General Exclusions (partial listing)
•Abortions and abortion counseling
•Cosmetic surgery, except where determined by VA to be medically necessary for reconstructive or psychiatric care
•Gender alteration
•Health club or spa membership, even for rehabilitation
•In-vitro fertilization
•Drugs, biological and medical devices not approved by the Food and Drug Administration, unless part of formal clinical trial under an approved research program or when prescribed under a compassionate use exemption
• Medical care for a Veteran who is either a patient or inmate in an institution of another government agency if that agency has a duty to provide the care or services
•Services not ordered and provided by licensed/accredited professional staff
•Special private duty nursing
Maternity and Parturition (Childbirth) Services—
usually provided in non-VA contracted hospitals at VA expense;
care is limited to the mother and newborn...
VA Foreign Medical Program (FMP)
A health care benefits program for U.S. Veterans with VA-rated service-connected conditions who are living or traveling abroad. Foreign benefits are administered by two separate offices, depending on where the health care services are obtained.