Detox and Heal Your-Self by Brett Elliott - HTML preview

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Below is an example of a bowel movement, resulting from Brett Elliott’s Ultimate Herbal DETOX . I know this can be shocking to see, but it’s well worth knowing about .



It only takes one small poisonous area of build-up to affect the health of the entire body . Because the digestive system is the most complex and most delicate system in our entire body, the importance of keeping it clean and nourished should not be underestimated .


Many doctors will scoff at the idea of colon cleansing, and surgeons will often say that they have never seen any intestinal plaque . This is because they always give patients massive doses of chemical laxatives before surgery and it’s probably only the emergency ward that sees actual cases of acute bowel blockage .

Incidence and Prevalence :

Intestinal obstruction is found in 20% of individuals admitted to hospital with acute abdominal pain; of this number, 80% of the obstructions involve the small intestine .

In the USA alone the incidence of bowel obstruction leading to hospital admittance is 364,563 per year, 30,380 per month, 7,010 per week, 998 per day or 41 per hour . This nearly 1,000 people daily is a staggering number and proves that un-diagnosed toxic intestinal build-up could possibly be at the very root of our modern health crisis .

I have sometimes seen people experience between 20 and 30 pounds of impactions removed during the standard 10 days on my DETOX program . I will now outline how it works and why it is simply the quickest and easiest way to improve general health and extend your quality of life .