Fantastic New You! An Introductory Guide to Achieving an Astonishing Transformation in Your Weight and Appearance by Mark Ellison - HTML preview

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4. Make Your Program

Comfortable and


© 2010 Mark Ellison - All Rights Reserved.

Page 158 “How to rapidly reach your ideal weight and look amazing!”

When a person who has already got the first 3 Key Factors of Weight Loss Success in place, then puts the 4th Key Factor in place, their probability of becoming their ideal weight literally goes through the roof.

Let’s do a quick check for Key Factor No. 4

Key Factor 4 Check… If you already have an Effective Weight Loss Program, then which of the following applies to you?

1. My Effective Weight Loss Program is comfortable to follow, and I also feel truly compelled to stick to it. Key Factor 4 is already fully in place… YES or NO? ______

2. My Effective Weight Loss Program is uncomfortable to follow, and I do NOT

feel compelled to stick to it. Key Factor 4 is NOT fully in place… YES or NO? ______

So there you have it. You now know the Four Key Factors of Weight Loss Success that give the exceptional weight loss achievers an enormous advantage over other dieters who typically fail again and again, and end up just getting fatter and fatter.

After researching this subject for the last 20 years, I can tell you that the exceptional weight loss successes not only have an effective way to lose weight, but they also have the 3 other Key Factors in place that powerfully motivate them to achieve their target weight.

© 2010 Mark Ellison - All Rights Reserved.

Page 159 “How to rapidly reach your ideal weight and look amazing!”

With all of the Four Key Factors in place, they don’t feel desperate, hopeless, and de-motivated like so many dieters do. They feel passionate, driven and excitedly expectant about becoming the ideal weight they would love to be.

How much better would you feel with these four powerful advantages in place? How much easier and more successful would your weight loss be if...

1. You had a TRULY COMPELLING, very desirable TARGET WEIGHT that continually drives you until you achieve that target,

2. You had a STRONG BELIEF that you can and will achieve your compelling target weight, which switches your motivation ON fully,

3. You had an EFFECTIVE WAY to reach your compelling target weight that suits you, is fast enough to keep you inspired, and is healthy, and...

4. Doing your Effective Approach was Comfortable and Compelling!

Just imagine what it would be like to have ALL Four Key Factors of Weight Loss Success in place right now. I know they are probably not in place, but just try them on for a moment to see how they would feel.

Key Factor No. 1… What target weight would you absolutely love to achieve? How great would you love to look at your ideal weight? How does the thought of being that slim and looking that good make you feel? Does that already feel more inspiring than just thinking you need to lose some weight and become a bit less fat?

© 2010 Mark Ellison - All Rights Reserved. Page 160 “How to rapidly reach your ideal weight and look amazing!”

Next, for a moment just try on Key Factor No. 2 and see what it would feel like to be fully certain you were definitely going to succeed… imagine absolutely knowing beyond a shadow of a doubt that you are definitely going to become as slim as you’d love to be and look fantastic. (You probably don’t currently believe that just yet, but just try and imagine it for now)… How would it feel to NOT have any doubts that you were going to succeed? What would it feel like to know for sure you are definitely going to become that slim and look that good? How much more motivated would that make you feel?

Next try on Key Factor No. 3. Imagine you had an effective way to reach your compelling target weight that suits you, is fast enough to keep you inspired, and is healthy, and that whenever you follow it, it works and you rapidly and healthily lose weight. How good would having Key Factor No. 3 in place make you feel? How much more inspired would that make you feel to become slim?

And finally try on Key Factor No. 4. Imagine that doing your weight loss program is both comfortable and compelling! You feel fine following your weight loss program, and you consistently feel very strongly driven to do it. How great would that be?

How would having ALL Four Key Factors of Weight Success in place at the same time make you feel?

How much more motivated would you feel to become your ideal weight and look great with ALL four of these Key Factors in place?

The important point to realize here is that the exceptional weight loss successes aren’t mentally unstoppable people who naturally have rock solid determination and eat nails for breakfast.

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They are completely ordinary people like you and I who, by accident or design, have all of The Four Key Factors in place they need to ensure their tremendous weight loss success, and you can have all four of those factors too.

How much better are you going to do at losing weight with those Four Key Factors of Weight Loss Success in place?

How long before you will be looking fantastic at your perfect weight?

