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Types of Depression


The general for diagnostics claim that when it comes to depression there are quite literally a dozen different kinds. Below I have explained some of the most commonly occurring types of depression there are.


Major Depressive Disorder


The kind of depression that literally changes you as a person and takes over your life is known as major depressive disorder. It is marked by a continued sense of hopelessness and helplessness. Also known as clinical depression, it can travel down the generations and can be hereditary.   This kind of depression is diagnosed when the symptoms last every day for 14 straight days.


Research suggests that about 6.7% of the population in the US is afflicted by clinical depression after the age of 18, where the ratio of women versus men is double. But it isnt only the adults who suffer from major depressive episodes. Teens and children are also likely to develop it at some point in life.


Chronic Depression


Also called dysthymia, this type of depression is diagnosed when the mood continues for 2 years or more. Even though the time duration for chronic depression is longer, it is significantly less severe than major depressive disorder and does not completely disable a person from following a normal routine life.


Studies show that people who develop dysthymia are the ones who have depressive conditions running in the family. This means their genes are likely to be wired in a way that major life stressors can ignite the mental disorder. Some chronic illness or heavy medication can also lead to chronic depression.


According  to NIMH, dysthymia can be triggered in early childhood and become fully activated in adulthood. About 1.5 % of the adult US population suffers from chronic depression.


Atypical Depression


A type of major depressive disorder, atypical depression takes place among people who have already suffered an  episode of depression in their early years. One of the most commonly occurring types of depression, the thing that separates  atypical disorder  from  melancholic depression ithe fact that people who have atypical are likely to experience feeling of happiness if something good happens. In simple words,  melancholics have no sense of mood uplifting, but atypical depressives can experience elations and uplifting sensations.


It is believed that melancholic depression occurs due to the impaired brain functioning, which is in control of the mood. Doctors assure the fact that with the right kind of medication, atypical depression can easily be treated and cured.


Bipolar Disorder


Also referred to as maniac  depression, bipolar disorder can be a complex condition, where the mood swings between extreme happiness to extreme sadness. There are two types, bipolar I and bipolar II disorder. Unlike other kinds of depre