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3. Have an Effective,

Inspiring & Healthy


Key Factor No. 4

© 2010 Mark Ellison - All Rights Reserved.

Page 136 “How to rapidly reach your ideal weight and look amazing!”

Now that we have clarified the first 3 parts of your Master Plan for rapidly becoming your ideal weight, let’s find out just how much of a difference these first 3 Key Factors of Weight Loss Success really make…

“Place Your Bets!!”

Which dieter would you put your money on to succeed... a dieter that has each of the first 3

Key Factors of Weight Loss Success in place, i.e....

1. A TRULY COMPELLING, very desirable TARGET WEIGHT that continually drives them until they achieve that target, and...

2. A STRONG BELIEF that they can and will achieve their compelling target weight, which switches their motivation ON fully, and...

3. An EFFECTIVE WAY to reach their compelling target weight that suits them, is fast enough to keep them inspired, and is healthy...

Or a dieter who doesn’t have any of these 3 Key Factors of Weight Loss Success in place?

In all honesty, what chance would you give a slimmer of succeeding who did NOT have a compelling target weight, did NOT believe they would get slim, and did NOT have an effective approach for losing their excess weight?

0%, or 5%, or 10%. If you chose 0%, I would agree. They quite literally don’t stand a chance!

© 2010 Mark Ellison - All Rights Reserved.

Page 137 “How to rapidly reach your ideal weight and look amazing!”

Without a shadow of a doubt, I know which dieter my money would be on every time. And the highway to you becoming as slim as you’d love to be is putting in place the same 3 Key Factors of Weight Loss Success (plus the 4th one of course).

It’s all about hugely increasing the probability of your success, and minimizing the likelihood of your failure before you start.

Let’s return to Sally and give her a helping hand to reach her ideal weight and stay at it.

Let’s Help Sally to Become Ideally Slim…

What do you think the probability of her succeeding was when she started her diet without any of the Key Factors of Weight Loss Success in place?

I’d guess it’s probably 5% and that’s generous.

Are those the kinds of odds for succeeding you want when you next attempt to lose weight?

Do you really want to be 20 times more likely to fail than succeed?

And that’s not an exaggeration. With over 90% of dieters putting all of the weight they lose or more back on, that’s approximately 20 failing dieters for every exceptional one that keeps ANY

weight off.

Most dieters have been so misled into believing that all they need is a diet that in reality their odds of succeeding with any diet are microscopic. And this is why so many of them are

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FAILING to reach and stay at their ideal weight.

Instead of having all Four Key Factors of Weight Loss Success in place and having a huge probability of reaching their target weight, they’ve typically only got One Key Factor in place at most, and their probability of success is nearly none existent. Like the 100’s of millions of other failing dieters, they’ve been set up to fail and stay overweight before they have even begun.

Ok, so let’s help Sally to clarify the compelling target weight she would truly love to become.

Even though Sally had thought of herself as only being 20 pounds overweight, in truth she would really love to be 25 pounds lighter. Then she really can wear anything, and look really stunning. She’d also love to be only 20 to 25% body fat, and have a much more toned torso, and firm hips and thighs. Having tons of energy, instead of feeling tired all day, would be wonderful too. And on top of that, she’d love to look several years younger as a few age lines have recently begun to appear.

She’d also love to go out with her boyfriend in a gorgeous slim fitting outfit, with him completely fixated on how attractive she looks. And there’s that new guy who has just started at work, and he’s tall, dark and handsome. It would be great to catch his eye too. And finally she’d love to show that insensitive idiot at work who said she was “chunky” , just where he can get off by looking drop dead gorgeous but being unattainable.

Achieving all that would make Sally feel really confident, and that would be very appealing too.

Having clarified the compelling outcome she would love to have, Sally can already feel her motivation beginning to rise. The probability of her success has already increased.

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Next we need to ask Sally how certain she is that she can and will achieve the compelling outcome she would love to have. “In all honesty, I’m unsure whether or not I’ll do it. I’ve tried hard before, but failed every time”.

I’d guess that right now Sally’s probability of succeeding is only about 20%. But after helping her through an effective belief changing technique, Sally has got rid of all of her doubts and feels certain she will do it this time.

Now her odds of success are rising. Perhaps they’ve risen to about 50%.

Next we need to carefully help Sally find a weight loss program that will suit her and her lifestyle, and be fast enough to inspire her, and be healthy too. She’s not interested in taking weight loss pills or doing much exercise, so in her case it’s all down to diet. We have to spend some time tailoring a diet to her needs. This is a very important step in which a weight loss coach must be very understanding and really appreciate what kind of weight loss program a dieter needs and why. Before long Sally and I have tailored a diet to her needs, and Sally is feeling very keen to get started.

With the first 3 Key Factors of Weight Loss Success in place, I’d estimate that Sally’s probability of succeeding is now about 75%. She’s more likely to succeed than not, but there’s one more Key Factor that will virtually guarantee her becoming as slim as she’d love to be.

