HGH Fact vs Fiction by Amy Wells - HTML preview

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By Amy Wells

Table of Contents

What Is HGH?.................................................................................................................4
Why Does HGH Production Decrease?..........................................................................5
Stimulating The Pituitary Gland.....................................................................................7
Natural Pituitary Stimulants............................................................................................9
HGH Precursors............................................................................................................19
Human Growth Hormone FAQs...................................................................................25
The Truth About "Human Growth Hormone................................................................29
Other Anti-Aging Resources.........................................................................................33
The Secret To Anti Aging..................................................................................................34
10 Ways To Get More Antioxidants Into Your Diet.....................................................35
Some Final Words.........................................................................................................42


Needless to say, there is a lot of misinformation going around about HGH. There is a HUGE difference between injecting your body with HGH and having the body produce it naturally.

So, in this brief report, we’re going to separate fact from fiction. After you are finished reading this, you will know:

What is safe
What you should and shouldn’t do
What your safe options are
What dangers and risks are involved with any option you choose.

Yes, there are things you can do to naturally produce HGH so that you don’t have to inject yourself with dangerous human growth hormones.

Let’s begin…


What Is HGH?


HGH is actually a growth hormone that is naturally produced by the pituitary gland in the human body.


The production of this hormone is affected by a number of things including:

Exercise Sleep

This is the reason why some people grow extremely tall and others don’t grow at all. Too much HGH production and growth increases dramatically. Too little and growth is stunted.

For the layman’s explanation, the above will suffice.

Under normal conditions, as we age, the body slows down the production of HGH but doesn’t completely stop… otherwise, we’d literally die.

But by age 60, we produce about 25% of the HGH that we produced at age 30.

However, this is where the misinformation begins. Most people feel that because this is part of the natural aging process…we have to accept this.

We don’t. As long as HGH is naturally produced by the human body (not artificially injected into it) no harm can come to the body itself…no matter what our age.

Why Does HGH Production Decrease?


But why does HGH production decrease as we age? And what can we safely do about it?


The answer to this question actually ties in to an even larger question.


Can aging be prevented?

It has been accepted that aging is not preventable and thus, when we get older, we just accept this as part of life. However, studies show that aging may be preventable to some extent. Take a look at Dick Clark as an example.

Look how many years it took until age finally caught up to him. At the same time, you have people who are 40 looking like they’re 60.

There must be a reason.

HGH production is a good part of that reason. Those who have a natural increase in HGH production, or, at the very least, no significant decrease in HGH production, seem to age later in life.

Therefore, you can have the same physical stamina at age 40 that you had at age 20. For proof of this, look at some major league ball players who played into their 40s.

Look at Jamie Moyer right now. He’ll be 48 years old this November (as of this printing) and he’s still winning ballgames pitching against players half his age.

Okay, so let’s separate one piece of fiction from fact right now.

As I said, the pituitary gland is what is responsible for producing HGH. Up until recently, it was believed that this gland, as we aged, slowed down in its production of HGH and that there was nothing we could do about it.

That is the fiction.


The fact is this.


The pituitary gland is capable of producing as much HGH as it can produce…as long as it is sufficiently stimulated.


Yes, it is really THAT simple.


So, the $64,000 question then becomes….


“How can we SAFELY stimulate the pituitary gland so that we can produce more HGH?”


That’s up next?


Stimulating The Pituitary Gland


Okay, let’s answer that question.


“How can we safely stimulate the pituitary gland in order to produce HGH later in life?”


First of all, why does the pituitary gland slow down its production?

Quite simply, it forgets that it is supposed to produce HGH as we get older. It certainly has the ability to continue to do so. It just doesn’t know that it’s supposed to.

So we have to remind it.


Question: “Can we do this safely?” Answer: “Yes…we can”


Okay, so how?

Well, before we get to the safe way, let’s cover the unsafe way…which is why HGH itself has such a stigma attached to it.

