Health and SelfCure by Joachim M Werdin - HTML preview

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Eating is probably one of the most discussed matters. People have their own beliefs about food and eating, so they follow specific nourishing recomendations and diets.

How to nourish the body properly? What, when and how much to eat? I have answered these questions in “HFT1”; please reread “Conscious Eating” chapter if you are not practicing it. If you practice Conscious Eating, you can skip the nine principles below, you naturally do that to benefit your body.



Most people do not practice Conscious Eating, for whatever reason it may be, however they care about nourishing their body and are eager to follow some simple principles. The following nine principles of proper nourishing are worth applying.

  1. Food directly from nature.
  2. Only when hungry or thirsty.
  3. Without seasoning and flavoring.
  4. Sufficient chewing.
  5. Without drinking.
  6. Not after 4 PM.
  7. Focused and in silence.
  8. Proper combination of food.
  9. Drinking and storing water.

I would like to emphasize one thing, protect your child against so-called “bad eating habits”, which means anything against the principles listed below. If you let your child to fall into harmful eating habits, it may be very difficult for them to recover. Obviously, the body of man following harmful eating habits will never be healthy.


Man is a part of nature, so their body is fully compatible with nature. This implies that nature has the right food for man’s body. Same, as it is in case of plants and animals, nature provides man with perfect food which is ready to be consumed without any processing.

Man is nature’s baby, this is why people say “Mother Nature”. Same as the human mother provides her baby with her own milk, which is perfect for baby’s body, Mother Nature gives man perfect things to consume. Same as processing mother’s milk would spoil it, any processing of nature’s food makes it less beneficial for man.

In other words, nature provides man with perfect food, it cannot be improved. Any processing will make it less perfect, which means less compatible with human body. The more processed is nature’s food, the more harmful it becomes for man.

The conclusion is, if you want your body to consume the best, the most compatible food, eat directly from nature. Whether it is a mineral, plant or animal, make sure it is not processed, in other words, it must be alive.

Be aware that natural food normally cannot be bought in cities, especially the big ones. When you go to a supermarket to buy food, whether it is alive or dead, it is an industrial product. Even if labeled “natural”, “ecological” or “organic”, it was produced by the food industry; it is not taken alive from nature. Fewer and fewer shops on Earth sell food brought directly from nature.

As you may remember from HFT1, everything what man eats and drinks is later eliminated from their body, except life energy of the consumed matter, which is absorbed. For this reason Mother Nature provides only food which is alive, so do not kill it before consuming, just eat it alive. Look, there is no kitchen in nature. No animal would think about spoiling their food before eating. Why man does?


This should be obvious that man inserts food into their body when the body asks for it. This is the reason why man feels hungry when their body needs something. However, when the body is satiated, man feels full. These two universal feelings are of utmost importance because they tell man when to eat and when to finish.

If your body functions properly and if you follow these feelings, then you give the body food only when it needs to eat. If your body does not function properly or if you ignore its messages, you may be starving it by not eating or weakening it by consuming too much. When man eats more than their body needs, they poison it and lower its life energy. Later, any excess matter has to be removed from their body. Obviously, overeating promotes illness.

If you practice Conscious Eating, you definitely can feel what I just wrote. If you do not nourish your body by Conscious Eating, I suggest that you pay much attention to and follow those two feelings. Consume only when your body clearly is hungry and immediately finish when you start to feel satiated.


Why? – people often ask me – why not to make food more tasteful? The answer is very simple. You do not want to overeat and poison your body.

If you decided to take the best care of your body in the field of eating, you consume only what the body really needs, therefore you do not eat in excess. To follow your body feelings, you pay attention whether your body is hungry or satiated.

When your body is hungry for some specific food, you will eat it with pleasure and you will like its taste. Obviously, if your body does not like to eat something, it will not ask for it and you will not like its taste.

Now, if you add flavorings to your food, the body’s taste sense is disturbed, then you may feel ‘better’ taste. This is how you just cheated your body and thus forced it to eat in excess.

For the purpose of seasoning food, chemicals or herbs are added. They make food last longer or taste better but it also means that dead food matter is kept even longer, so that it can be eaten latter. The human body needs food which is alive. This is not related to preserving food by fermentation – it is a different topic.

