Dealing With Impotence Naturally by Archi Mackfly - HTML preview

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Natural treatment for mental or psychological conditions that cause impotence…

As suggested previously, drugs like Viagra and Cialis are designed to ‘attack’ impotence directly, in that they only ‘cure’ impotency itself. However, as we have also seen, there are many medical and psychological conditions that can result in impotency, such as depression and anxiety, and these conditions can be dealt with in a natural way.

In this respect, you are able to attack impotency in a slightly different manner by ‘curing’ the root cause of the problem, rather than the problem itself. For example, if it is possible to alleviate the worst symptoms of depression in such a way that impotency disappears, then that is every bit as effective a natural cure for impotency as it is for depression.

It is the job of your health care professional to prescribe pharmaceutical drugs, but almost irrespective of what medical condition you have that is causing impotency, there will be natural solutions available. It is impossible to say that these natural solutions will be as effective as pharmaceutical drugs for treating your primary medical or mental condition in every case, but you can almost always be certain that the natural treatments will have far fewer adverse side-effects.

As a consequence, if your impotency is a direct effect of another medical or psychogenic condition, you should give serious consideration to whether that condition can be treated naturally.

Fortunately, with the internet at your fingers, this is easy to do. Take any condition that you might be suffering from and by running an appropriate Google search, you should be able to find lots of information about the most widely recommended natural treatments. It is then simply a question of getting your hands on whatever it is that is commonly recommended, and giving it a try.

If you suffer from impotency caused by any pre-existing condition, then that condition definitely needs treating but doing so in a natural manner should always be your first choice.

Natural treatments for depression

As mentioned earlier, there are many physical or psychogenic problems that can cause impotence as a side effect in any individual sufferer.

However, depending on the severity of that condition, there are many conditions like depression, anxiety or stress where there are many natural alternative treatments available.

A great deal of the information that you need about such treatments is readily and freely available online. For instance, as this Google search would indicate, there is no great shortage of natural antidepressant treatments:


As a good example, there is evidence from controlled clinical trials that St John’s wort is a very effective (and completely natural) treatment that will relieve depression, one that is even claimed to be as effective as Prozac (which in itself is believed to cause impotence).

In Germany (as an example), St John’s wort is available as a prescription drug and is actually prescribed 10 times more often than Prozac, because it is believed to work in almost exactly the same way as the drug without the side-effects. There can therefore be very little doubt that it is a supremely effective alternative to Prozac.

As there are plenty of places where you can buy St John’s wort-based treatments online, it is certainly something that you could try if your impotency is a side effect of depression and you do not want to take any more pharmaceutical drugs.

In terms of antidepressant drugs, Prozac is undoubtedly the best known and most widely taken drug of a type known as SSRIs (selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitors), and a quick look at what it does will help to highlight other entirely natural things that you can do to help lift your depression.

Get rid of your depression and there is a high likelihood that your impotence problem will go away, so examine every available avenue or angle on the problem.

Serotonin is one of the most important chemicals in the human brain for controlling moods, so if levels of serotonin fall too low, depression can result. What a drug like Prozac does is prevent the available serotonin in the brain from being reabsorbed by nerve endings, so that it keeps the levels of the chemical that are circulating in the brain at a higher level as a result. Consequently, the likelihood of depression setting in or continuing is significantly reduced.

From this, it follows that if a similar result could be achieved entirely naturally, the likelihood of suffering depression and the accompanying impotence would be reduced by a noticeable margin.

As suggested, it is generally believed that St John’s wort does almost exactly the same as Prozac by preventing the re-absorption of serotonin.

Another way of ensuring that your brain has sufficient amounts of serotonin to avoid the worst effects of depression is to make sure that there is more of the chemical in your body.

There are several things that you can do in order to achieve this, the first of which is simple. After all, what could be easier than eating to lift your depression and get rid of the associated impotence problem?