It’s no secret that several sports figures have injected HGH directly into their bodies. Forgetting about the fact that they are breaking the rules of their sport, this is just flat out dangerous.

But why?

Because the artificial injection of HGH into the body (not produced naturally by the body) leads to a number of problems including:
Fluid retention,
Carpal tunnel syndrome,
Painful joints,
Gynecomastia (enlarged breasts in males), Liver damage

Acromegaly is a very dangerous disease that can lead to heart attack and death.


In addition to the above, injection of HGH can cause the pituitary gland to become lazy.

When that happens, HGH production can slow down to a point where the levels become dangerously low. So in order for the person to survive, they need to continue the HGH injections.

You can see where this endless cycle leads.


This is why you DON’T want to go injecting yourself with HGH.

What you DO want to do is go the opposite direction…get your pituitary gland to increase its natural production of HGH.

So we get back to our question again.


How do we do this SAFELY?


Natural Pituitary Stimulants

One thing you DON’T want to do is stimulate the pituitary gland with anything chemical. The side effects may not be the same as straight HGH injections, but they are still there.

You want to use natural ingredients found in nature…just like when you were growing up.


Okay, so what are these?


GTF Chromium

Required to transport glucose from the blood into the cells, chromium helps maintain glucose levels by enhancing insulin activity. And lower blood glucose levels can increase the release of HGH!

Chromium also assists with weight control, helping you to maintain a healthy metabolism, increasing your energy, and reducing body fat!


Clinical studies have shown the arginine can as much as triple your HGH levels, even into old age. And it can also help improve your exercise performance for high-intensity, short duration work outs.

It increases fat burning, builds muscle tissue, boosts immunity, fights cancer, promotes healing, enhances male fertility, and more!

Your body doesn't naturally produce arginine; you must get it from your diet.
L-Arginine: A Non-Essential Amino Acid with Essential Health Benefits

Many people have included physical exercise as part of their daily routine. Medical studies show that a fit body can handle the stress of everyday life and may help maintain both physical and mental health. To achieve a fit body, individuals should include regular exercise and nutritious diets. Nutrition involves the consumption of proper vitamins and minerals that the body needs. Some people may not be able to incorporate these nutrients in the food they eat and turn to food supplements to take care of nutrient deficiencies. One of the most used supplements today is LArginine, an amino acid that is said to provide numerous benefits for the body. Medical researchers are learning more about the safe dosages of this amino acid and what it can do for people who want to improve their health and fitness.

L-Arginine is used to promote the production of nitric oxide, a compound in the body that relaxes the blood vessels. Atherosclerosis (disease affecting arterial blood vessels), erectile dysfunction, and leg cramps. This amino acid is also involved in the formation of proteins. In larger dosages, LArginine may stimulate the release of growth hormones and prolactin, a hormone associated with lactation.

L-Arginine may be used as a blood thinner and may stop the blood from clotting. This compound may improve blood flow to and from the heart and reduce excess cholesterol. LArginine may also preserve the elasticity of blood vessels because of its antioxidant properties. Patients with early stages of heart disease that are administered with LArginine prevents the disease from worsening and helps relieve back pain.
Erectile dysfunction is another ailment that can be treated with L-Arginine. Like sildenafil citrate, this amino acid is thought to improve the action of nitric oxide which relaxes the muscles surrounding the blood vessels that supplies the penis. Because of this, the blood vessels dilate and increase the blood flow which aids in maintaining an erection. Recent studies support the use of L-Arginine supplements to ensure that sufficient production of nitric oxide flow in the penis.

Individuals who want to build muscle mass may use LArginine to aid them in their body-building goals. It is essential in muscle development because it increases blood flow and delivers more nutrients to the muscle cells. This development may help the muscles to grow during the recovery stage. In addition, L-Arginine may reduce muscle inflammation one it have been exposed to excessive stress. It can also boost human growth hormone levels within the body and promote fat burning.

