Don't Eat Your Broccoli: The Shocking Truth by Russell Eaton - HTML preview

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'Don't Eat Your Broccoli' explodes once-and-for-all the myth that cruciferous vegetables are good for you. In this book you will discover exactly why vegetables like broccoli, cabbage, collard greens, kale and others are so bad for health.

More specifically, you will discover the shocking truth that cruciferous vegetables are a major cause of obesity, cancer, heart disease and other serious illnesses. Everything is fully explained, with full supporting evidence every step of the way.

Furthermore, cruciferous vegetables (referred to as 'brassica vegetables' or BV's in this book) are nutritionally poor compared to many other plant-based foods. There are many alternative plant-based foods that are much more nutritious and healthy - we simply don't need brassica vegetables in our lives.

For example, did you know that BV's (brassica vegetables) can cause stunted body growth in children? That BV's exert a strong and harmful feminizing effect on the body that is bad for both men and women? And that BV's inhibit testosterone and slow down the thyroid, causing a host of health problems?

Solid new evidence is emerging, showing that BV's are a major cause of obesity. As fully explained in this book, the regular consumption of BV's affects the thyroid. This in turn affects the adrenal glands. And this in turn prevents weight loss. In the USA alone it is estimated that there are more than 50 million people with thyroid-based weight problems.

What about cancer? A big myth in the food industry is that BV's fight cancer. In fact, as you will discover in the following pages, brassica vegetables actually cause cancer. The regular consumption of BV's causes cancer in two particular ways as follows:

Firstly, BV's inhibit testosterone; all the latest research shows that this significantly increases the risk of cancer in men and women. Secondly, BV's increase the level of estradiol in the blood and this in turn feeds cancer, like throwing fuel on a fire. This book explains exactly why this is so with full supporting evidence.

When you eat BV's the body receives antinutrients such as phytates, oxalates and insoluble fibre all which are harmful as fully explained later. But worse still, you receive goitrogens which slow down the thyroid. This causes an 'underactive thyroid' which can have a devastating effect on health in a variety of ways.

To avoid confusion, the terms 'hypothyroidism' and 'underactive thyroid' are treated differently in this book. Both these conditions slow down the thyroid and consequently have similar harmful symptoms. Were they differ is in the cause and the treatment.


According to the American Thyroid Association, hypothyroidism is usually caused by the immune system going awry and attacking the thyroid. Other causes include inappropriate medications, the genes you inherit, viral infections, faulty pituitary glands, and insufficient dietary iodine. Various blood tests can be done to diagnose definitely whether or not you have hypothyroidism. The consumption of brassica vegetables is not known to cause hypothyroidism unless consumed in very substantial amounts.

The usual treatment for hypothyroidism is to administer thyroid-related medication and/or iodine supplementation under medical supervision.

Underactive Thyroid

An underactive thyroid occurs when the thyroid slows down (performs under par) as a result of receiving goitrogens from the diet. Goitrogens are high in brassica vegetables, but are also high in certain other foods such as soy and millet. If you are medically diagnosed with hypothyroidism, doctors will usually advise you to avoid goitrogenic foods, among other things. An on-going underactive thyroid can be mild and virtually undetectable in any blood tests, yet still cause serious health problems. Equally, an underactive thyroid can be severe and be detected in blood tests, yet not amount to full-blown hypothyroidism.

The usual treatment for an underactive thyroid (as defined in the previous paragraph) is to give up brassica vegetables, i.e. to reduce consumption of goitrogens in the food you eat. As explained later in the book, in the case of an underactive thyroid, you cannot treat the condition with iodine supplements because goitrogens prevent the thyroid from accepting iodine. So however good the diet with respect to iodine, if you consume BV's the thyroid will continue to suffer.


At no point in this book is it implied that brassica vegetables cause hypothyroidism, although if BV consumption is extreme it may lead to hypothyroidism. But there is solid research showing that the regular consumption of BV's as a staple does cause an underactive thyroid.

Even if you never eat brassica vegetables, this book reveals astonishing facts that will help keep you healthy, slim and disease-free. Written in plain English, this is a book for everybody, regardless of your age or state of health. It makes essential reading for parents, teachers, health professionals and in fact anybody interested in protecting their good health.

The book is fully referenced and up-to-date with the latest scientific research, and although it is offered at a low price (and in some instances free of charge) don't let this mislead you as to its value.

Read on to discover the truly shocking truth about these harmful vegetables and exactly why they should never be consumed, whether raw, juiced, or cooked.

