Excel Healthcare Group Identifies 2014 Healthcare Needs and Trends by Kristie Brown, Matthew Caravana, et al - HTML preview

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Can you imagine a world where you know the answer to every question, have the knowledge to perform any job or task that is presented to you, and can monitor your body’s health/performance?  Does it sound too good to be true? Well, with today’s modern technology, this is becoming a reality. Smart Clothes are becoming a big buzz in the Healthcare Industry and in everyday living. It seems to be a trend for a lot of new inventions to have the world “Smart” in front of their name.  Examples are Smart Phones, Smart Boards, and Smart Cars. Well Smart Clothes are indeed just as smart as these inventions and seem to be showing itself in products such as eyewear, watches, shoes, shirts, and pants.

Nanotechnology (sometimes shortened to Nanotech) is defined as the study and application of extremely small things and is said to be a major contributor to the progress of smart clothes. Nanotechnology gives us the ability to control atoms and molecules.  All physical objects such as clothes are made up of atoms. Inside an atom are protons (Positively charged), electrons (Negatively Charged), and neutrons (Neutral) which help control a charge.  An example of manipulating atoms is Static Electricity which is created when there is an imbalance between negative and positive charges in an object. 

The future will show the capability of how far smart clothes can and will go.  But for now, research, testing, and our imaginations will keep us wondering.  In researching online you can discover articles that mention possible uses of this nanotechnology.  Charging your mobile device, controlling the temperature of your body, protecting our bodies from harmful substances and bacteria, fighting off mosquito’s, measuring our heart rates to prevent heart conditions, and monitoring brain signals are all examples of what we can expect to see.   

Companies such as Google, Nike, and Samsung are already starting to take advantage of the new smart clothing marketplace. Google has come out with Google Glass which is still in the explorer program and not available for all consumers yet. With a steep price of $1500 you could become eligible to be a beta tester for this product. Google Glass will offer handless technology allowing you to see the world through your eyes. With Google Glass you will be able to take/share pictures and live videos, get directions right in front of you, make calls and send messages, and access the internet.  This technology will be invaluable for those with disabilities. We recommend checking out the following links from Google:



Samsung is one of the biggest competitors right now in the smart watch market. Samsung has come out with the Galaxy Gear Smart Watch that connects to a consumer’s Smartphone/tablet to provide functionality such as providing alerts, taking photos, and making phone calls. Nike for years now has been developing fitness products. Sources are saying that in 2014 Nike will be releasing a new smart watch which could cause a lot of competition with Samsung. In addition, Apple is also expected to come up with their own smart watch called iWatch. Another popular option is FitBit that has several gadgets to help track fitness.

Time will see how well consumers adapt and perceive smart clothes. Right now costs seem too high to draw in the mass consumers. But in time you will see prices drop allowing more consumers the ability to afford these products. While these products seem to be great for our everyday tech needs, it is even more exciting to think about how these products will help revolutionize our healthcare needs. Who would have thought years ago that an article of clothing could connect you and your healthcare providers together to make you healthier and live a more productive life? 

However, with all technology that has come out you can expect ongoing improvements to be needed to allow faster processing, better design, and greater consumer satisfaction. Ultimately the goal is endless and will be a major change in healthcare, education, and how we live our lives.  It will be exciting to see where this technology will take off to next.

