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Get Healed Without Drugs
(Simple practical steps to curing sicknesses and diseases permanently without drugs)


By Mike Chukwu

Published by Mike Chukwu at

Copyright 2018 Mike Chukwu


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Table of Contents

Preface                                    5

Healing Through Revelation Knowledge            7

Nature Cure                                    10

Fasting – The Cornerstone of Natural Healing      11

Enema                                    18

Menstrual Disorders                              20

Arthritis                                    29

Diabetes                                    38

Habitual Abortion                              47

High Blood Pressure                        57

10 Cancer Symptoms Most People Ignore      67

7 Surprising Ways You’re Destroying Your       71

10 Health Benefits of Honey                  77



To God Almighty – Our Great Physician















Let Nature Heal You Now

In this book you will learn how to…

  1. Depend on nature’s gifts and provisions for a healthy living.
  2. Use food and water to heal yourself of sicknesses and diseases.
  3. Stop fighting against yourself (in the course of battling to be treated, you still unknowingly eat things that cause / contribute to the growth of the sickness).
  4. Maintain your health through simple daily practices.
  5. Guard against sicknesses and diseases.







Nature cures… People often wonder what this means. Can nature truly cure? How can this happen? What does nature cure? How do I access it?

Some patients are just too tired of living. The simple reason is because drugs have failed to restore their health. They are just waiting for the end to come either by a miracle, which would restore their ailing system to normalcy or an end to their suffering by death. If euthanasia were to be an easy decision, especially in nations it’s permitted by law, many patients would have chosen it. Why? Just because they want to put an end to their sufferings… they’d trusted physicians, they’d spent their life’s earnings on therapies, and they’d religiously adhered to and observed medical advice, which included strictly adherence to regular drug intake. But all failed them. Some have even been unwittingly and subconsciously initiated into drug abuse.

Some sick people live on drugs. They’ve been placed on medication for life and though they’re tired of it, they can’t help but continue if they must keep breathing and hoping to get healed someday. Some of such persons keep wondering: how do I stop the stranglehold of drugs (medications) on my life? This last query was the state of a man (my friend’s customer) who had been a chronic Activan user for six straight years due to high-level high blood pressure, until we met in November 2012.

In my quest for answers to these questions (a few of which I’ve asked before), my knowledge of Applied Biochemistry led me to stumble on naturopathy – the processes through which nature cures sicknesses and diseases without drugs. Nature cures… through natural foods’ intake, exercises and principles governing healthy living.

I welcome you to study, learn and faithfully practice these simple steps. They will free you, family, friends and neighbours from the devastating torment of sicknesses and diseases. They will also stop drugs from siphoning your hard-earned money!

Drugs treat… yes. But not always… And when they do, you will need to recover twice. First, from the sickness; next, from the effects of the drugs. You may have heard that every drug is a potential poison. This is true!

Discover the safest ways to healthy living here. And note: your healing depends not just on studying this but in practicing it religiously.

P.S.: This is not an attempt to ridicule the medical profession in any way. It will never be! The steps you will learn in this book are results of proven research work. However, you must understand that it’s your choice what to do with it.

“Nature cures, not the physician.”                   --- Hippocrates


Healing Through Revelation Knowledge

On a bright Saturday mid-morning in November 2012, my friend Tony and I went to see his customer, who had been on clinical medication, drugs to be precise, for six years running. He had been suffering from severe high blood pressure (hypertension), which had crippled his business, kept him indoors and virtually inactive for a long time. That day marked the end of an era of severe clinical militancy in his life.

When I told him he would have to go off drugs and allow nature to heal him, he was skeptical. I guessed this was because he didn’t understand the phenomenon. But the moment he heard me say, “If you believe…” his mien changed. I’m so thankful to God that we went there in His name, and He caused the man to see us from that light.

Later in his testimony the man recalled, “When Mike spoke those words, ‘If you believe,’ it was like a pastor speaking. I believed.”

He believed, and today, he’s not just healed but celebrating. Nature cured him. It’s all God’s glory, I must say here!

Nature cure is a way of life. It is a simple process which involves the correction of bodily disorders, restoration and maintenance of health through elements God has provided free in nature. The body has powers to cure, and what you eat, how and when you eat it matters. Nutrition is the major problem of human life. Man can enjoy perfect health by proper regulation of eating, drinking, breathing, bathing, dressing, working, thinking, and other social activities on a normal and natural basis.

