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Chapter 8:

How to Avoid Injury



Prevention is still the best cure when it comes to the art – and sport – of dancing. It may be more fun than other types of fat-burning or weight-loss activities, but dancing can nevertheless cause you injury or another type of harm if you are not too careful.


The Most Common Causes of Dancing Injuries

Although the list below is by no means complete, they are by far the most common factors that contribute to dance injuries. Knowing what they are and how they can lead to unfortunate accidents is definitely a good step to take for protecting yourself when dancing.

Type of Dance

Factors such as routines or step variations, the rhythm or tempo being used, and the possible use of additional props and equipment can definitely increase a dancer’s risk of being injured. The waltz, for instance, because of its somewhat slow tempo and simple routine, is less “injury-prone” than, say, pole dancing or breakdancing.


Simply put, the more times you dance, the higher the risk there is for injuring yourself. The duration of your dancing period also matters.

Attire, Equipment, and Environment

In some countries, their traditional dances require dancers to hold candles in their hands and even balance one on their heads. Obviously, such requirements will make a dancer more prone to injury than usual. As for the environment, consider where you are dancing. Are the floors made of wood or cement? Does the floor have an even surface at least?

Last but not the least, are you dressed suitably for dancing? The right clothes and footwear to use will depend as well on the type of dance you are interested in. Ballet shoes are for ballet while rubber shoes are for hip hop and other similar styles of dancing.

Physical Condition

Dancing can be grueling so it’s important that you are reasonably fit and healthy before giving dancing – especially its more advanced forms and complex genres – a try. You should also take care of yourself, increasing your intake of healthy foods and sleeping a regular number of hours each night. Doing so will give you more energy when dancing. Lastly, your medical history will also obviously have an impact on how high the risk for injury is for you.

More Dos and Don’ts for Avoiding Dancing Injuries

  • Do consult your doctor before trying out dancing --- especially if are not in tip top condition at present or in the past.
  • Do not wear clothing that restricts your movement. Do not “break” your shoes at class.
  • Do drink lots of fluids and eat well to keep your energy levels up.
  • Do not continue dancing if you experience the most minimal sense of pain.
  • Do pay attention to your body limits.
  • Do not forget to perform a warm-up before exercising.
  • Do read or listen to instructions very carefully to prevent you from making any misstep.

Do not dance without your parents’ approval if you are not yet of legal age.
