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2. Believe You Will

Reach Your Target

The Weight

You Follow An Effective

You’d Love

Weight Loss Program

To Be

Key Factor No. 3

Key Factor No. 4

© 2010 Mark Ellison - All Rights Reserved.

Page 98 “How to rapidly reach your ideal weight and look amazing!”

Let’s Do a Quick Belief and Motivation Check

When you think about becoming the weight you would love to be, how sure are you that you will definitely reach that weight?

If your genuine answer is “very sure, I know I will” then you have already got the first 2 Key Factors of Weight Loss Success in place and you are off to a great start.

If your answer to the question is “I feel UNSURE whether I will achieve my ideal weight”

then compared with how motivated you could feel, your motivation is more than 50%

switched OFF.

You are not certain you will get any significant rewards for your efforts. If you were to go on a diet right now, the odds are more in favor of you failing to lose any significant weight. And you will most probably give up and just keep going around The Vicious Cycle of Weight Loss Failure becoming even unhappier with each failed attempt.

However, with the right help to change your uncertainty and make you sure you will succeed, the probability of you succeeding greatly increases.

If your answer to the question is “I know I won’t achieve my ideal weight. I’m sure of that!

I’ve never done it before. I’ve failed every time. Why will I achieve it this time?” then compared with how motivated you could feel, your motivation is just about completely switched OFF. You are sure that the reward for your efforts will be an outright failure.

What is the likelihood of you succeeding when your motivation to achieve your ideal weight is switched OFF? Probably about the same as the likelihood of a car getting to its destination

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when it’s engine is switched off? If you were to go on a diet right now, it’s highly unlikely that you would stay on it and lose any significant weight.

However, with the right coaching to help you change your limiting belief and make you sure you will succeed, the probability of you succeeding greatly increases.

Key Factor 2 Check… Which of the following applies to you?

1. I am already completely certain I can and will become the weight I’d love to be. Key Factor 2 is already fully in place… YES or NO? ______

2. I am less than fully certain I can and will become the weight I’d love to be.

Key Factor 2 is NOT fully in place. In order to achieve my ideal target weight I need to increase my belief I will do it… YES or NO? ______

How great would it be to have your motivation to get slim switched fully ON again, and to feel absolutely driven to achieve your perfect weight?

How great would it be to know that your mind is definitely made up, and that this time you are going to follow through all the way to your ideal weight?

Along with having a truly compelling target weight, believing you will reach the weight you would truly love to be is the Vital Key that will switch your motivation ON.

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But remember, you can’t just will yourself into believing you can do it. You can’t fake it, or just tell yourself that you believe you will succeed. Those approaches won’t make you fully certain or even get you anywhere close to knowing for sure that you are going to reach your ideal weight.

There are proper techniques for putting in place a rock solid belief, and you can implement those techniques with the help of an expert weight loss coach.

“But hang on! This believing I can do it stuff is all very well, but I’ve stuck to diets before and they just didn’t work!”

Right on cue!

Now that you know you need: 1) a truly compelling target weight, and 2) to fully believe you can and will achieve that ideal weight, here’s the Third Key Factor of Weight Loss Success that you need in order to achieve your own incredible weight loss success.

Yes, the exceptional weight loss successes have NOT just had one or two major advantages over you. They’ve had four powerful advantages over you. Whilst many dieters have been virtually guaranteed to fail from day 1, with The 4 Key Factors in place, the weight loss successes have been virtually guaranteed to succeed and reach their perfect weight. Let’s go straight to The Third Key Factor of Weight Loss Success.

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Key Factor No. 3 - You Need an Effective Way to Reach Your Target Weight that Suits You, is Fast Enough to Keep You Inspired, and is also Healthy

Once a slimmer knows what weight they’d really love to be, and they have switched on their motivation by changing their limiting belief, then the next Factor they need is an effective way to become slim that will definitely work for them.

There are so many different approaches to weight loss promoted in books, TV shows and magazines that it’s hard for the public to know what the essential characteristics of an effective weight loss program really are.