I suggest that you do not change the taste of your food. If your body is not hungry, there is no need to cheat it to consume “tasty” food. Wait sufficiently, let your body become hungry; then you will find out that previously not tasty food now is yummy. Yes, when your body needs some specific substances, food which contains them will be tasty without adding any flavorings.


I suggest, even if you do not practice Conscious Eating, read it again, especially the part about chewing; to know why it is so important. Just keep in mind for ever: sufficiently chewed food = proper digestion. In order for the digestive process to occur properly, it is of utmost importance that you chew food in your mouth until it becomes liquid. When it becomes liquid, continue chewing until it changes its taste. When you detect the change of the taste, you can decide whether to spit it out or swallow.

Chewing is the first stage of the entire sophisticated process of digestion. If you swallow food which is not sufficiently chewed, then it cannot be properly processed by your digestive track; it will be partially putrefied.


Why not to drink while you are eating solid food? – people ask me. They say something like these sentences. “I cannot eat bread if I do not have water or tea.” “How can you eat dry food without helping it to push farther with water?” “It takes too long to chew if you do not help it with drinking.” Do these sentences sound familiar to you?

This principle is very simple. While you are eating, do not drink. There are two important reasons for that. First, you have to chew food well, but if you mix it with a drink, the chewing process is disturbed. Second, liquids will dilute the digestive juices in your stomach, which also disturbs the digestive process.

“How about a soup? – people ask. Well, as you may suppose, it is not the perfect food for man although it can be very tasty. Anyway, when you consume soup, follow the same principles, where the most important would be to chew food sufficiently long before you swallow.


I have chosen 4 PM because statistically it is about six hours before so- called ‘night time’ begins and people go to sleep. Actually, it would be more accurate if the principle was titled “with empty stomach” because it is the essence of this principle.

Indeed, if you care about your body, let it sleep with empty stomach. To go to bed with empty stomach, you have to stop eating much earlier.

I assumed that an average stomach needs about 6 hours to finish digesting last meal before man goes to bed at night. Hence 10PM is assumed as night time, when people go to sleep, the end of the last meal time would be counted at 4 PM.

Of course, the digestion of your stomach depends on what and how much you eat. For example, if you stomach functions well, you have eaten so- called light, easily digestible food, it may be empty after four hours. In this case you would be able to end your last meal at 6 PM, providing that you go to bed at 10 PM.

However, if you go to sleep latter than 11 PM, you should not follow this rule of eating the last meal 6 hours before. This is because the digestive process significantly slows down at night time. If you eat at 7 PM or latter, probably that food will not be digested until the next morning.

You need to consider your body and your last food before going to sleep. Is your last meal big and heavy? Then finish it even earlier, may be 3 or 2 PM? Depends how your stomach will perform.

Whatever it is, observe your stomach every night before going to sleep. Is it empty and you feel little hungry? Great! This way it is much healthier. Or, is it full because you overeaten or eat too late – well, your body is going to suffer because the sleep will be affected. You might feel sleepy in the morning, so you will want to sleep longer.


Many people find pleasure in meetings accompanied by eating. It is unimaginable for them to keep focused on themselves and eating silently while in meeting with friends. Even worse, such behavior may be considered unsocial.

The digestive process is quite sophisticated and it is impacted by your emotional state. Especially the first digestive stage is important, the stage happening in your mouth, which mainly is chewing. Talking during chewing, make it almost impossible to chew properly. This is why silence is more beneficial choice for your health.

Another reason, why it is more beneficial to be focused on eating, is your life energy. While you are eating, your life energy should be directed to support the digestive process. Some discussions at the eating table may become emotional. Especially so-called negative emotions harmfully impact your body. Emotions burn man, in other words, emotions waste more life energy. Wasting energy to emotions, decrease the amount of it directed to the digestive process. Besides that, you may unnecessarily tense your muscles which will disturb the digestive tract, sometimes this can be felt physically.


This is a large topic very suitable for research by nutritional science. The essence of proper food combination relates to efficient digesting of individual chemical components in the digestive tract, mainly fats, proteins and sugars (carbohidrates).