Most people have only ever experienced trying to lose weight WITHOUT these four vital ingredients in place. And I know myself that’s very hard, if not virtually impossible.

There have been so few experts telling us that these factors are essential to our success that we mistakenly think we can do it without them in place. In many cases, our attempts to lose weight are about as ridiculous as a person revving a car stacked up on bricks without any wheels, thinking they can go places! No matter how hard they rev the car, no matter how hard they try, they are going absolutely nowhere! But as soon as they put the four wheels back on, then they will quickly get to their desired destination.

Or to think of it another way, can you imagine how crazy it would be for a world beating sports star to try and win their next big tournament without having a clear and very appealing goal, or without even believing they could do it, or without an effective technique to win, and without a compelling reason to play as hard and as well as they can.

They’d know they didn’t stand a chance, and they wouldn’t even turn up. Or if they did turn up, can you imagine how ridiculous they’d sound in their interviews...

Interviewer: “What’s your aim in this tournament?”

© 2010 Mark Ellison - All Rights Reserved. Page 162 “How to rapidly reach your ideal weight and look amazing!”

Sports Star: “I don’t have an aim. I just don’t want to get knocked out in the first round”.

Interviewer: “Oh! So you’re not here to win it then?”

Sports Star: “No. I don’t have any big goals like that”.

Interviewer: “Right? Do you even believe you can win it?”

Sports Star: “There’s no chance of that! I won’t even get anywhere close”.

Interviewer: “Do you have any special strategies or tactics that could help you to win this tournament?”

Sports Star: “No. I honestly haven’t got a clue”.

Interviewer: “You seem a bit apathetic about doing well in this tournament, how determined are you to play as well as you can?”

Sports Star: “I don’t feel determined to play well at all. I’m only turning up to keep the sponsors happy”.

Interviewer: “Well, there you go Ladies and Gentlemen. He sounds utterly defeated before this contest has even begun. With that kind of attitude I don’t see any chance that he’ll do anything. It’s just a matter of time before he loses and gets knocked out of the tournament. I think it’s time he got himself a new Coach who could help to bring out his real talent, and show us what he can really do. But until then, it will be sad to see him performing so far below his real potential”.

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Let’s face it; weight loss isn’t too different from many sports. You’re attempting to get your body into a whole new condition. And yet the vast majority of dieters attempt to do that without the Key Factors that sportsmen and women know are essential for success, and that’s why so many dieters fail. They are setting themselves up for weight loss failure before they even begin.

Was Failing to Reach Your Ideal Weight in The Past Ever Really Your Fault? – Let’s Put it to The Test

By now I’m sure it’s becoming very clear indeed that having the 4 Key Factors in place is absolutely essential if you are to succeed in reaching the weight you would love to be.

If you have ever followed a popular weight loss program, then you’ll know that it’s easy to get seduced into thinking that those companies really are experts in the science of weight loss.

Their websites, books, and videos can look very professional, and they do a great job of giving the impression that they really have got the solution to excess weight.

But let’s face facts! If these companies really are as good as they would like slimmers to believe, then how come the number of obese and overweight people has topped 60% in the Western World? How come that number is still rising and we are losing the war on obesity?

How come over 90% of dieters are just as fat as they were within 12 months of finishing their diets? And how come only one third of our whole adult population is still slim?

Quite simply, the weight loss solutions provided by the diet industry aren’t working. If they were, then the vast majority of adults would be successfully controlling their weight, and they would be slim, and you wouldn’t be reading this eBook.

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Unfortunately, by giving the impression that they really do provide effective solutions when they so clearly don’t, the diet industry causes failing slimmers a further huge problem.

When a dieter fails to lose weight, who do you think the dieter blames? Themselves or the diet company?

Many failing dieters blame themselves.

Very often the failing dieter doesn’t realize that the approach they have been given was to blame. They incorrectly conclude that in some way it was a lack in them. They think it was either…

Their own lack of will-power, even though there have been many times in their life when they felt utterly determined,

Or it was their lack of slim genes, even though virtually every ancestor they have had over the last 1 million years and beyond, whom they got their genes from, was slim. Quite simply, obese ancestors wouldn’t have survived.

Or it was their slow metabolism; even though research clearly shows that overweight people typically don’t have a slow metabolism.

So let’s put your past failures to the test and find out what was the real cause of you not reaching your ideal weight.

