Dancing Your Fats Away by Jacob Martyn - HTML preview

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Chapter 2:

The Tricks Behind Dancing



Great dancers have a couple of tricks under their sleeves which help them become better dancers. Some may be very gifted or talented at dancing; but talent alone can only get you so far, some of the tricks, rather, tips discussed below are guaranteed to aid you in achieving satisfactory results.


Find a Good Dance Coach

An experienced dancer knows all too well how valuable a good dance teacher is; an instructor not only teaches new dance moves or techniques but also helps to spot and correct mistakes. If you are one of those people who have been taking dancing lessons for some time but you never seem to improve, it may be time to find a new dance coach. You may embark on your search by checking the local dailies or the yellow pages for dance tutors; a number of universities offer evening dance classes at reasonable costs.

A good dance instructor should have been in the dancing business for a while and have some sort of dancing certification or qualifications. Ensure the teacher is qualified to teach the dance style of your choice; for instance, find out whether his/her forte lies in dance genres like jazz, hip-hop, modern, tap, or ballet.

Find an instructor who is proud of and dedicated to their craft, one who appears to be engrossed in the idea of teaching dance to their students. It goes without saying that your dance instructor should always be punctual for your sessions since a good dance teacher should strive to be a symbol of responsibility and excellence to their students.

Learn From Others

Watching other dancers, paying close attention to their techniques, posture and body alignment will help you grow as a dancer especially when you incorporate their moves into your dance routine. Dance movies can not only be entertaining but are also a great source of inspiration; some of them include Flashdance, Strictly Ballroom, Center Stage, Saturday Night Fever, Dirty Dancing, Mad Hot Ballroom, Save the Last Dance, Dance With Me, Shall We Dance, and Step Up.


Good posture involves standing up straight, pushing your shoulders back and down and then holding your head up high. Proper body alignment and posture is important as it helps dancers appear more confident if not elegant not to mention improving body control and overall balance. It is also one of the most vital aspects of dancing with a partner; slumping and slouching is not only bad for your health but it also reduces your level of alertness making you appear less confident.


Stretching on a daily basis improves the flexibility of your body making your dance moves seem much more effortless since the more flexible your limbs, the easier it is for you to move them. Making a habit to do some stretches before dancing is an important step, though the most neglected, that will make a huge difference to your dancing. A good stretching routine should focus on your muscles, also bearing in mind that a light jog or easy walking is sufficient enough to warm up the leg muscles.


Mos peopl d thei bes dancin when  relaxe whic ca be achieved by taking in a couple of deep breaths and clearing your mind by unwinding to some good music. Start by sitting with your back straight and your feet on the floor; you should feel comfortable and alert. With your eyes closed, take in a deep breath through your nose and then exhale slowly, again through your nose. Repeat this process and remember to practice daily foabout 20 minutes before your dance session, you can also have mini relaxations through-out the day, both at work or at home.

Shoes and Technique

Good technique separates a good dancer from the best dancer since a professional dancer dedicates a lot of their time trying to perfect their techniques; it is important to master new moves but also strive to perfect your skills in each step.

Each dance genre requires specific types of shoes; dance shoes have been carefully structured to offer protection to the feet and legs to the dancer’s benefit. Ensure that you are using the right kind of shoes and that the shoes also fit well so as to avoid hurting yourself.