Getting to Know Anxiety - A Self-Help Guide by Stephanie - HTML preview

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What Is Anxiety?

Imagine standing in front of a high-speed locomotive and you are frozen solid to the spot. Unable to move, knowing what is about to happen, and can do NOTHING to help yourself escape.

Now imagine being plunged into this scenario several times A DAY.

This is what it feels like for an anxiety disorder sufferer. Or as close as it can be described. The only difference is there is no speeding train heading towards you. It is unseen. And comes from out of nowhere.

Without warning.


Crippling you in utter fear.


Sounds extreme?


It IS.


A good description of anxiety is a disorder in which the individual afflicted feels an intense, irrational fear and an impending sense of doom or dread.

What this means in 'layman's terms' is, if you suffer from anxiety disorder, or any form of it, you can be overcome with paralyzing fear for no obvious reason. You may also feel as if there is no possible way out of it.

And you can experience this sudden fear at any time within the course of a day.

Someone suffering from anxiety disorder may also have other common disorders that go hand-in-hand with it such as depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, agoraphobia, or any other number of phobias that make it all the more important to seek treatment.