Slimmers are bombarded with numerous conflicting claims for every conceivable approach under the sun… such as High Protein, Low Protein, High Carb, Low Carb, High Fat, Low Fat, Low GI, Low GL, Calorie Counting, Calorie Cycling, Exercise, No Exercise, Fad This, Fad That, and on and on.

How on earth is a slimmer meant to clearly know what approaches really are effective and really will work for them?

“Help!! I’m Confused…

What Overall Weight Loss Approach Really Will Work

and Will Really Get Me Slim?”

Let’s find out…

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Fortunately, there are some simple, rock solid guidelines for a highly effective weight loss program that you can definitely count on.

For years, slimmers were mistakenly told that all they needed to do was cut their calories, and create a Calorie Deficit, i.e. burn more calories than they ate. If they created a Calorie Deficit then the shortfall in calories would be taken from their body and they would get slimmer.

This advice was partly true, and partly incorrect.

Yes, at first slimmer’s who created a calorie deficit would lose some weight, but then a problem would often occur.

Many slimmer’s found that their metabolism slowed down, their energy level dropped, and they didn’t really burn that many more calories than the reduced level they were eating. And as a result they didn’t lose much weight.

To counter this, slimmer’s were then told that they needed to only have a small calorie deficit and keep their metabolism boosted through such things as exercise. Once again, this refined approach caused a problem.

For many slimmers who managed to create a calorie deficit and keep their metabolic rate high, the shortfall in their calories was taken from their muscle and not from their excess fat.

Muscle is the main tissue in the body that burns energy, i.e. calories. By burning off their muscle they actually reduced the amount of calories they were able to burn. Hence, when they came off their diet and started eating normally again, they were unable to burn as many calories as they did before, and so they stored even more of their food as fat. In other words, burning off their muscle tissue led to rebound weight gain.

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To counter this next problem, slimmers were then encouraged to follow programs that created a small calorie deficit, kept their metabolism high, and encouraged the burning of fat instead of muscle.

In many cases, this general approach was either unhealthy or didn’t end up burning much fat anyway. An example would be a very high protein diet.

Some very high protein diets can actually cause several serious health problems including kidney damage. A lot of bodybuilders have taken so many protein supplements and damaged their kidneys so much that they now have to be put on kidney dialysis machines.

In my opinion, the vast majority of heavily promoted weight loss programs on the market today still don’t bring about a high rate of fat burning. Whilst there are some approaches that really do switch on a significant level of fat burning, the majority still burn both fat and muscle, and I believe their results are poor.

In addition to creating a Calorie Deficit, and keeping my Metabolic Rate High, my own weight loss program powerfully maximized my Fat Burning. As I mentioned earlier in this eBook, the official weighings by the UK Government’s Department of Trading Standards proved beyond all doubt that on average I lost 6 pounds per week during my 14 week program.

Numerous Body Composition Assessments verified that 74% of the 87 pounds I lost in 100

days was FAT, and not muscle. Strength Tests both before and after my program also proved that I had maintained my strength and hence preserved my muscle mass. This also confirmed that I had lost mostly FAT and not muscle or water.

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This incredible result was achieved by design, and NOT by accident. Every part of my program was specifically selected to maximize fat burning to an exceptional degree. Each part of my very advanced program worked together to bring about an especially high level of fat burning virtually 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Can you imagine how good it felt to healthily lose two thirds of a pound of PURE FAT off my body every single day until I reached my ideal weight?

Or to think of it another way, that is 4 ½ pounds of PURE FAT off my body each week.

There’s no doubt that strong Belief and Motivation, etc. played an absolutely vital role in bringing about this astonishing transformation. And alongside those essential ingredients, I credit a huge part of this success to the very advanced fat burning strategies I employed.

In addition to creating a calorie deficit, and boosting your metabolism, maximizing your fat burning is one of the most important characteristics of any truly effective weight loss program.

Here’s a summary of the 4 characteristics a program needs to have in order for any slimmer to reach the weight they would love to be

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The Four Specific Characteristics of A Highly Effective Weight Loss Program