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4. Lose a Few

Pounds, but not

nearly as many as

you really want to

Going around this vicious cycle of weight loss failure again and again, year after year, will result in 2 further problems for Sally.

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Firstly, each time she gets back to 20 pounds overweight she becomes a bit more comfortable with it, and overtime she becomes acceptant of getting to heavier and heavier weights... 25

pounds overweight, and then 30, and 35 and on and on until she becomes obese. Is that the fatter and fatter destiny you want? I highly doubt it.


30 Pounds


25 Pounds

Sall y’s



20 Pounds



Secondly, each time she fails to lose all of her excess weight and then puts it all back on again, she reinforces her destructive beliefs that, “She can’t lose weight” , “She’s weak-willed”, “She’s a fat person” and “She’ll never be slim and attractive again” . How de-motivated and hopeless do you think those false beliefs make her feel? In fact, they make her feel so sad that she ends up eating even more fattening foods to comfort herself.

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As she gets even more overweight, she starts to think that only very extreme and dangerous measures will get her slim again, such as surgery or having her stomach stapled.

How sad, when it could have been so very different if only someone had just helped Sally to put in place The 4 Key Factors of Weight Loss Success when she began her diet.

Has this “Vicious Cycle of Weight Loss Failure” happened to you?

How many times have you begun a diet, made a bit of progress, and then started eating all of the wrong foods again, and never got anywhere near the weight you’d love to be?

I know I did, many times, until I understood how to put in place The 4 Key Factors of Weight Loss Success that you are about to learn in this eBook.

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How the Exceptions Achieve Phenomenal Weight Loss Success and Avoid the Vicious Cycle of Weight Loss Failure

Key Factor No. 1 - You Need a Truly Compelling Target Weight

Did you notice how Sally only had one type of motivation? She felt strongly pushed to diet by the emotional pain of being 20 pounds overweight, but she wasn’t strongly pulled by the pleasure of being her ideal weight.

The Emotional

No Compelling

Pain of Being 20

Target Weight

Pounds Overweight

Her dieting was all about avoiding being so fat. It wasn’t about becoming the weight she’d love to be.

The Outstanding Weight Loss Successes are not only driven to avoid being an excess weight they hate. They are also driven to achieve an ideal weight they would love to be.

The Emotional

The Emotional

Pain of Being

Pleasure of Being

So Overweight

Their Ideal Weight

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Hence, the Weight Loss Successes have a truly compelling, very desirable target weight that continually drives them until they achieve that weight.

A Truly Compelling

Target Weight They

Would Love To Be

This might seem like a small point, but it is absolutely vital if you are to succeed in achieving your ideal weight and avoid yo yoing up to heavier and heavier weights for the rest of your life.

As you are about to learn, not having a compelling target weight results in a critical problem that rapidly undermines any slimmer’s motivation, and thwarts their best efforts to get slim.

Here’s how that happens…

There are only two types of motivation that can drive a person to lose weight, either…

1. Being pulled by the emotional pleasure of a compelling target weight they’d love to be, or…

2. Being pushed by the unbearable emotional pain of being too fat.

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If a slimmer doesn’t have a compelling target weight, then they are entirely dependent on the emotional pain of being too fat to drive them to lose weight.

And this is where the problem occurs…

As they lose some of their excess weight, the emotional pain they feel about their weight also reduces, and quite quickly it drops to a bearable level.

As soon as their emotional pain goes below “threshold” and becomes bearable, then their motivation to stick to their diet also drops too low, and they start repeatedly eating fattening foods once more.






Pain Drops


Diet Too


Too Low

Too Low


The key point to understand here is that the motivation a slimmer initially feels to avoid being too fat peters out very quickly. Typically it will only drive a slimmer to lose just 10 to 30% of the total weight they want to lose before that motivation becomes too weak, and they start eating fattening foods again and putting the weight they just lost right back on.

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“Where’s my

will-power gone?”


No Compelling


Being Too Fat

Target Weight

Not having a compelling target weight, and only being driven by the emotional pain of being too fat is the 1st Key Reason why more than 90% of ALL dieters fail.

For a moment, just think of all the slimmer’s you know who break their diet far sooner than they initially intended to. I bet, if you put your mind to it, you’ll easily think of lots of slimmers who at first feel desperate to not be so overweight, and initially start taking lots of action to get slim such as exercising, buying diet foods, and joining gyms. But then as soon as they lose a few pounds and go from being unbearably fat to being bearably overweight their motivation drops and they start eating fattening foods and heading right back to being too fat.

If you were to ask these failing slimmer’s what their main reason for slimming is, either to lose some weight (i.e. get a bit less fat) or to reach an ideal weight they’d love to be, you’ll find that the majority of them are just trying to lose some weight, i.e. get a bit less fat. Many of them won’t even have a weight loss target at all, never mind a compelling one.

The Emotional

No Compelling

Pain of Being

Target Weight

Too Fat

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Not having a compelling target weight, and only being driven by the emotional pain of being so overweight is a powerful trap that causes millions of dieters to rapidly lose their motivation and keep going around The Vicious Cycle of Weight Loss Failure year after year, and even decade after decade, getting fatter and fatter for the rest of their lives.

