Fighting Type 2 Diabetes - HOPE by Lukas Grumlik - HTML preview

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Checking blood glucose (sugar) levels


Why Is It Important To Regularly Check BS Levels?

There are many opinions on checking BS levels regularly. Many of us have been told that checking is not necessary for type 2 diabetics.

In my opinion, checking BS levels is absolutely necessary if you want to manage type 2 diabetes and send it to remission.


If you don’t check BS levels then it is impossible to find out if your diet/woe works. This way you can just be in illusion that everything is fine and nothing needs to be changed. Then you are back for your check up and the amount of medications will just be increased every time.


If anyone is serious about managing type 2 diabetes then it is necessary to check before each meal and then 2 hours after first bite to see if you are having spikes. The amount of tests will decrease in time and you will not need to test if you know that the meal has been OK before.


I know that many people did not get their meters from their DN and test strips,lancets on prescription as it seems to be like a postcode lottery. But don’t worry too much. Meters can be bought online and they don’t even cost that much. If you are one of the unlucky people, check the link bellow. This whole set can be purchased for £15.59 or if you are diabetic then for £12.99.

Codefree Blood Glucose Monitor Set

So, if anyone wants to manage type 2 diabetes and lower their medications instead of increasing them, TEST!!!

“” REMEMBER THIS: Bread, Pasta, Potatoes, Rice, Veg that grows below ground, Legumes, Sugar(any type), Fruit(except berries occasionally), Milk, Wheat products, Flour, Grains, and low fat products are forbidden. Also, NO canned or processed food is allowed. Carbohydrates, Low Fat products, Sugar and Artificial Sweeteners are your enemy. Some sweeteners doesn’t seem to rise blood sugars(not always the truth) yet they still rise your insulin levels which is the cause of insulin resistance and leads to type 2 diabetes.”