Other health benefits of l-arginine may include the following:


• It aids in the synthesis of proteins, and thus body mass;


• As a vasodilator, it will aid in the rapid growth of muscle; and


• It will help improve the functions of the immune system.

As long as L-Arginine is taken with care, people taking this amino acid can greatly enhance their health and over-all feelings of wellness.


Studies have shown that Ornithine is about doubly effective as arginine, which as mentioned above, can as much as triple your HGH levels! Especially when used in combination with arginine, lysine, and glutamine.


When lysine is taken in combination with arginine, it's been shown to be ten times more effective than just taking arginine alone. It too is reported to boost immunity and improve genital function!


Tyrosine is used by the thyroid gland for the production of Thyroxine, another vital hormone shown in clinical studies to help reduce fatigue and depression, as well as regulate growth and metabolism!


It's the amino acid used most by your body during times of stress, and it's the key to metabolism and maintenance of muscle, cell division, and cell growth. It increases energy and mental alertness.

Plus studies have shown that it boosts immunity, lowers cholesterol, lowers blood pressure, reduces instances of arthritis, diabetes, heart disease, and more!


It's one of the key stimulatory agents that encourages the pituitary gland to secrete HGH! It also has a calming effect on the brain and may play a role in the health of the prostate.



Is another essential amino acid. Below is a list of its benefits.

• Burns fuel within cells to promote muscle recovery
• Speeds wound healing
• Assists in new tissue growth
• Increases the bioavailability of complex

• Assists in muscle building activity
With L-Isoleucine, helps promote lean muscle



Pituitary (Anterior) Powder

It stimulates the pituitary glad to operate more effectively and increase the release of HGH. As well, it's believed to help improve some conditions associated with aging, including poor muscle tone.


What is Colostrum?
Colostrum is the pre-milk fluid produced from the mother's mammary glands during the first 72 hours after birth. It provides life-supporting immune and growth factors that insure the health and vitality of the newborn.

Why do we need Colostrum?
As we age, we notice it takes us a little longer to fight off a cold or flu, we become more vulnerable to disease, our energy and enthusiasm lessen, our skin loses its elasticity, we gain unwanted weight and lose muscle tone. After maturity, we gradually lose the immune and growth factors in our body. This impacts us to search for anti-aging and health products and knowledge. We've looked to plants and minerals for an answer, isolating and mega-dosing on vitamins and minerals. Aging, illness and death occur with the loss of immune and growth factors in our bodies

Benefits include increased immunity, accelerated healing, increased bone and lean and muscle mass, and decreased aging!

Colostrum contains IGF-1 (insulin like growth factors), which are actually products of HGH. IGF-1 is used to measure HGH production levels and it's thought that IGF-1 is actually responsible for the anti-aging effects of HGH.

Phosphatidyl Choline


It's a purified extract from lecithin which acts as an excellent emulsifier.

Phosphatidyl Choline also emulsifies and breaks down fat deposits in the body, making it helpful in the prevention of gallstones, atherosclerosis, heart disease, and liver problems, depression, memory loss, and neurological disorders.

Tribulus Terrestris Extract

This is a flowering plant native to temperate and tropical regions. This extract increases the male testosterone levels, improves sexual performance and helps build muscle.

Astragalus Root Extract

This extract is used in numerous Chinese prescriptions. There are many benefits derived from this extract, including a tonic for fatigue, general debility, lack of appetite and spontaneous perspiration.

It also strengthens the body against viral infections, and has shown to help the immune systems of cancer patients after undergoing treatment.

Deer Velvet Antler


Just take a look at the many benefits from this deer extract.

