiotics: decrease B1 synthesis by bacterial flora14,15
    Loop Diuretics: cause increased urinary loss of Thiamine16
    Oral Contraceptives17
    Phenytoin (anti-seizure drug)8

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