Fantastic New You! An Introductory Guide to Achieving an Astonishing Transformation in Your Weight and Appearance by Mark Ellison - HTML preview

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1. Have A Compelling

Target Weight

Key Factor No. 2

The Weight

You Follow An Effective

You’d Love

Weight Loss Program

To Be

Key Factor No. 3

Key Factor No. 4

© 2010 Mark Ellison - All Rights Reserved.

Page 64 “How to rapidly reach your ideal weight and look amazing!”

The only goals that will inspire you enough to follow through are the goals you would truly love, so find out what they are. Don’t bother with realistic or unrealistic, and don’t bother with “would like” or “wants”.

The vital lesson for you to understand in this section of the eBook is this…

In real life, people are only motivated by intense pain or intense pleasure. Mild pain and mild pleasure just doesn’t get them off their ass to do anything. They just sit there thinking about it, feeling they should be doing something about it, whilst consoling themselves with another cream cake, and getting even fatter. Hence, if you want to get slim, then you need to understand what so many failing slimmers haven’t been taught yet, and that is…

• Being a weight you don’t like will NOT motivate you to get slim,

• Being a weight you really don’t like will NOT motivate you to get slim,

• Being

too fat to bear will initially motivate you to get slim, but as soon as you lose some weight and drop into either of the two categories above, your motivation will immediately run out, and you will just keep going around The Vicious Cycle of Weight Loss Failure month after month, year after year.

• The thought of being a weight you would like will NOT motivate you to get slim.

• The thought of being a weight you would really like will NOT motivate you to get slim either.

• Only the thought of being the weight you would love to be, with all of the fantastic benefits that will bring, will consistently motivate you until you reach that ideal weight (as long as you have the other 3 Key Factors of Weight Loss Success in place too).

© 2010 Mark Ellison - All Rights Reserved.

Page 65 “How to rapidly reach your ideal weight and look amazing!”

So, here are a few questions to help you identify the results you would truly love. When you ask yourself these questions, it’s imperative that you do NOT water down your genuine desires.

For example, if you want to lose 4 pounds a week, don’t think to yourself that you can’t achieve that and then put down 2 pounds a week. Be true to YOUR heart’s desire and write down 4

pounds a week.

If you want to lower your Biological Age by 10 years, don’t think to yourself that you can’t do that, and only put down 5 years. Write down 10 years. (Just so you know, some people’s Biological Age is a lot more than 10 years younger than their actual age).

Watered down desires will not motivate you to get slim, and without

sufficient motivation you will stay overweight.

Be true to your heart’s genuine desire and your dreams, and write

down what you would truly love to happen.

Here are some of the typical results that 1000’s of other slimmer’s would truly love to happen for them…

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• I’d love a phenomenal weight loss, health, and anti-aging program to make me ideally slim and look amazing in the most gorgeous clothes. I would love it to make me look stunning.

• I’d love a phenomenal weight loss, health, and anti-aging program to make me as slim as I was in my early twenties so that I can wear whatever lovely clothes I want. I’m fed up of having to wear baggy clothes to hide how fat I am.

• I’d love a phenomenal weight loss, health, and anti-aging program to make me very slim and look fantastic so that I feel really confident and completely at ease in any situation. I’m sick of worrying about what I look like and what other people think of me. I don’t want to feel self-conscious anymore.

• I’d love a phenomenal weight loss, health, and anti-aging program to make me lose weight and body fat really quickly. I’ve had it with slow motion diets that make me feel like I’m getting nowhere and that I’ll be fat forever.

• I’d love a phenomenal weight loss, health, and anti-aging program to make me healthily lose 4 pounds a week so that I speed to my ideal weight in weeks, not months or years.

• I’d love a phenomenal weight loss, health, and anti-aging program to make me so attractive that the opposite sex can’t take their eyes off me. I’m fed up with being invisible to the opposite sex, and feeling like an unattractive lump.

• I’d love a phenomenal weight loss, health, and anti-aging program to make me so energetic that I can go all day without ever feeling tired or exhausted. I don’t want

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to feel so fatigued anymore, because it makes everything in life feel like such a huge effort.

• I’d love a phenomenal weight loss, health, and anti-aging program to make me look absolutely fantastic.

• I’d love a phenomenal weight loss, health, and anti-aging program to make me feel young and vital again. I’m sick of feeling old, tired, and incapacitated.

• I’d love a phenomenal weight loss, health, and anti-aging program to make me slim and look fantastic so that I feel really good about myself. I’m sick of feeling like a worthless fat blob. I want to feel great about myself.

• I’d love a phenomenal weight loss, health, and anti-aging program to make me as thin and good looking as some of my friends, so that I feel just as “worthwhile” as they do. I’m fed up of feeling like their “worthless” unattractive fat sidekick. I want to feel that I’m “worth it” too.

• I’d love a phenomenal weight loss, health, and anti-aging program to make me so slim and attractive that I have tons more choices and variety in my life… I want new clothes, a better partner, a better job, more money, loads more fun, better holidays, and far more compliments. I want my life to become a whole new, exciting adventure, and no longer be a drudge.

• I’d love a phenomenal weight loss, health, and anti-aging program to lower my Biological Age by 10 years, and give me the physical condition of someone 10

years younger than my actual age. I’m sick of feeling old and decrepit.

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• I’d love a phenomenal weight loss, health, and anti-aging program to make me look very attractive and sexy so that the person I’m really interested in wants me just as much. I want to set them on fire with desire for me.

• I’d love a phenomenal weight loss, health, and anti-aging program to make me a lot more at ease meeting people. I want to be able to connect with far more people, and have a lot more friends. I want to feel like I really belong, instead of feeling like I’m an lonely outsider.