* Improves Immune System functioning
* Improves Athletic Performance and Strength * Improves Muscle Recovery after exercise
* Is an excellent natural supplement for Womens Health * Provides Vitality and Anti-ageing properties for Seniors

* Is an alternative natural supplement for Bodybuilding and Weight Training
* Is a superior source of Growth Factors including IGF-1 & IGF-2
* Enhances Sexual Functioning for both men and women * Is a natural supplement for Arthritis


This is the short name for Aminobutyric Acid, which is a chief inhibitory neurotransmitter. It helps regulate neuronal excitability in the nervous system. It is also directly responsible for the regulation of muscle tone.

Taken orally, GABA increases the amount of human growth hormone manufactured in the body.GABA is referred to as the "brain's natural calming agent". By inhibiting overstimulation of the brain, GABA may help promote relaxation and ease nervous tension.

GABA or gamma-aminobutyric acid, discovered in 1950, is the most important and widespread inhibitory
neurotransmitter in the brain. Excitation in the brain must be balanced with inhibition.

Too much excitation can lead to restlessness, irritability, insomnia, and even seizures. GABA is able to induce relaxation, analgesia, and sleep. Barbiturates and benzodiazepines are known to stimulate GABA receptors, and hence induce relaxation. Several neurological disorders, such as epilepsy, sleep disorders, and Parkinson’s disease are affected by this neurotransmitter.
Okay, that’s a lot of supplements to be taking one at a time. While not impossible, quite time consuming and…individually quite expensive.

But you can’t put a price on your health, right?

No, but you don’t have to pay through the nose for things that you can get combined at a price that won’t have you running to the bank for a loan.

In my research, I’ve found an excellent supplement that has all of the above. And at a price that is affordable to everyone.

But what exactly are the benefits of HGH production as we get older?


Here are just a few:


• Diminished wrinkles, crows feet, laugh lines, and age spots


• Skin that looks and feels firmer and smoother


• Increased physical stamina


• Weight loss with decreased body fat


• Increased lean muscle


• Strengthened nails


• Restored hair condition and color


• A faster metabolism


• Stronger bones and increased bone density


• Greater memory and focus


• Reinvigorated sex drive and performance


• Better mood and mental sharpness


• Lowered cholesterol


• Better sleep


• Clearer, healthier vision


• A strengthened immune system


• Increased results from exercise


As you can see…the benefits of increase natural HGH production are numerous.


So where can we get all this safely and affordably?


There is ONLY supplement on the market that is doctor endorsed.

With all the stigma attached to HGH it is important that you understand the difference between the natural stimulation of the pituitary gland and the injection of HGH directly into the body.

So that there is no confusion here, let me spell it out clearly. HGH Injections = Dangerous


Pituitary Stimulation Through Natural Supplements = Safe


Do NOT under any circumstances let anybody convince you that injecting yourself with HGH is safe…It is NOT!

Conversely, don’t let anybody lead you to believe that your pituitary gland must stop producing HGH as it ages…It does NOT!

I hope this report has helped you to separate the fact from the fiction.


Here again is the link to check out GenF20 for yourself.




HGH Precursors

Aging is one of the inevitable phenomena in human life. With aging, a typical person experiences a decline in efficiently performing simple tasks. Overall brain function also deteriorates, which fosters memory gap. With these drawbacks in aging, people would undeniably opt to maintain a younger state of being. Thus, scientists are on constant search for formulas that may serve as an effective solution to combat aging.
However, it must be understood that aging can be classified into two types: chronological aging and biological aging. Time is the main dictator of your age when you take a chronological view on aging. On the other hand, the biological take on the aging process considers how young your tissues are compared to how they are in the past and compares it to other people of the same chronological age.

Factors that Affect Aging

In the pursuit of finding the most effective answer to stop the human aging process, scientists must first determine the factors that serve as catalysts which foster this inevitable human phase. Based from these scientists' findings, chronologically or biologically speaking, aging still occurs. One main catalyst of aging is excessive stress.