The digestive process involves so-called digestive enzymes which are chemicals excreted into the digestive tract. There are different digestive enzymes required for proper chemical processing of fats, proteins and sugars. Enzymes properly processing fats cannot process proteins or sugars, and vice-versa.

Imagine that you eat eggs with bread and butter which is a chemical mixture of protein+sugar+fat. Your body will have to use, at the same time, enzymes for processing fats, proteins and sugars. The problem is that when these three types of enzymes are mixed together, they interact chemically. This enzyme inter-reactions will disturb proper digestions of the eaten protein, fat and sugar. Due to the disturbances, none of the eaten substances will be properly digested. There will be partial digestion and partial putrefying of the eaten food.

This is not only about enzymes. Different foods require different time for digestion. Some food will pass through your digestive track in an hour, some other will need two days. If you happen to mix these two types of food, your intestine will have putrefying matter for almost two days.

Who wants to have a putrefying food inside their body? Do you know how to recognize purification in your intestines? When you go to toilet and cannot stand the awful smell, it is a clear sign of purification.

Natural foods contain mixture of fats, proteins and sugars but the interesting thing is that it also contains natural digestive enzymes to process these components in the digestive track. Really, nature provides us perfect food.

For example, if you eat leafs, they may contain all of the tree components, but they will be digested properly. Of course, you must sufficiently chew them and not mix with other food. However, if you cook the leafs before eating, the enzymes are destroyed, then the proper digestion will not occur.

Practically, if you care about digestion, do not mix different types of food. Eat fat with fats if you need to mix foods, or proteins with other proteins, etc. It would be better, of course, if you eat only one type of food at a time, then wait until it leaves your stomach, then eat next food. For example, eat only rice for breakfast. Latter, when you feel hungry, eat only a fruit. In the next meal, eat only a vegetable. Then, when you feel hungry again, eat only an egg.

Here some examples of often made mistakes in combining foods.

Food containing much protein (e.g. meat, egg, soy, bean) eaten in the

same meal with food containing much sugars (e.g. potatoes, bread, rice,



Fruits mixed with dairy (e.g. yogurt with fruits).


Salads or juices made with a combination of fruits and vegetables (e.g.

apple with carrot or a smoothie made with banana and lettuce).


Food containing much sugars (e.g. rice, potatoes, bread) combined with

fat (butter, lard, oil).



Nature provides the best drinkable water. Find a place where water naturally spouts from a rock or sand. Many such places provide the best water for drinking and bathing. Make sure that the rock or sand, where the water is spouting from, do not contain poisonous minerals.

Such spouting water is also called ‘living water’ because it is saturated with energy. You should drink it directly from nature as the plants and animals do. If the water source is too far, you may want to collect and store it before drinking.

What kind of container to use for storing water? Nature gives the answer; use containers made from natural stone. Look, big stone water containers are built by nature, especially in mountains. Natural stone container would be a good solution for water stored in your home but probably they would be too heavy and inconvenient when you are moving.

Next best water container would be made from glass. Among many possible solutions, glass seems to be the right choice in most cases. Glass is close to nature because it is made mainly from sand. Avoid so-called crystal glass, it may contain poisonous lead oxide.

Pure silver, at least .995, has been known as the perfect material for water container because of its big advantage – antibacterial properties. Use silver cup to drink water if you are not sure whether it is sufficiently clean of bacteria. Silver is more efficient in killing bacteria than many antibiotics.

You can consider ceramic containers but be careful because some ceramics are made with poisonous additives. If you plan to use ceramics, make sure that it is food certified.

The last practical choice for storing water would be food grade stainless steel. Make sure that it is “food grade” because some stainless steels contain poisonous chromium components. The steel container must be certified for storing water.

For short time or for specific purposes, wooden containers may be used; of course, not every wood is suitable. Wood is used rather for storing wine or some herbal liquids, it is not a typical material for water containers unless you live in a jungle, then use bamboo.

That would be all; practically no other material is suitable for storing water. I insist that you do not use any type of plastics, gum, silicon or teflon for storing water if you care about good health. Even if you find so-called “food grade” plastics, do not believe it, there is no plastic which is not harmful for the human body.