• I’d love a phenomenal weight loss, health, and anti-aging program to genuinely make me look 10 years younger in my face and body. And I want to feel 10 years younger too.

• I’d love a phenomenal weight loss, health, and anti-aging program to make me feel really vital and healthy. I’ve had it with feeling run down and unwell.

• I’d love a phenomenal weight loss, health, and anti-aging program to make me so much fitter. It would be great to feel fit again. These days I get breathless just walking up the stairs.

• I’d love a phenomenal weight loss, health, and anti-aging program to make me a lot fitter so that I naturally burn a lot more calories each day, and it’s a lot easier to stay slim.

• I’d love a phenomenal weight loss, health, and anti-aging program to make me a lot healthier so that I have a much lower risk of getting seriously ill. I’d like to stop

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worrying that the next time I see my Doctor they’ll tell me I’ve got a major disease. I want to know I am well, and have some peace of mind.

• I’d love a phenomenal weight loss, health, and anti-aging program to make me look really firm and toned. I hate looking flabby, and I can’t stand my cellulite. It looks horrible.

• I’d love a phenomenal weight loss, health, and anti-aging program to make me look really muscular and very well defined. I want to look like an athlete with a rock hard six pack, powerful pecs and strong biceps. I don’t want to look like a wimpy, soft, couch potato anymore.

• I’d love a phenomenal weight loss, health, and anti-aging program to make me so much more attractive to my partner. I want to feel that they really love me. I want to feel their overwhelming passion for me. I can’t stand feeling like I’m just their companion that they hang out with, but they’re not on fire for. I’d love them to adore me the way they did when we first met.

Now it’s your turn. Grab a pen and paper, and brainstorm your answers to the question below.

There is no right or wrong answers. You can’t get this wrong. There are only the answers that are true for you.

Everything else you might read or do in the rest of this eBook is a complete waste of time if you don’t find out the results that you would utterly love to occur.

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Have some fun exploring what’s really in your heart. Yes, it’s true that you need to lose some weight, and yes you might like to get reasonably slim, but what would you really love to happen? What are your real desires that have been locked away in your heart for years?

Grab that pen NOW and don’t stop scribbling until you’ve found out.

You will undoubtedly have several different answers to the following questions, so keep asking them UNTIL you can’t think of another single answer.

“What would you absolutely LOVE a phenomenal Weight Loss, Health, and Anti-Aging Program to do for you?”

“What changes would you absolutely love a phenomenal program to make to your body, your appearance, your relationships, your health, your emotions, your energy level, your career, your biological age, or your life?”

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“And what other results would you absolutely LOVE a phenomenal Weight Loss, Health, and Anti-Aging Program to give you?”

“And what ELSE…?”

“And what ELSE…?”

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Here are some more specific questions, but don’t answer these until you have thoroughly answered the questions above.

What weight would you truly love to be?

How would you truly love to look?

How healthy would you love to be?

How much energy would you love to have?

How light and lithe would you love to feel?

How attractive would you love to be?

© 2010 Mark Ellison - All Rights Reserved. Page 73 “How to rapidly reach your ideal weight and look amazing!”

What responses would you love to get from others?

Who would you love to respond to you like that?

What gorgeous clothes would you love to be able to wear?

What Biological Age would you love to be?

What Body Fat % would you love to have?

What Body Mass Index would you love to have?

How young would you love to look?

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How fit would you love to look?

How healthy and well would you love to look?

How toned would you love to be?

Open up your heart and get clear about what you as an individual would truly love. It’s the only way you are going to get the lasting motivation to achieve it.

Key Factor 1 Check… Which of the following applies to you?

1. I am completely clear about the weight I’d truly love to be, and all of the results I’d love a phenomenal Weight Loss, Health, and Anti-Aging Program to enable me to achieve. Key Factor 1 is fully in place… YES or NO? ______

2. I am NOT completely clear about the weight I’d truly love to be, or the results I’d love to achieve. Key Factor 1 is NOT fully in place. In order to achieve my ideal target weight I need to get Fully Clear about the results I’d love… YES or NO? ______

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Put What I Am Saying to the Test…

In addition to answering these very important questions, I’d like to ask you to do something else. I’d like you to really put what I’m saying to the test. Talk to friends or colleagues who keep failing to lose all of their excess weight, and ask them if their aim is to become the weight they’d love to be, or is it just to lose “some” weight, i.e. get a bit less fat.

If they are like most failing slimmers, they won’t be focused on becoming their ideal weight at all. They’ll just be trying to become less fat. And that is the first key reason why they are repeatedly failing and getting heavier over time. Don’t take my word for it. Conduct your own casual survey and put what I am saying to the test.

For now, here’s what I believe after 20 years of researching this subject and helping ordinary people to produce phenomenal results in their lives…

No matter how many times you have failed in the past, you can become as slim as you would love to be if you put in place the Four Key Factors of Weight Loss Success, and keep them in place until you reach your ideal weight.

And the first step in doing that is to clarify a truly compelling, very desirable target weight that continually drives you until you achieve that weight.

The Emotional

Pleasure of Being

the Weight You’d

Love to Be

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Once you have got a genuinely compelling target that you feel you MUST achieve, then when you lose some weight and you feel a bit better, you will still be powerfully driven to stick to your diet by the compelling goal you feel you MUST achieve. You won’t go around and around The Vicious Cycle of Weight Loss Failure for the rest of your life, slowly but surely spiraling up to being obese and having the serious illnesses that obesity can cause.

“But hang on! This is all very well, but I don’t believe I stand the slightest chance of becoming the weight I would love to be!”

Right on cue! Here’s the Second Key Factor of Weight Loss Success you need in order to bring about your own incredible transformation.

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Key Factor No. 2 - You Need to Genuinely Believe You Can and Will Achieve Your Compelli