But before we get to that final 4th Key Factor let’s clarify what results the typical dieter can expect from any weight loss program.

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What Weight Loss Results Can The Typical Dieter Expect?

The accepted guideline amongst conventional Doctors and health practitioners is that every time the dieter creates a calorie deficit of 3500 calories they will lose a pound of fat. Why is that? Because a pound of fat contains approximately 3500 calories.

If the dieter is burning muscle instead of fat, then they will lose more weight because there are far less calories in a pound of muscle than in a pound of fat. However, burning muscle is very unwise as it can lead to rebound weight gain.

In general, dieters can expect that any weight loss program will bring about the loss of a pound of fat every time they burn 3500 more calories than they eat.

To accelerate my own weight loss I followed a very nutritious approach that also stabilized my blood sugar and lowered insulin level, thereby hormonally helping me to burn a higher percentage of fat. My diet was also very high in water and potassium, and very low in sodium.

Hence, it washed out a lot of excess salt. And as we all know, sodium holds water in the body, and that can significantly increase a person’s weight. By washing out the excess sodium I also lost the water weight that the excess sodium had been holding in my body. Even so the vast majority of the weight I lost was fat.

On top of that, from week 5 onwards, I followed a very specific exercise program that optimized my fat burning. There were several other very significant factors I used as well in order to healthily accelerate my weight loss. But my purpose in this Introductory Guide to Successful Weight Loss is NOT to solely recommend the diet and exercise program that I followed.

That would be a mistake. In order for you to achieve your own amazing weight loss success you need a program that suits you, your preferences and your lifestyle, and is fast enough to

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keep you inspired, and is healthy. And then on top of that you need the other 3 Key Factors of Weight Loss Success outlined in this Introductory Guide.

Whatever program you select, conventional Doctors and Health Consultants tell us that the baseline rate of weight loss the typical dieter can expect from any weight loss program in general is a pound of fat lost every time the dieter burns 3500 calories more than they eat. If the dieter unwisely burns muscle instead of fat, then they will lose weight at a faster rate, but they will probably gain it back at a faster rate later.

The more they optimize their diet nutritionally, hormonally, biochemically, metabolically, and even genetically for maximum fat burning, and the more they optimize their exercise program to increase fat burning, then clearly the more excess weight they are going to lose.

What Health Improvements Can The Typical Dieter Expect?

What effect can the typical slimmer expect a weight loss program to have on their Health?

Of course, if a dieter follows an unhealthy weight loss program such as a mal-nourished crash diet, then there is a good likelihood they will reduce their health. But if a slimmer follows a healthy weight loss program, what can they expect then?

People’s health issues vary so much that it’s hard to give a one size fits all guideline, but the overwhelming medical consensus is that the more overweight a person is the more at risk they are of having serious illnesses such as Diabetes, Heart Disease and Cancer.

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A lot of research now indicates that being overweight is the second biggest cause of Cancer next to smoking. In other words, if you are a non-smoker, being overweight is the No. 1 biggest cause of Cancer.

And it has long been accepted that being overweight is one of the biggest causes of Heart Disease and of Diabetes.

Hence, if you are overweight the medical community is in no doubt that your risk of getting a serious disease is significantly raised.

Conversely, the closer a person is to their ideal weight, the less risk they will have of causing these very serious illnesses through being overweight.

The one generally accepted specific health expectation the medical community can give you is that for every kilogram (2.2 pounds) of excess fat that is lost, a person’s blood pressure will lower by 2.5 / 1.5 mmHg.

That means that for every 9 pounds a person loses their Systolic Blood Pressure (upper number) will lower by 10 mmHg, and their Diastolic Blood Pressure (lower number) will lower by 6 mmHg.

Of course, these are general guidelines put forward by the medical community. If you want to know how your health will specifically improve as a result of you losing your excess weight, then the best person for you to ask is your Doctor.

We are being clearly told by the medical community that in the vast majority of cases, being significantly overweight or obese puts us at serious risk of getting a major degenerative

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disease such as Cancer, Heart Disease, or Diabetes, and by losing our excess weight we dramatically reduce that risk.

In the past, being overweight was seen by many people as just a cosmetic problem. Now science has proven that being overweight is extremely unhealthy indeed. If a slimmer loses weight in a healthy way, then science tells us that it’s highly likely that their health will greatly benefit too.

What Biological Age Improvement Can The Typical Dieter Expect?

What effect can the typical slimmer expect a weight loss program to have on their Biological Age?

Aging experts tell us that maintaining Weight and Body Mass Index at a desirable level can make a person’s Biological Age as much as 6 years younger.

As a slimmer’s health improves whilst they lose weight, then their health condition will reflect that of a younger and younger person. Quite literally their Biological Age will get lower and lower.

According to some of the World’s leading anti-aging experts, combining significant weight loss AND major health improvements can lower a person’s Biological Age by substantially more than 6 years.

