Freedom From Smoking by Patricia Krenik - HTML preview

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Freedom from Smoking Starts Now

To make the distinction between addiction and habit more clear, let us analyze another example. Some people become addicted to the caffeine present in coffee, just like the nicotine in tobacco. Most of the coffee drinkers claim that they cannot give up drinking coffee because they are addicted to caffeine. If they happen to switch over to decaffeinated coffee, they find they are still unable to quit drinking coffee. Decaffeinated coffee has almost no substance that can cause addiction. So, why are they unable to quit? It is merely a psychological addiction to coffee or the habit of drinking coffee that does not allow them to quit.

Coming back to nicotine again, many people claim they have nicotine addiction even after using a nicotine patch. A patch supplies enough nicotine to the body to satisfy the cravings for nicotine. The only thing missing while using a patch is the physical act of smoking. If these people say that they feel addicted to nicotine, they are actually addicted to the habit of smoking.

Therefore, a smoker smokes out of his habit to smoke and from addiction to nicotine. When you are striving to give up smoking, you need to deal with both in order to be successful, and you need to differentiate between them.

Bear in mind the first step to beat nicotine addiction is to be familiar with all its aspects; physical, emotional, mental, and social. It is only then that you can win the battle against smoking.