I predict right now, that in every case you will find that the weight loss program you were following failed to put in place, and keep in place, one or more of the 4 Key Factors of Weight

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Loss Success. It will become clear that it wasn’t your fault at all. In fact, you never stood a chance of succeeding in the first place. Let’s find out…

Take a look at the table below. In order to help you understand how to fill it out, I have included an example completed line for a fictitious weight loss program called “Weight Viewers”.

© 2010 Mark Ellison - All Rights Reserved. Page 166 “How to rapidly reach your ideal weight and look amazing!”

Name of

Factor 1 –

Factor 2 –

Factor 3 –

Factor 4a –

Factor 4b –

All Factors

Were You


Fully Certain




Kept in Place

Weight Loss

Set to


You Would







Reach Your

Weight Loss



You Reached Succeed




Your Target

or Fail?




e.g. Weight

No No Yes Yes No No Fail


© 2010 Mark Ellison - All Rights Reserved.

Page 167 “How to rapidly reach your ideal weight and look amazing!”

Here are some brief instructions, which explain how to fill out the table. I’m sure you will find your answers very interesting.

In the First Column entitled “Weight Loss Program” you can write the names of each of the weight loss programs you have followed in the past.

In the Second Column entitled “Factor 1 – A Compelling Target Weight?” you can just write “Yes” or “No” .

Put “Yes” if that weight loss program really did help you to identify a truly compelling target weight that you felt compelled to reach.

If they only helped you to identify a target weight you would like to be, or they did NOT help you identify a target weight at all, then put “No” . Only having a truly compelling target weight that you’d love to be gets a “Yes” .

In the Third Column entitled “Factor 2 – Fully Certain You Would Reach Your Compelling Target Weight?” put “Yes” if that weight loss program really did help you to become fully certain that you definitely would reach your compelling target weight, i.e. you knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that you would reach your ideal weight.

If you were left only feeling unsure, or even sure that you would not reach your compelling target weight, then put “No” .

In the Fourth Column entitled “Factor 3 – An Effective Weight Loss Method?” put “Yes” if that weight loss program really did give you an effective weight loss method, i.e. a method that did make you slimmer at a reasonable rate of at least 1 pound per week.

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Page 168 “How to rapidly reach your ideal weight and look amazing!”

If the method you were given was slower than that, or it didn’t help you to lose any weight at all, then put “No” .

If the weight loss program made you feel so de-motivated that you never even tried to follow it, and you don’t know whether it was effective or not, then just put a “?” .

In the Fifth Column entitled “Factor 4a – A Comfortable Approach?” put “Yes” if that weight loss program really did give you a weight loss method that was comfortable for you to follow.

If the method you were given was too uncomfortable for you to follow, then put “No” .

In the Sixth Column entitled “Factor 4b – A Compelling Approach?” put “Yes” if that weight loss program really did help you to feel truly compelled to stick to the effective weight loss method.

If the weight loss program did NOT help you to feel truly compelled to stick to the effective weight loss method, then put “No” .

In the Seventh Column entitled “All Factors Kept in Place Until You Reached Your Target Weight?” put “Yes” if that weight loss program helped you to keep all of the Key Factors in place UNTIL you reached the weight you would love to be.

If the weight loss program did NOT help you to keep all of the Key Factors in place UNTIL you reached your ideal weight, then put “No” .

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In the Final Column entitled “Set to Succeed or Fail?” you can just write “Succeed” or

“Fail” . Put “Succeed” if there is a “Yes” in every column for that weight loss program. If there are one or more columns with a “No” or a “?” for that program, then put “Fail” .

Take a few minutes to fill out the table now. Enter in answers for at least 3 of the weight loss programs you have tried in the past.

So, have the weight loss programs you have followed in the past set you to succeed or set you to fail?

Did any of them set you to succeed or did they ALL set you to fail?

What about the weight loss programs that failed to get you slim in the past? Did they provide you with ALL of the Key Factors that ANYONE would need in order to succeed? I highly doubt it.

Whose fault was it really? Was it your fault or was it the result of a lack in the program you were following?

Perhaps you are now starting to see the real reasons why your attempts to lose weight in the past have failed, as well as how you can ensure you succeed in the future.

You don’t have to be yet another weight loss failure anymore. You can realize that in order to succeed y

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