Water is the world most universal solvent, it means that it dissolves many substances, including plastic. Although the amount of plastic which water dissolves is very small, but still, plastic is a poison, so when you drink plastic water, you are poisoning your body.

To make a long story short, water or food which are in contact with plastic, should be considered contaminated.



Three stages (ceramic, activated carbon, ceramic+silver) tap water filter.

If you live in a big city or an industrial place, your tap water is probably dead and so poisonous that it is not suitable for drinking or bathing. Using water bought in plastic containers is not a healthy solution either. Filtering water with properly constructed filter is relatively simple and efficient solution.

First of all, make sure that your filter does not have plastic parts which will be in contact with water because you do not want to drink plastic water. The only exception is the tube connecting the water tap with the filter, it can be made from flexible plastic or rubber because all the water passing through it will be filtered. Also the enclosure of the filter device can be plastic because water does not touch it.

Water from the tap, in order to be purified, will pass through the filter – this is the most important part of the entire device. As far as I have seen, vast majority of water filters are not suitable for producing drinkable water, so select carefully before you buy. You may ask for ceramic and carbon filters enclosed in food grade stainless steel, like in this photo. Some filters contain silver which may be important for treating water containing bacteria.

Before buying a water filter, ask for data sheet showing its filtering efficiency. Look at how much of “poisons in water” (described above) it can filter out. It must be not less than 99.9%.



This is a large topic, separate book can be written about energizing, structuring and programming water. Search for “Masaru Emoto” or “water structure” on Internet, to learn more about water programming research conducted by scientists.

Water molecules can be organized in numerous different structures which are normally not visible even under normal microscope. Every structure impacts your body in different way. Some structures make water to be very well absorbed by your body cells, some other structures will make your body sick. If water molecules are not organized in any structure, it is called “dead water”. Usually tap water is dead and every water warmed in microwave oven is dead for sure.

Water can be programmed into structures beneficial for man’s health. This knowledge is used also in healing people, animals, plants and soil. Programming water is a matter of a separate science branch. For practical home usage, you can program water with sunlight, sounds, written words and drawings.

Here is a simple and efficient technique of programming water structure supporting biological life. Write Love, Joy, Health on a glass container. Pour your filtered drinking water in this container. Place it in sunshine for at least half an hour; the longer, the better. This water structure will promote Love, joy and health in your life.

If you do not use glass, make sure that these written words can be seen by water; for example, you could engraver them on the inner part of the water container.


Love, joy, health, wisdom, gratitude

engraved on the bottom of a silver cup.

This programming technique works because water can hold memory. Water can remember features of the environment where it was present. When you have sufficient knowledge about water memory and how to program it with words, shapes, light, colors and sounds, you can use water for variety of purposes, for example: healing, cosmetics, farming, gardening, lake purification, and environmental regeneration.



What to eat is one of the most often discussed matters and causes of quarrels which never end. This is because there is no diet suitable for everybody. Every man is different, therefore they need to eat different things in different amounts and at different times. You know this if you practice Conscious Eating – in this case, you can skip this paragraph.

Besides these factors, there are some simple guidelines about so-called nutritious and energetic value of food. Let me show you a very simplified list of what I call energetic aura of things consumed by people.

When you look at things, you may be able to see their aura. Aura is a visible effect of mainly electric emanation from an object which can be a living being or device. When you look at something very alive, you may notice bright aura similar to emanation of the Sun. When you look at something dead, you can notice weak emanations of dark colors.

The more life energy a thing has, the more energetic its aura is. The following table presents what I feel when looking at some edible objects, starting from the most energetic ones on the top of the list.



  •  water spouting from rocks in a mountain
  •  healthy living plants
  •  ripe flowers and fruits
  •  ripe nuts and seeds
  •  naturally grown vegetables
  •  raw eggs of free birds
  •  young fish and birds
  •  young animals
  •  boiled or steamed plants, vegetables, fruits and beans
  •  naturally fermented plants, vegetables or fruits
  •  natural honey
  •  milk sucked directly from an animal
  •  boiled or steamed grains and their flours
  •  smoked meat and fish
  •  fried, baked or grilled egg, fish and meat
  •  fried or baked grains or their flours
  •  all food cooked in microwave oven


This list is not a dietary recommendation, however you may conclude that the lower an edible object is positioned in this table, the less life energy will it provide to your body, when it is consumed.

