Get Out of Depression, Discover the Ways to a Happy Life - Natural Remedies for Depression by Esther Monica - HTML preview

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Phases and Intensity of Depression


It can’t be rightly said that there is any particular phase or stage of depression because depression varies from one person to the other. Depending on the kind of person you are, you are likely going to experience depression in different intensities. Some people bounce back easily, or at least are able to control their feelings, while others become helpless and immobile.


Likewise, the phases and intensity of depression are different from gender to gender and different age groups. But if we generalize the concept it can be categorized as light depression, medium depression and severe depression.


Light depression is when the feelings of doom and gloom are manageable and do not dominate your life. The effects of sadness and helplessness are temporary and people bounce back after a few days. Even if the feelings dont end completely and persist, the person suffering continues to remain lucid and in touch with reality. Physical  conditions don’t change, nor are there thoughts of committing suicide. Eating and sleeping may get disrupted but are not significantly changed.


Medium depression is more intense than light depression but again it does not take over the life of the individual. But the symptoms are still strong and the person may experience some debilitating physical and emotional changes. Individuals who have mediuintensity depression become consumed by their own thoughts. They are constantly thinking about all the wrong that is happening in their lives. Sleeping is interrupted and people have a hard time sleeping.


Severe depression dominates the life of the individual to the point that they become physically and mentally handicapped. Getting up and going about normal routine becomes hard and individuals have a hard time coping with anything. They stop taking interest in any activity and the sense of pleasure or happiness evaporates completely.


Understand that if proper help is not taken at the right time then there is a likelihoo that   th perso could   transgres from  mediu t severe depression. The only reason I have mentioned these stages of depression is because you should be able to distinguish at which stage you are or your loved one is and what needs to be done. Remember, depression is always curable as long as you are ready to take the necessary steps. Depression is a condition that can be treated and cured fully. There is only the need to understand the fact that it is not just random sadness taking a little longer than usual. It is a mental condition that needs to be treated and taken seriously.


Whether it is you who has it, or it is your loved one who is suffering, pay attention but do not stress. You are not h