Serotonin is sometimes termed the ‘satisfaction chemical’, because when we have sufficient amounts of it in our brain, we no longer feel dissatisfied or upset with life. That means it is far less likely that you will indulge in practices like binge eating, which almost invariably deepen your depression because of the amount of sugar you have ingested and the weight you put on.

Serotonin is manufactured in the human body from an amino acid known as tryptophan, and although this particular amino acid is not as common as many others, it can be found in foods like chicken, turkey, bananas, cottage cheese, nuts, milk, avocados and legumes (peas, beans, pulses etc). There is a table listing many of the most tryptophan rich foods on this Wikipedia page.

One thing to note about tryptophan is that it is a large molecule, and that amino acids compete with one another to be absorbed by your body. In order to ‘help’ tryptophan to win this competition, it is also helpful to raise the amount of starchy foods such as wholemeal bread, jacket potatoes or brown rice that you eat, but only by a small amount.

Alternatively, tryptophan supplements are widely available in health food stores and online sources, so taking supplementary tryptophan is another way of ensuring that serotonin levels are kept up to ensure that depression does not set in.

Another ‘shortcut’ is to consider taking supplements that contain 5HTP, which is what tryptophan is converted into by your body in order to raise serotonin levels. Again, such supplements are readily available online, and the best known natural source of 5HTP is an African herb, Griffonia simplicifolia.

Also, look out for food supplements that contain Rhodiola rosea. This is a plant the extract of which is once again known to help boost serotonin levels. In fact, Rhodiola was actually used by the Russians as a natural food supplement to help keep Cosmonauts calm, happy and stress free while spending several days weightless, cooped up in a tiny space ship thousands of miles above the Earth!

If you have an impotence problem that is a direct result of depression or stress, you have now seen that there are several entirely natural ways of dealing with this problem. Get rid of your depression or reduce your stress levels by a significant margin, and you will also reduce the chances of suffering impotence by a significant margin.

Stress and anxiety…

There is little doubt that, while stress and anxiety are not generally considered to be as serious as depression (which is a clinical condition), a man who is suffering from stress or anxiety is far less likely to achieve or maintain an erection.

Consequently, reducing stress or anxiety levels is likely to help to banish erectile dysfunction.

The first step towards reducing stress or anxiety is to identify what it is that is actually causing the problem. It may be that it is a particularly hectic work schedule combined with a lack of sleep that is causing a stress problem, which in turn is leading to temporary impotence.

The key word here is ‘temporary’, because the natural solution is to work less and sleep more. As soon as it is possible to do both of these, the chances are that the stress problem that is causing temporary impotence will go away and so will your inability to ‘perform’.

However, perhaps the most common form of anxiety that results in erectile dysfunction is ‘performance anxiety’, an anxiety that is a direct result of demands upon an individual to participate in sexual intercourse.

This problem is generally most keenly felt by those who have had some problems in the past that are now making them lose their confidence in their ability to successfully engage in intercourse when called upon to do so. Hence, they become tense and anxious at the moment when they most need to be relaxed and confident, and their performance is adversely affected in exactly the way that they feared it would be.

While there are many herbs that are known to have stress relieving qualities such as passion flower (a somewhat ironic name under these circumstances!), lavender, lemon balm and valerian, it is unlikely that any of them are going to be effective in this particular situation.

Finding a suitable answer to a performance anxiety problem is first and foremost is going to be dependent upon your circumstances and situation.

For example, if you have a regular sexual partner with whom you have a great deal of understanding, then it is likely that you will be able to sort out the problem between you. If you have no regular partner like this, then it may be necessary to seek external counseling for this specific cause of impotence.

Before doing so however, it would certainly be worth trying supplements that are rich in adaptogens such as ginseng, maca and schizandra berries.

While all of these individual adaptogens will be described in greater detail later in this report, the common characteristic is that they relax the body while energizing it, and being relaxed while also being energized could help anyone suffering from a performance anxiety problem.