Though this book is recommended for everyone who desires to restore health structure and function, it will be especially important to only that person who is tired of drugs and their highly tasking side effects.















Nature Cure

Nature cure is a constructive method of treatment. Its objective is to remove the basic cause of disease through the use of elements freely available in nature. It is a system of healing as well as a way of life. Nature cure is based on the truth that a man born healthy and strong can stay as such when he lives in accordance with the laws of nature.

Even when born with a disorder, putting to the best use the natural agents of healing can eliminate the disorder. Nature cure believes that disease is an abnormal condition of the body resulting from violation of natural laws. Every such violation demands a price on the human system, and this is not always a sweet experience. Sunshine, fresh air, proper diet, exercise, scientific relaxation, constructive thinking, prayer, meditation and the right mental attitude all play vital parts in maintaining a sound mind in a sound body.




Fasting – The Cornerstone of Natural Healing

Fasting refers to the complete abstinence from food for a short or long period for a specific purpose. It is nature’s master remedy. Fasting is nature’s oldest, most effective and yet least expensive method of treating disease. The practice of fasting is one of the most ancient customs followed by virtually all religions. The accumulation of waste and poisonous matter in the body which results from overeating has been identified as the common cause of all diseases.

Only one remedy can heal every disease – doing the opposite of what causes it, i.e. reducing food intake or fasting. Whenever the body is deprived of food, all elimination organs such as the kidneys, bowel, skin and lungs are given opportunity to expel the overload of accumulated waste from the system. Thus, fasting is merely a process of purification; an effective and quick method of cure.

Fasting is for the healthy and sick alike.

What Fasting Does…

  1. Fasting assists nature in her continuous effort to expel foreign matter and disease-producing waste from the body.
  2. It helps in correcting faults of improper diet and wrong living.
  3. It leads to regeneration of the blood as well as the repair and regeneration of the various tissues of the body.

Duration of Fasting

Long fasting periods can be dangerous if undertaken without professional guidance. The duration of the fast depends on 3 things:

  1. Age of the patient
  2. Nature of the disease
  3. Type of drugs previously used.

It is therefore advisable to undertake a series of short fasts of 2 to 3 days, and gradually increase the duration of each succeeding fast by a day or so. The period however, should not exceed a week at a time. This will enable the chronically sick body to gradually and slowly eliminate toxic waste matter without seriously affecting the body’s natural functioning.

After the fast, a balanced diet and a correct mode of living will restore vigour and vitality to the body.


Juice Fasting

The old classic form of fasting was pure water fast. Today, leading authorities on fasting agree that juice fasting is the best, safest and most effective fasting method, far superior to water fast. World-famous authority on nutrition, Dr. Rangar Berg notes, “During fasting, the body burns up and excretes huge amounts of accumulated waste. We can help this cleansing process by drinking alkaline juice instead of water while fasting… elimination of uric acid and other inorganic acids will be accelerated, and sugars in juices will strengthen the heart… juice fasting is, therefore, the best form of fasting.”

Juice must be prepared from fresh fruit immediately before drinking. Don’t use canned or frozen juice! Fresh juice may be diluted with pure water. Total liquid intake should be approximately 6 to 8 glasses.


  1. In all cases of fasting, complete emptying of patient’s bowels must be carried out at the beginning of the fast. This is done through enema (I will describe this process later). It removes gas or decomposing matter formed from excrement remaining in the body from bothering the patient.
  2. Patient must get as much physical rest and mental relaxation as possible during the fast because a lot of energy is spent in the process of eliminating accumulated poisons and toxic waste materials.
  3. Discontinue fast if dizzy spells, diarrhoea and vomiting occur and persists. Give cooked vegetables containing adequate roughage such as spinach and beets until the body functioning returns to normal.
  4. Take only very simple exercises like short walks during fasting.
  5. A warm water or neutral bath is advised during the period. Avoid cold baths!
  6. Sun and air baths should be taken daily.
  7. If sleeplessness occurs during fasting, use a warm tub bath. Hot water bottles at the feet or drinking 1 or 2 glasses of hot water can also put patient to sleep.

