Detox Diet Basics by jennyedams - HTML preview

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Chapter 11: Detox Diet – Juice Fasting

Are You Stressed Due To The Overload?

Due to the highly processed foods that we consume and the polluted air that we breathe, our body accumulates toxins. The body does its best to eliminate the toxins, but ends up being stressed due to the overload. Symptoms such as chronic headaches, skin allergies, premature aging, etc. start to manifest.

What Can We Do To Help Our Ailing Body? Try Juice Fasting, As A Safe Way To Detox! Many studies have been done on the beneficial effects of juice fasting. We can increase our lifespan, treat bio chemical imbalances, reduce our cholesterol levels, treat allergies, acne, etc.

In juice fasting, by giving the body a rest from food and digestion, the immune system can focus on elimination of toxins, with the aid of the organs of elimination (liver, pancreas, gall bladder, kidneys, intestines, skin, etc.).

A Prolonged Fast (3 Plus Days)

During a prolonged fast (3 plus days), the body will start to burn off and digest its own tissues, by process of autolysis, in a discriminate manner. It will first decompose and burn those cells and tissues which are diseased, damaged, aged, or dead (tumors, morbid cells, abscesses, excess fat deposits, etc.). The stomach shrinks and becomes less acidic.

Then, certain detox symptoms are experienced eg. acne breakouts, fatigue, headaches, as the body eliminates its toxins. These symptoms should ease and we will feel a renewed sense of health and well-being!

You Can Juice Almost Any Fruit And Vegetables That You Can Eat Raw

Vegetables that are good for juicing include tomatoes, cucumbers, celery and carrots.

Fruit Vegetable Combinations Taste Delicious

For example, apple and carrot juice makes a nice blend. Another nice combination is apple, celery and tomato. For vegetable and fruit skins, peel them off especially if you suspect that they have been sprayed. If you can use organic fruits, this will be much better. Rinse off in filtered or distilled water.

How To Juice For Juice Fasting?

It is recommended to dilute your juice 50/50 with water, especially if you are using fruits and the juice is too sweet. Use distilled water, if possible, for dilution.

Juice Has To Be Prepared Fresh!

Remember that you can’t buy freshly prepared juice from a supermarket or any juice that comes from a packet, despite what the label on the packet says. Any juice in a carton, can, or bottle has been heat treated for preservation. Juice has to be prepared fresh! The longer the juice stays out, the less fresh raw food enzymes it will contain. This means that you either find a store that prepares it right before you drink it, or you use a juicer yourself.