Dandruff, Constipation, and Chronic - Fatigue Syndrome (Homeopathic Treatment) by Dr. Yamin Memon - HTML preview

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As the name suggests Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) is a condition, which is characterized mainly by extremely low levels of energy over a prolonged period. Such low levels may be accompanied by a variety of other symptoms. It is also known as PostViral Syndrome, Post-Viral Fatigue Syndrome, Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME), Royal Free disease (called after the London hospital where the disease was first identified) and Yuppie Flu.
If one wants to have a general idea about CFS he/she can take a useful analogy that the body’s energy is being distributed between two bank accounts - a current account and a deposit account. A person who develops Chronic Fatigue Syndrome has been, in effect, running the current account off the deposit account for a prolonged period so that the later has become critically low in funds. When the body next falls prey to infection, the extra resources needed by the immune system for recovery are simply not there. The patient therefore becomes chronically tired and develops sub-acute symptoms instead of recovering.

As this condition lacks a clear diagnostic test and the symptoms resemble those of many other diseases it is still a topic widely debated in medical circles. As conditions of patients suffering from this disease vary widely the names of this disease also vary. There have been cases of CFS reported in children of eight years of age and women in their early Twenties.

The main symptom is extreme tiredness that affects the patient for approximately 12 hours out of 24 hours for a period of at least six months

It generally becomes easy for the patient to identify the onset of symptoms. The person feels very much exhausted mentally and physically

There can be some associated symptoms like recurrent Sore Throat, Fever, Cough, Headache, Stomach upset, Nausea, Loss of appetite, Weight fluctuations, Swollen lymph glands, Feeling of confusion, Rashes, Pins and Needles or Numbness, Twitching of muscles, Consciousness of heart beats, Giddiness, Photophobia, Intolerance to noise and/or weakness. Blurring of vision, Soreness of eyes, Cramps in muscles.

Women may suffer from Vaginal discharge.


The symptoms of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome become worse during premenstrual period.


CFS can get worse because of Alcohol intake.


Inability to cope with mental or physical stress

Mental Symptoms: Mentally, the patient may experience lack of concentration, weakness of memory, general confusion, inability to express him or herself clearly and difficulty articulating speech.

Emotionally the patient may suffer from Panic Attacks Anxiety, Depression, Sudden loss of temperament, Frequent attacks of weeping. Again, these symptoms may be worse in women prior to a menstrual period.