Benefits of Fasting

In practically all kinds of stomach and intestinal disorders and in serious kidney and liver conditions, fasting is highly beneficial. Various nervous disorders respond favourably to fasting, and it holds the only hope of permanent cure in many cases.

Generally, no harm comes to fasting patients, provided they take rest and are under professional care. However, fasting should not be resorted to in every illness. Long fasts will be harmful in cases of diabetes and advanced stages of tuberculosis.

During a long fast, the body feeds on its own reserves, i.e. it burns and digests its own tissues. But this is not indiscriminate. Diseased, damaged, aged or dead cells and tissues are decomposed and burnt first. This speeds up the building of new and healthy cells.

Food digestion and utilization of nutrients are greatly improved after fasting. All the vital physiological, nervous and mental functions receive a normalizing and stabilizing effect after fasting.

Breaking Fast

Success in fasting depends largely on how it is broken, and this forms the most significant phase. Observe these rules for a successful breaking of fast…

  1. Do not overeat
  2. Eat slowly
  3. Chew your food thoroughly
  4. Take several days for the gradual change to your normal diet.

You will fell no discomfort if you plan transition to eating solid foods carefully. Be sure to continue to take rest during the transition period. Don’t jump immediately into heavy activities like work. The right food after the fast is as important as the fats itself.

















Enema involves the injection of fluid into the rectum. It is also known as rectal irrigation. Simply put, it means cleaning of the bowel through injection of fluid. In nature cure, only lukewarm water is used.

The Process of Enema Administration

  1. Make patient to lie on his left side, extend his left leg and bend the right leg slightly.
  2. Lubricate the enema nozzle with oil or Vaseline, and insert it into the rectum.
  3. Raise the enema can containing lukewarm water slowly and allow its contents to enter into the rectum.
  4. Allow patient to either lie down on his back or walk a little while retaining the water.
  5. After 5 to 10 minutes, the water can be ejected from the body. You will observe accumulated morbid matter ejected with it.

Benefits of Enema

A warm water enema cleans the rectum of accumulated faecal matter. It is the safest system for cleaning of bowels, which improves bowel movement and relieves constipation. Painful haemorrhoids and irritation due to inflammation of the rectum are properly relived through warm water enema.

A cold water enema helps in relieving inflammatory conditions of the colon. It is especially effective in cases of dysentery, diarrhoea, ulcerative colitis (inflammation of the colon) haemorrhoids and fever.







Menstrual Disorders

Menstrual flow in women is nature’s provision to cleanse the inner surface of the womb and enable reproduction to take place normally. Sometimes however, there are disorders with menstruation. Quite common but abnormal, these disorders are caused by nutritional deficiencies which lead to deficiency and improper metabolism of the female sex hormones oestrogen and progesterone. Women who live in tune with natural laws and eat diets of natural foods do not suffer these.

(Painful Menstruation)

Dysmenorrhoea is a very common occurrence which is traceable to a toxic condition of the system in general and of the sex organs in particular. Nervous exhaustion, wrong diet and wrong style of living can cause this.

  1. Pain may be felt 2 or 3 days before the flow, and this usually shows that the ovaries are not functioning properly.

Correction:       1.      A carefully planned natural diet.
       2.      Hot hip baths on alternate nights for a week before flow starts.

  1. Pain may be felt immediately before flow starts, and this means that the womb’s position is abnormal.

Correction: 1.      Professional examination will help ascertain the position of the womb. Corrective exercises can then be undertaken under professional advice and guide.

  1. Pain may occur during menstruation, and this usually means that the womb itself is inflamed.

Correction:       1.      Take hot hip baths for 8-10 minutes each time just before period is due. Bath water temperature should start at 100oF and gradually increase to 120oF.      
2.      Between periods, take cold hip baths for 10-15 minutes at a water temperature of 50

(Stoppage of Menstrual Flow)

During pregnancy and at menopause, stoppage of menstruation is natural, but at any other time, it is abnormal. Some women naturally have very infrequent periods, but this cannot be identified as stoppage as it seems peculiar to their type. However, where periods have been regular for some years, then suddenly the cycle becomes interrupted or even stops, it is abnormal.

This is indicative of a devitalized condition of the system especially the sex organ.

Causes       1.       Malformation of womb
      2.      Displacement of womb especially after a serious illness
      3.      Tuberculosis

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