Fat Burning Secrets - What are the Fat Burning Foods and Exercises that Actually Work by Angelia Griffith - HTML preview

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Fat Burning Exercises

Most of us want to ensure that our exercise program is designed to make us healthy and fit and to help us burn fat. When you incorporate exercises that burn fat into your routine, you can speed up your weight loss efforts.

Exercises that burn fat also offer the added benefit of keeping your metabolism high for hours even after your workout is over.

Exercises that Burn the Most Fat

1. Rowing

Rowing is a great way to add strength to your upper body, but it's also a great exercise that burns fat. You'll likely be startled at how little you can do when you first start rowing - it is very hard work. But, you will gain endurance as you continue.

That's actually another great thing about the sport. Over time, you'll be able to row further and faster. To start, try rowing for about 15 minutes, and try adding five minutes per session. You should have a rowing session about three times per week.

2. Cycling

We all know that riding a bicycle can be done at a leisurely pace. But, it can also be a great exercise that burns fat, if it is performed at a high intensity. Try riding at racing speeds or try mountain biking. You'll soon see that the difference in speed or terrain really gets your heart pumping, which is why it's a great exercise that burns fat.

Cycling also can really help build muscle in your legs. It's one of the most convenient exercises that helps with fat burning because it can be done outside or indoors on a stationary bicycle.

3. Jumping on a Trampoline

Don't think that the trampoline is just for the kids. Jumping can really get your heart rate up, so it a great exercise that burns fat. It can be extremely high intensity if you keep moving. Jumping on a trampoline is also said to clean toxins through the lymphatic system, so you may improve your immune system in the process. If you don't have an outdoor trampoline, a mini trampoline will work just as well.

Try to get in three sessions a week. Start with five- minute sessions and work up to fifteen or twenty minute sessions. A little goes a long way with this fat burning exercise.

4. Tennis

Tennis keeps you moving and improves your agility. Tennis is a great fat burning exercise because you are constantly in motion. For the best fat burning effect, play singles instead of doubles.

Playing tennis three times a week can really help burn the fat. It will tone your arms and legs, too.

5. Basketball

A fun pickup game of basketball may seem like a simple recreation event for a Saturday afternoon, but it's also a great exercise that burns fat. Basketball is a fast paced game and helps improve agility, too. Play with your friends at least three times a week for best results.

Though these are among the best exercises that burn fat, it's important to remember that any exercise that gets that heart rate elevated and keeps it there will help you burn the fat. Intensity is what matters in exercises that burn fat, so as long as your heart is pumping and you've got some sweating going on, you're in the training zone!

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