The human body is an amazingly complex thing. Biologically, we’re designed to run efficiently by ingesting nutritious foods that give us the energy to exert ourselves physically, but also to fuel the neurons that fire within our brains.
Our brains are hundreds of times more complex than the most advanced computers on the planet. A brain is capable of keeping your body running on unconscious actions, such as breathing, or keeping your heart pumping, but it’s also capable of releasing various hormones that help us to cope with everything we face during the day.
Your own body will release certain hormones to let you know its tired, different hormones when it’s time to wake up, more hormones when you’re feeling happy and different ones again when you’re stressed or upset.
That’s not even counting the myriad of hormones, enzymes and other goodies your brain releases to tell your body it’s the optimum time to release an egg from one of your ovaries at the right time for your body to conceive.
So what happens when those hormones aren’t released at the right time or in the right amounts?
In most cases, people tend to visit their doctor and come home with a prescription for drugs to help regulate those hormones. What they don’t know is those chemical cocktails can sometimes cause other issues with the smooth functioning of your body, even while they might be addressing the initial problem you sought to fix.
Well-Oiled Machine
Think for a moment about how your body might be a little like a car. If you put the wrong type of gasoline into your car’s tank, it’s not likely to run very well. If you put cooking oil instead of motor oil into the engine, it’s very likely to break down completely.
Now think about what you put into your own tank each and every day to keep your motor running.
You might think you’re eating enough food to sustain you on a daily basis, but really think about what nutritional value you’re adding into those meals.
Once again, to use the car analogy, if you were to fill your car’s gas tank with water, it would be full – but it won’t be full of what it needs to run properly.
The same is true with your body.
In order to really function properly and really respond to any kind of infertility treatments, you need to overhaul your current nutritional plan.
Look at some ways you can cut out the processed foods and replace it with healthier options. Are there any ways you could increase the nutrients you consume by replacing a few simple things?
Of course, it’s also worth looking at what else you’re putting into your body’s tank. Things like caffeine, nicotine, alcohol and drugs can also reduce your chances of conceiving naturally, as they affect the normal functions of your body.
There are plenty of ways to add more nutritional value to your diet each day, but it’s still important to realize why you’re doing it.
Fighting the Blues
Did you know that researchers have found a link between high stress levels in women and infertility? When women suffer from stress, they release testosterone into their systems.
This can make them seem more aggressive, more upset, more moody and definitely less able to cope with the pressures of life without reaching breaking point.
To counteract these stress hormones, women need to release oxytocin, which reduces stress levels and brings about a sense of being in a loving, nurturing life.
Learning to combat stress effectively can play an important role in reversing infertility, as too much testosterone in your system can reduce the chances of you releasing the right pregnancy hormones you need to fall pregnant.
Reducing and Eliminating Toxins
Think about the enormous number of chemicals, toxins and other poisons we’re exposed to each and every day of our lives. Even the products we use to clean the environments in which we live are nothing more than harsh, harmful chemicals.
If you knew you were cleaning your shower or toilet with chemicals that could be affecting your fertility rate, would you change brands? Will another brand actually have the same types of chemicals in it?
What about the shampoo and conditioner you use? They might make your hair feel and smell lovely, but do you know what the chemicals inside those products are made from – or what else they’re used for?
Have you ever wondered why we’re taught to spit out toothpaste after we’ve brushed our teeth instead of just swallowing the minty- tasting foam?
There are so many simple, routine things we do each and every day that could potentially be increasing the level of toxins in your body.
Of course, there are some other types of toxins that aren’t so noticeable. Things like mercury levels in some types of fish can also affect your body’s optimal function.
Foods to Avoid When Trying to Conceive
If you’re already having trouble conceiving, you should consider cutting down on certain foods, or eliminating them from your diet altogether.
It’s a well-known fact that caffeine intake can reduce your fertility rate by up to 50%. While you might think this means cutting out that coffee each morning, it’s important to realize how many other foods and beverages contain hidden amounts of caffeine that could be affecting your ovulation rate and your hormonal balances.
Things like chocolate and soda also contain caffeine. There are also some pain relievers that contain amounts of caffeine, such as Anacin and Excedrin. It’s important to read labels if you’re unsure of anything just to rule out those hidden sources of caffeine.
Alcohol is also detrimental to your fertility rate. Eliminate it from your diet by as much as four months before conceiving. The same is true for smoking.
Optimizing Your Health
When you improve your diet, your body is far more able to generate the right levels and types of hormones you need to feel good, be healthy and respond very well to infertility treatments.
You may also find that a relaxed 30 minute walk each day could increase your health even further. You’ll be outside, which increases your Vitamin D intake and you’ll be exercising moderately, which boosts your endorphin levels.
You may also find you begin to lose weight and have far more energy throughout the day.
There are plenty of health benefits to be had by eating the right kinds of foods with the correct levels of nutrition, vitamins and minerals, but the real importance is your own biological awareness.
You see, your brain may be choosing not to release the right hormones into your system in order for you to get pregnant naturally until it feels as though the right environment has been created to nurture an embryo to term.
What’s more, it’s been shown in several medical studies that improving your diet and lifestyle can actually reduce ovarian cysts and reduce menstrual cramps.
Of course, improving your diet and hormonal levels are only one aspect of beating infertility. There are plenty of other considerations to think about, too. https://bit.ly/3B0FNkz
Foods to Add to Your Diet When Trying to Conceive
It’s been well-documented that foods that are low in fat and high in fiber will help to increase your body’s overall health. Add simple things into your diet that include fruits, legumes, vegetables and nuts, as well as sensible choices for lean meat or chicken.
Finding foods that contain natural sources of folic acid and Vitamin B will also help to boost your natural immune system and help you to create a viable environment for conception to take place. Folic acid also helps to prevent birth defects, like spina bifida, and can also help reduce the incidence of miscarriage.
Some good natural sources of folic acid and vitamin B are green leafy vegetables, avocado, asparagus, papaya, broccoli, eggs, oranges, nuts, beans and wheat breads.
Oysters are also high on the list of foods to add to improve fertility, as they have a high zinc factor. It’s well documented that males and females with zinc deficiencies may experience reduced fertility levels, so oysters can help.
Of course, just adding one or two types of foods to your diet might improve your chances of conceiving a little, but they won’t cure infertility. A well-balanced diet, coupled with moderate exercise will help improve your overall health and hormonal levels.