Dandruff, Constipation, and Chronic - Fatigue Syndrome (Homeopathic Treatment) by Dr. Yamin Memon - HTML preview

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Below mentioned Homoeopathic medicines are to be taken 3 times daily for up to 10 days. First I have mentioned the name of the medicine then its Potency or power in numerals like 6,30,200 and then symptoms of the disease. This pattern will be followed in my entire book in the section of Homoeopathic TREATMENT.

Arsenicum album 30: Scalp dry, sensitive, and
very hot, unbearably Itchy at night, round bare
patches of scalp show through hair. With
marked burning.

Graphites 30 Scalp moist, encrusted, and
smelly, crusting worse behind ears.
Sepia 30 Scalp moist, greasy, and sensitive
around hair roots.

Mezereum 30 Intense itching, thick leathery crusts with pus underneath and white scabs on top.

Sulphur 30 Dandruff thick, a lot of scratching at night. Which causes skin to burn, scalp made even drier by washing hair.

Fluoric ac. 30 Flaky scalp, hair loss.

Natrum Mur. 30 White crusting around hairline, hair lank and greasy
Oleander 30 Itching like insect bites all around hairline of forehead, moist, smelly spots behind ears, itching made worse by heat


While there are many home remedies being used for the TREATMENT of Dandruff, one therapy that seems to be effective is daily shampooing with tea tree oil. This oil is generally well tolerated but may cause allergic reactions in some people. Tea tree oil, which is extracted from the leaves of the Australian tea tree (Melaleuca alternifolia), has been used for centuries as an Antiseptic, Antibiotic and Anti fungal agent. It’s now included in a number of shampoos.