Dandruff, Constipation, and Chronic - Fatigue Syndrome (Homeopathic Treatment) by Dr. Yamin Memon - HTML preview

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As we have seen, recovery from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome involves a sustained campaign of energy replenishment and lifestyle changes. Some patients benefit greatly from healing or bio-energy treatments. By far the best course of action from the point of view of Homoeopathic treatment is to consult an experienced practitioner for constitutional treatment. However, in the meantime, specific remedies can be self-prescribed in the 30c potency and taken twice a day for up to 15 days (unless otherwise specified).
Natrum mur: For swollen, painful

glands in the neck; muscular pain; allover aches that are worse for stress; difficulty in articulating; great tearfulness, especially premenstrually; premenstrual depression and irritability; confusion; dizziness; Itchy scalp and hair loss; headache with fever; pain going from the back of the head to the front; tired eyes; blurred vision; acidity; flatulence; numb fingers; Irritable Bowel Syndrome; Thrush, in women, all symptoms may be worse and there is weakness and weariness premenstrually; muscular tension.

Calcarea For swollen glands in the groin and swollen, painful glands in the neck; constant chilliness; painful joints; weakness after the slightest exertion; poor memory; depression; great anxiety; great tearfulness; panic attacks; confusion; Itchy scalp; pain going from the back of the head to the forehead; burning pains in the sides of the head; bloated stomach; cramping abdominal pains; numb fingers; aching arms; Insomnia; Thrush, in women, all symptoms may be worse premenstrually.

Solanum Lycoper.: Specific medicine for bad effects of viral fevers should be taken in 200th potency for 5 days, three times.

Arsenicum: For constant chilliness; painful joints and muscular pain; allover aches and burning pains with stiffness, all of which are worse for stress; weakness after the slightest exertion; panic attacks; great anxiety; depression; poor memory; dizziness after the slightest exertion; headache with fever; Migraine; sore, tired eyes; blurred vision; numb fingers and toes; aching arms; Insomnia; breathlessness; Irritable Bowel Syndrome, fainting in the morning.

Belladonna: For swollen glands in the groin; swollen, tender glands in the neck; muscular pain and painful joints; all-over aches and burning pains that are worse for stress; constant sore throat; confusion; great anxiety; difficulty in concentrating; poor memory; difficulty in articulating; dizziness; headache with fever; pain in the temples; Migraine; burning pain in the sides of the head; sore eyes; flatulence; cramping abdominal pains; Insomnia; Thrush, in women, premenstrual weakness and weariness.

Lycopodium: For swollen glands in
the neck; painful joints and muscular
pain; all-over aches and stiffness that are worse for stress; constant sore throat; poor memory; difficulty

in articulating; difficulty in concentrating; anxiety; tearfulness, especially premenstrually; premenstrual irritability and depression; dizziness; Itchy scalp and hair loss; pain in the temples; sore, tired eyes; bloated stomach; flatulence; cramping abdominal pains; numb fingers; aching arms;
Irritable Bowel Syndrome.

Pulsatilla: For swollen glands in the
groin and neck; painful joints and
muscular pain; all-over aches that

are worse for stress; difficulty in
articulating; great tearfulness and
depression, especially premenstrually; dizziness that is
worse premenstrually; headache
with fever; fatigue is better for eating
but worse premenstrually; muscular
tension. Pain in the temples;
Migraine; sore eyes; blurred vision;
flatulence; cramping pains;
breathlessness; numb fingers;
aching arms; Irritable Bowel
Syndrome; Thrush.

Lachesis: For swollen glands in the groin and neck that are worse for stress; constant sore throat, especially on the left side; confusion; depression; poor memory; difficulty in articulating; difficulty in concentrating; in women, all symptoms may be worse premenstrually, premenstrual dizziness; hair loss; headache with fever; pain going from the back of the head to the forehead; sore eyes; numb toes; aching arms; Insomnia; Irritable Bowel Syndrome.

Nux Vomica: For constant chilliness; painful joints; all-over aches that are worse for stress; confusion; premenstrual irritability; difficulty in concentrating and articulating; dizziness; headache with fever; Migraine; fainting in the morning; muscular tension sore eyes; blurred vision; flatulence; cramping abdominal pains; Irritable Bowel Syndrome; Thrush.

Mercurius: For swollen glands in the groin and swollen, tender glands in the neck; painful joints and muscular pain; all-over aches; constant sore throat; weakness after the slightest exertion; offensivesmelling perspiration; intolerance of heat and cold; confusion; panic attacks; great tearfulness; poor memory; pain going from the back of the head to the forehead; sore eyes; flatulence; numb toes; aching arms; Insomnia; dribbling on the pillow during sleep; Thrush.

Phosphorus: For swollen glands in the neck; constant chilliness; painful joints that are worse for stress; weakness after the slightest exertion; confusion; panic attacks; fatigue that is better by eating; muscle tension, premenstrual tearfulness; poor memory and difficulty in concentrating; dizziness; hair loss; burning pains in the sides of the head; tired eyes; flatulence; Irritable Bowel Syndrome.

Sepia: For swollen glands in the neck; all-over stiffness that is worse for stress; weakness after the slightest exertion; numbness in the throat; premenstrual irritability; tearfulness; difficulty in concentrating; poor memory; difficulty in articulating; hair loss; Migraine; sore, tired eyes; digestive acidity; flatulence; Thrush, fatigue is better by eating and worse premenstrually; muscular tension.

Causticum: For people having intense sympathy for suffering of others, constant chilliness; muscle pain and painful joints; all-over stiffness; weakness after the slightest exertion; premenstrual irritability; great tearfulness; anxiety and depression; difficulty in concentrating; poor memory; blurred vision; aching arms. Fatigue that is better after eating; great weakness after the loss of a loved one.

Kali carb: For swollen glands in the groin and neck; in women, all symptoms may be worse premenstrually, constant chilliness; painful joints; numbness in the throat; panic attacks; anxiety; difficulty in articulating; hair loss; pain in the temples; pain going from the back of the head to the forehead; Migraine; blurred vision; bloated stomach; flatulence; breathlessness; Insomnia; Irritable Bowel Syndrome.

Carbo Veg.: For swollen, tender glands in the neck; all-over aches and burning pains; confusion; anxiety; difficulty in concentrating; hair loss; pain going from the back of the head to the forehead; sore eyes; bloated stomach; flatulence; abdominal cramping pains; Thrush, fainting in the morning.
China: For painful joints; weakness after the slightest exertion; premenstrual weakness, great anxiety; depression; headache with fever; pain in the temples; pain going from the back of the head to the forehead; Migraine; digestive acidity and bloated stomach; flatulence; Insomnia.