As you will see in the following diagram, they quite literally just keep alternating between being unbearably too fat and being bearably overweight. Either way, they spend most of their life being overweight and never get to the weight they would actually love to be.

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The Vicious Cycle of Weight Loss Failure

Unbearably Too Fat

Start Dieting etc.

(It’s Emotionally Too

Painful to be that Fat)

Emotional Threshold

Very Overweight,

But Bearable

Break Diet


But it’s not so bad

Desired Weight

The vast majority of slimmer’s rarely get anywhere near the weight they would actually love to be!

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The 1st Key Reason why millions of dieters fail week after week, month after month, and year after year is because, without realizing it, they are proceeding in a way that rapidly switches their motivation OFF.

If you ever wondered why you can’t get yourself to stick to a weight loss program, you can now rest assured that there is absolutely nothing wrong with you or your will-power whatsoever.

Everyone has had lots of occasions in their life when they have felt very driven, determined, or even full of desire. There is not a person alive who isn’t completely capable of feeling highly motivated. It’s an inherent part of Human Nature.

It always amuses me when a slimmer who loves fattening food tells me that they have no willpower. No will-power? They’d smash through the side of a house to get a bar of chocolate! ☺

The problem is that the vast majority of people have never been taught how to correctly switch ON their motivation AT WILL when they need to do such things as achieve their ideal weight.

If you want to break out of The Vicious Cycle of Weight Loss Failure and look fantastic at your ideal weight, then just like the Outstanding Weight Loss Successes, you need the First Key Factor of Weight Loss Success… a compelling target weight. It’s a must!

When combined with the other 3 Factors of Weight Loss Success, it drives a person all the way to their ideal weight. It doesn’t just drive them 10 to 30% of the way and then peter out. It drives them 100% of the way, and they get to look and feel fantastic at the weight they love to be.

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The reason this happens is because a truly compelling target weight will not stop compelling a slimmer to keep losing weight UNTIL they actually become that ideal weight. In other words, the slimmer’s will-power will stay fully switched ON, and will not drop too low, too soon.

It’s a bit like travelling to a lovely 5 Star Hotel in a gorgeous exotic location for a wonderful vacation. There’s no question that going just 10 to 30% of the way there will do. No matter what the problems are along the way, the thought of being there basking in the sun on the gorgeous golden beach will keep driving you UNTIL you arrive.

This is why the Outstanding Weight Loss Successes lose so much weight. Instead of their motivation quickly fading, their compelling target weight keeps driving them to lose ALL of their excess fat UNTIL they arrive at the weight they would love to be.

Without question, everyone is capable of identifying their ideal weight and the body they would love to have. Including you!

And when you put that First Key Factor in place along with the other 3 Key Factors of Weight Loss Success, and you keep them in place, then you too will be driven all of the way to your ideal weight. How good will that make you feel being ideally slim, and looking fabulous?

How To Identify Your Compelling Target Weight

This vital step has to be done in the right way…

Before you begin your diet you must clarify the ideal weight you would absolutely love to be.

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You can’t just ask yourself what weight you “want” to be. You need something a lot more compelling than most of your “wants”. You need to clarify what weight you would truly love to be, or the body you would love to have, or how attractive you’d love to look, or the amount of weight loss you would love to achieve.

Your “wants” aren’t appealing enough to drive you to achieve a new significantly slimmer you.

For most people, their “wants” are usually an “ought” to, not a “MUST”. And they won’t change your eating decisions or your eating habits.

You need to go deep inside and ask yourself what weight etc. you would truly love to be. Don’t worry if at this stage you believe the weight you would love to be isn’t possible, or if half the world tells you it can’t be achieved. Find out what you would truly love! Only the things you would love will motivate you enough to follow through. Be true to your own dreams! Not someone else’s limiting beliefs.

By having a genuinely compelling target that you feel you really MUST achieve, then the next time you start losing some weight your motivation to stick to your diet won’t dry up. As you lose a few pounds and the emotional pain of being so overweight goes below threshold, you will still be powerfully driven to stick to your diet by the compelling goal you feel you MUST achieve.

Your motivation won’t peter out when you most need it and allow the munchies to start happening again that will catapult you right back to your heaviest weight.

I am often amused by Life Coaches and similar professionals that tell people they need to set

“realistic” goals. The problem with “realistic” goals is that they are usually uninspiring and not very motivating, and without enough motivation they won’t get achieved anyway. We don’t need to set realistic goals; we need to set incredibly appealing goals.

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The great successes of our world don’t bother setting “realistic” goals. They stay true to their dreams and the passion they feel for them drives them to succeed.

Can you imagine if the Wright Brothers had decided to only set a “realistic” goal and not bothered attempting to fly? There’d be no airliners and no more holidays in those exotic far off destinations.

Or what if Thomas Edison had decided to set a “realistic” goal and not bother trying to invent the electric light bulb? You’d better get your candles out.

Much of human progress has resulted from people believing they could achieve goals that everyone else said were impossible.

In fact, many of the most successful people throughout the ages have been teaching us that it is vital to have a truly compelling target...

“Dreams are extremely important. You can’t do it unless you imagine it”







“Dream no small dreams for they have no power to move the hearts of men”


19th Century Philosopher

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“All of our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them”

Walt Disney