Repetitive disturbances that are inflicted on the human body tend to pile up for a certain period of time, and when these disturbances prove to be too much to take, hormonal imbalance can occur which ultimately leads to damaged cells. Moreover, many scientists put the blame on the stress hormone which is termed as "cortisol". Unfortunately, in contrast to other helpful hormones on the human body, the cortisol inflicts damage on the hypothalamus which is responsible for regulating good hormones for the body. This induces further stress on the body. The very bad thing about this is that unlike the other good hormones which decrease with age, cortisols increase in number as the human body gets old. This kind of biological trend certainly pulls the human body into an inevitable downward spiral of old age.

Cortisol is an internal factor that applies stress on the human body; however, there are external factors from the environment. Cells which are mainly responsible for generating new tissues get damaged whenever they are exposed to various pollutants. These cells also contain vital genetic information that is passed on to new cells that are spawned during cell division. These new cells can be damaged when these are exposed to environmental pollutants such as radiation and chemical contaminants. If these cells are damaged even to a slightest level, the information that they carry get faulty, which leads to cell damage among newly formed cells. This process repeats itself with every cell division and this ultimately leads to the aging of the human body.

Another cause of stress is the build up of harmful toxins in the body. Each cell in the human body takes on a dual role of a "pump" and a "filter". It acts as a pump by letting in proper nutrition for the cells while hindering waste products from entering. This process constantly repeats itself and each cell works round the clock. The Membrane Theory of Aging postulates that over time, these process of filtering bad wastes or toxins becomes less efficient which then leads to aging. Moreover, scientists were able to determine that these toxin build-ups most likely occur in the lungs, heart, and skin which verify the probability of a typical person to experience complications within these areas of the human body.
Lastly, one of the most widely-accepted reasons behind the aging process is the Free Radical Theory. This theory basically believes that highly reactive chemicals known as free radicals are the ones responsible for breaking down tissues into a very degenerative state. In mild quantities, these free radicals are quite helpful to the human body. However, free radical in excessive amounts can already inflict damage upon the human body. These free radicals, being extremely reactive, have the capability to extract electrons from other molecules. Often times, free electrons tend to do it constantly that it wears down the cells that are responsible for maintaining the equilibrium of molecules which lost an electron. The perpetual process of extracting and repairing certainly tires out large number of cells which then starts the process of aging.
The Promise of HGH Supplements

By laying a solid grasp on these factors that lead to aging, scientists were able to come up with specific measures to, in the very least, slow down the process of aging. In the realm of nutrition, experts assert that to delay signs of aging, one must find the discipline in cutting down on the average amount of junk food intake everyday. One must opt to consume healthier food items such as fruits and vegetables plus take in snacks that are high in protein to aid hormone performance. Taking in Vitamin C and Vitamin E supplements can also slow down the process of aging.

However, one of the best options in delaying the aging process of the human body is taking Human Growth Hormone supplements. When you take this Human Growth Hormone supplements, you do not literally consume actual growth hormones, but rather, what you take in are "precursors" that aid the pituitary gland to produce hormones that are helpful in maintaining the human body in the peak of its performance state. These precursors are Glutamine, Ornithine, and Arginine all of which belong under the "L" amino acids group while Arginine and Ornithine are well-known for their proficiency in producing growth hormones. This supplement is proven to help improve the overall efficiency of the human body plus help improve the human brain function as the human body age.

These recent discoveries on aging in tandem with the emergence of supplements that hamper the process of the human body's aging, gives us a tinge of hope that we can look forward to a longer and better life with our loved ones. With its promising benefits, it's no doubt that HGH supplements are truly the wave of the future.
Second, HGH can be ingested. This, however, is highly ineffective since HGH is incompatible with the digestive system and cannot be processed by your body.

Third, and most reliable, is a method of stimulating your body to produce its own HGH. This method is effective because a blend of proteins, amino acids, herbs, and other nutrients work together to target the anterior pituitary gland, causing it to produce and secrete more HGH into your body.

The result is that your body functions begin to improve and work like that of a much younger person.

