Freedom From Smoking by Patricia Krenik - HTML preview

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Freedom from Smoking Starts Now

Computer monitoring: Wristwatch or hand-held appliances instruct the user when to smoke, gradually cutting back the number of cigarettes. The drawback of this method is that it might instruct you to smoke when you actually do not want to.

Aerating devices: In this method, air is introduced into the smoke stream to dilute it. This is done either by use of filters or by punching holes into the cigarette. The drawback is that smokers take deeper puffs to compensate for the diluted smoke, which is actually more dangerous.

Occlusion fluid: Here, a food-based liquid is put on the cigarette filter just before smoking it to block the quantity of nicotine and tar.


Zyban is a brand name for the drug known as Bupropion Hydrochloride. It is an anti-depressant drug but works fine as a quit smoking aid as well. A plus of Zyban is that a smoker, using it as a quitting aid, experiences much less nicotine-linked withdrawal symptoms. Therefore he is able to give up smoking with relative ease. However, it might produce side effects like dry mouth, insomnia, dizziness and (rarely) seizures as well.

Formerly, Zyban was used as an anti-depressant drug. Its value as a quit smoking aid became apparent when depression patients taking it developed a remarkable lack of interest for smoking. In 1997, the FDA approved the use of Zyban as an aid to quit smoking.
