Fantastic New You! An Introductory Guide to Achieving an Astonishing Transformation in Your Weight and Appearance by Mark Ellison - HTML preview

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6. Is Fast Enough to Keep You Inspired

Are Each of These 6 Characteristics Essential?

If you were to take any of these characteristics out of a weight loss program, then that would seriously undermine the program’s effectiveness.

A program that doesn’t create a calorie deficit will not burn off any excess weight.

A program that doesn’t keep a slimmer’s metabolism boosted will lead to diminishing weight loss and disappointment.

A program that doesn’t maximize a slimmer’s fat burning will burn muscle and potentially lead to significant rebound weight gain.

A program that isn’t nutritious and healthy will possibly lead to health problems, sagging skin, and rebound weight gain.

© 2010 Mark Ellison - All Rights Reserved. Page 134 “How to rapidly reach your ideal weight and look amazing!”

A program that doesn’t suit a slimmer and their lifestyle will most likely lead to de-motivation and giving up.

A program that isn’t fast enough to keep a slimmer inspired will lead to a loss of morale and giving up.

All six characteristics are essential for your success.

With the right help, you can at last have a truly effective weight loss program that has each of these vital components, and will speed you to the weight you would love to be.

If your weight loss program had all 6 characteristics, how confident would you feel that you were going to become ideally slim?

When an Effective Approach like that is combined with the other 3 Key Factors of Weight Loss Success… well… you better start buying some new gorgeous slim-fitting clothes… you are going to need them!

Here’s your updated Master Plan showing Key Factor No. 3

© 2010 Mark Ellison - All Rights Reserved. Page 135 “How to rapidly reach your ideal weight and look amazing!”

Your Master Plan For Rapidly Becoming The Weight You’d Love To Be