Effective Herbal Products for Common Diseases/TCM Health-care Regulation Program by Fumin Tang - HTML preview

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of two types: yin and yang according to the direction of flow of the energy and that the human body tends to be in good health if the two types of energy which transform into each other in circulatory motions are equivalent and that the human body will suffer from various diseases if such equivalence is lacking.



intangible system of definite and interconnected passages through which qi is transmitted. It certainly cannot be seen by means of dissecting a cadaver, because in that way anatomy would take as its object of study only a lifeless body of flesh. The theory of the human meridian system has been demonstrated to be correct in the course of medical practice of thousands of years. The system of deep-breathing exercises, acupuncture and moxibustion, and the traditional Chinese medical massage were all developed in accordance with the theory of the human meridian system.



some adjustment of his/her daily habits in order to adapt to the change in the body of the primary time for passage through each of the channels, or meridians.










img39.png Why does TCM emphasize regulating spleen and stomach?

The clump of nerves of every organ leads to the stomach, which means that a person depends on food and its digestion and absorption for the nourishment of the entire body. Traditional Chinese medicine says that spleen and stomach can produce vitality, which is fundamentally the same as saying that they give rise to the person’s life power. Since the stomach is in the middle of the human body, traditional Chinese medicine speaks figuratively of the vitality produced by it as “vitality in the form of a shaft” and indicates explicitly that if that shaft revolves with great force it can bring into rotation the “wheel”, by which is meant figuratively the whole body of



If the warming power of the kidneys is not adequate for providing congenial warmth to the whole figure, then the body feels chilly, the limbs feel cold and the complexion is pallid. If there is not enough essence of life in the kidneys to nourish the whole body, then hair, both fine and gross, falls off, teeth shake, and the complexion withers


img43.png What is the main effect of each of the products supplied by the SANLIDA Company?


Sanlida: It can activate blood and unblock collaterals in the human meridian system. It is warm. It has an ascending trend in the human body.

Aegiseme: It performs the function of promoting movement of vital energy. It is warm and ascending, but has also ingredients that are cool and descending. It activates blood and unblocks collaterals. It eliminates stagnant blood and expels superfluous water out of the body, and so can relieve swelling.

Inwarmer: It can warm and tonify vital energy. It can reinforce the functional activities of spleen and stomach. It has more ingredients that are ascending than descending. Vital energy, which it warms, is what is considered by traditional Chinese medicine as the motive force of all human activities.

Gui Pills: It tonifies the blood of heart and liver; it replenishes the vital energy of spleen and stomach. It favors both yin and yang, it has ingredients that have the ascending trend and also those that have the descending trend.

Toniyin: It fosters the body fluids and replenishes the vital energy of spleen and stomach. It combines the ascending and the descending trends. (Note: There are in it more ingredients that have the descending trend than those that have an ascending one.)..

Holisticare: It makes a wholesale improvement of vitality.

Kilimend: It increases the body fluids in a big way and also promotes the functional activities.

Salubry: It promotes the functions of digestion, absorption and chemical transformation by spleen and stomach.

Safbrain: It serves as the scavenger of blood vessels.

Ilextensor: It lowers the blood pressure, increases the body fluids and has the cooling and descending effects.

Gastility: It promotes excretion and evacuation, expelling toxicants from the body.

Spearlor: It helps a person to expel all that is toxic in the body through sweating, urination and bowel movement it can provide the human body with more energy and improve nourishment.

Among these products the following can elevate the immunity of the human body: Sanlida, Inwarmer, Gui Pills, Toniyin, Holisticare, Kilimend and Salubry.


Administration of Ilextensor is for the purpose of reducing the blood pressure. The taking of Toniyin in addition during a later stage is aimed at replenishment of energy in the body and also for regulating spleen and stomach (performing the function of the grain and food bureau).

What has been said above is no less than the method of treatment and regulation used by traditional Chinese medicine, which has as its ultimate aim the restoration of proper functioning to internal organs of the human body.