How would you like your Biological Age to be years younger than it currently is?

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Now that you know what the typical dieter can expect, let’s check to what extent you have Key Factor 3 in place.

Key Factor 3 Check… Which of the following applies to you?

1. I already have a Truly Effective Way to become the weight I’d love to be that REALLY WORKS, and…

i) Suits me, my aims, my preferences, and my lifestyle,

ii) Is fast enough to keep me inspired, and...

iii) Is healthy, and won’t cause health problems, sagging skin or rebound weight gain.

Key Factor 3 is already fully in place… YES or NO? ______

2. I do NOT have an Effective Way to become the weight I’d love to be. Key Factor 3 is NOT fully in place. In order to achieve my ideal target weight I need an Effective Approach that will really work for me…

YES or NO? ______

Now that you know the 6 Characteristics a weight loss program needs to have in order for you to definitely lose your excess weight, here’s the Fourth and Final Key Factor of Weight Loss Success that will ensure your incredible transformation.

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Are you ready for the final piece that will enable you to achieve your dream weight, and have the exciting new life that will go with it? Here it is…

Key Factor No. 4 - You Need to Make Your Effective Approach for Losing Weight Comfortable and Compelling!

In order to explain how this Key Factor works, and why it is so important for your success, let’s return to Sally.

As you have just read in the previous section, Sally has now identified a weight loss target that she would love to reach. She now believes that she can and will achieve that ideal weight, and she even has an effective weight loss program to help her achieve it.

You might think that Sally’s success is assured, but without Key Factor No. 4 in place, Sally’s best efforts could still be undermined. Here’s how...

Sally could enthusiastically start her diet, which we know generally suits her, but in practice she might find that it’s too difficult or uncomfortable to stick to in some way.

If that happens, then Sally may need such things as ways to reduce her appetite or feel full or NOT miss eating the fattening foods she likes.

Or she may need a whole set of pleasurable substitutes that she can still enjoy whilst losing weight. And she may need help to arrange purchasing the right foods.

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Or she may need ways to help her make the program convenient to do, so it doesn’t take too much of her time.

Sally may encounter any number of problems or emotional difficulties, and she will need a means to avoid each one, and make her program comfortable to follow.

Make Your Effective Weight Loss Program as Comfortable, Convenient, and as Easy as Possible

Without a doubt, it’s vital to make following a diet or exercise program as comfortable as possible. As obvious as this may seem, there are many people who think they will grit their teeth and just get on with it. That’s ok for a few people with cast iron will, but for most people they need help making it as problem free as possible.

The last thing you want is to experience an internal battle... on the one hand, feeling compelled to achieve your weight loss target, but on the other, hating the program you are following.

Who needs all of that internal conflict and unhappiness? No one!

If a weight loss program is too uncomfortable, it will undermine a slimmer’s motivation to continue and they will give up.

Millions of overweight people either don’t bother trying to lose weight, or quickly stop trying once they have begun, because their programs are too uncomfortable in some way.

Hence, it’s vital to make following a diet or exercise program as problem free as possible.

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To do this, a weight loss coach needs to carefully identify and really understand the problems that a slimmer experiences on their program. They then need to help the slimmer find ways around each of those problems until they feel comfortable on their program.

There are numerous ways to make a weight loss program easier to follow. Many of these aren’t known by most slimmers. No matter what the problem, one of the most important roles of a weight loss coach is to help a slimmer minimize and remove any problems they encounter.

They typically have years, if not decades of experience and research they can call on to make sure a slimmer does NOT experience problems that to others might seem unavoidable.

For example, on my own 14 week weight loss program I did NOT experience any of the typical problems that so many other slimmers encounter such as…

• Hunger

• Cravings

• Mood


• Plateaus or slowing of weight loss

• Feeling cold or empty

• Low


Any one of these problems can quickly stop a person’s weight loss program in its tracks.

Successfully avoiding them in my own program was not an accident. It was achieved by design. And that is one of the Key Reasons why I didn’t quickly give up, but continued all the way to my ideal weight.

How good would it make you feel to have an expert help you make your weight loss program far more comfortable and a lot easier to follow?

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A High




Level of


Effective +


Your Ideal






I can’t empathize enough how important it is to identify and remove the problems a slimmer is encountering on their weight loss program. It can make the difference between becoming even fatter, and becoming your ideal weight.

Each time a coach finds a way around one of the slimmer’s problems, the slimmer’s motivation to stick to their program will rise even higher.

If an effective weight loss program is comfortable, then that will increase a slimmer’s belief that they can do it, and their motivation to continue will get stronger.

By making your approach as comfortable, convenient, and as easy as possible, you will greatly increase the probability of your success.

Now that you understand how important it is to identify and find ways to avoid any problems you experience on an effective weight loss program, there’s one further way you can ensure you become your ideal weight.

If you really want to guarantee your success, then here’s the second part of this 4