You might want to learn to feel or even see the aura of objects, especially food. Once you can see, it will be much easier for you to distinguish between beneficial and harmful foods.


This is another large topic of never ending discussions because even nutritional science organizations, which are too often influenced by corrupted people running the food industry, provides different answers which will changed in time. However, there are some guidelines that you can follow.

Hence your body is a part of nature, it requires natural food which means that you take it directly in nature. Unfortunately, this kind of food is almost impossible to buy in cities. If you buy your food in supermarkets, it is all industrial products. Industrial products, even if they are labeled “organic”, “ecological”, “natural”, etc. are something which was produced in farms or factories. These foods are not found in nature, therefore they are not fully compatible with the human body.

Unfortunately, industrial food is more or less harmful for the human body, it becomes even worse when you process it, for example, boil, fry or mix with other food products.

These days, you can assume that most foods sold in supermarkets are harmful; really, there is very little percentage of relatively beneficial food products.

Let me advise you what to avoid. If you are not addicted too much and you can control your taste, I suggest that you give up buying the following industrial food products.


The most often sold grains: wheat, corn, rice, rye, barley and oat do not exist in nature. All of them are GMOs made from grass. They are high in carbohydrates which is one of main factors that makes people addicted to grain, and thus gain weight. People who eat too much grain derived products, suffer variety of digestive and skin health issues. Human body is not design to digest grain and GMO proteins found in it.

This information may shock you, but wheat, which become number one most often eaten food, is also one of the most harmful industrial consumed products. I would say that among all food caused diseases, those caused by consumption of wheat occupy the highest position. This is why I give you a friendly advice, if you really must eat grain products, by all means avoid those who are made from or contain wheat.

It becomes even worse when you cook, especially when you fry or bake grain, for example, you make bread, dumplings, cakes, pasta, pizza, etc. At high temperature, flours change its structure to become more like a glue which cannot process properly by the human body.

You can feel the result of eating grain products when you go to toilet, what comes out of your body is mainly putrefied processed flour. Besides that, your skin may look and smell bad, especially when you sweat a lot. You may like to research about poisonous substances found in baked flour food products, and how grain harms the intestinal functions.


Soybean is also one of the most often used foods in industry, this is the reason why it is so deeply modified genetically. The present soybean is not what world was eating several decades ago, it is a very different thing now, really not suitable for the human digestive track and quite harmful. Research about GMO of soybean and how it influences the human body, especially the endocrine system. Fermented soy sauce may be still used for taste if you cannot live without it.


What usually is labeled “milk” in supermarkets is an industrial product produced from the real milk of cow, goat or sheep. This industrial food and its derivatives cause a lot of harm to health of man, especially children. There is a number of diseases caused by so-called milk. I friendly advice you to avoid all dairy if you do not want your body to suffer.

Think logically; if you really want to drink milk from mother of other species, for example a cow, then you should go to her and suck her teats directly. That would be the proper way of consuming what is not designed for man. Be aware that her milk is designed for her baby, which has to grow hooves and horn. Mother’s milk is designed by nature for her baby to grow entire body. Are man’s body same as cow’s body?

By the way, if you want your baby to have well developed human brain, let them to drink milk from their mother. If your baby drinks milk from mother cow, do not wonder that their brain will be infected by cow programming. Also the bones and teeth of your baby will be harmed, they may be deficient in calcium and not last long in good condition.

If you really cannot survive without animal milk, then choose the closest one in structure to human milk; you would have to look for pigs or rats. Indeed, milk from mother pig or rat are the least harmful for humans.

I have not mention that – please, you do your own research – how much hormones, antibiotics, pesticides and other industrial poisons are found in what is labeled and sold as “milk”.


I assume, you draw logical conclusion that if milk is not the best thing to consume, then all food made from milk is also not beneficial to health. Basically this is a fact, however people believe that some dairy, for example yogurt, cheese, buttermilk and butter, are beneficial because … whatever.

No, they are still harmful

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