Health for Life - Cure Diabetes, Hypertension, More by Jeff Keto - HTML preview

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Oxygen is the most important thing we need to support life.  We can live for weeks without food, days without water, but only minutes without oxygen.  It is necessary for all functions in our body.  To convert nutrients to energy we need oxygen.  There is no other element that is more important to life than oxygen.

A  stroke  happens  when  something  interrupts  the  oxygen  flow  to  the  body.   This  usually happens  in  the  brain  when  a  ruptured  blood  vessel or a clot  stops oxygen-rich  blood from flowing.  The result is lack of proper use of whatever that area of the body controls.  I had a stroke in my brain March 6, 2007 while I was sleeping.   The result was slurred speech, loss of  movement  on  my  entire  right  side  (not  just  muscular  movement  of  my  arms  and  legs,  but everything,  including  chewing,  bowel  control  and  all  the  little  functions  we  take  for  granted)  and  an incredible sleepiness.

I  discovered  that  hyperbaric  oxygen  treatment (A  one  hour  treatment  that  involves  increasing  the atmospheric pressure while breathing oxygen rich air.   The treatment allows your body to absorb up to 7 times the oxygen it can normally absorb.) has a phenomenal success rate in treating stroke suffers, diabetics, cancer patients, surgery patients, amputees and a myriad of other conditions and diseases.  The treatment is $150 to $250 an hour and can get expensive since it isn’t covered by most insurance for most conditions.   As a stroke patient the doctors estimated 60 to 90 treatments to restore me close to normal.   One treatment was very restorative and one day I hope  to  be  able  to  have  more  treatments  performed  so  that  I  might  reverse  my  disabilities resulting from the stroke.  It would be great to have the treatment at least once a month just for a terrific energy boost.

In the meantime I have discovered liquid oxygen.   (It is a means to super oxygenate water.   Some doctors say it won’t work because we get all the oxygen we need by breathing.   But think of it logically. Water is hydrogen and oxygen.   The digestive track absorbs water and the oxygen can also be used to fuel our cells.  Maybe it is a placebo.  But I’ve learned that if the medical system decries something, at least take a second look.  It sure appears to work and gives more energy.)

The point is that oxygen is necessary for body functioning.  Large doses of oxygen allow the body to heal itself faster.   The lack of oxygen leads to a build-up of toxins, which leads to disease.   Carbon dioxide (CO2) is produced during cellular energy production and released by  the  respiratory  system.    A  build-up  is  extremely  harmful.    Notice  it  takes  oxygen  to produce CO2 and it takes oxygen for the CO2 to be released in the air we breathe.  The more oxygen we have in our system, the more potential energy we have.

Around the world most people breathe shallowly.   We only breathe about 25% of our lung capacity, robbing our bodies of rich oxygen that could be energizing us throughout the day.

Deep  breathing  creates  a  suction  which  literally  pulls  lymph  from  the  bloodstream  and increases the rate at which toxins are removed from the body.

"Deep diaphragmic breathing is the equivalent of having a vacuum cleaner in your immune system pulling the poisons out at a rapid pace."

— Dr. Jack Shields

Our  lymph  system  carries  away  and  excretes  toxins  in  the  body.   This  results  in  a  clean, healthy environment for your cells to function at maximum.  We have a pump, the heart, for blood  flow.  No  such  pump  exists  for  lymph  circulation.   Lymph  relies  on  movement  and breathing for its circulation.  By practicing deep breathing we create a suction pump to move lymph at 15 times the normal rate.

In addition, the lowest portion of the lungs has the richest blood flow and can provide the greatest exchange of oxygen into our bodies.  Deep breathing draws more air into our lungs, causing them to fill, allowing for greater oxygen absorption.

One deep breathing exercise is to Inhale for 6 seconds, Hold that breath for 24 seconds, Exhale for 12 seconds.  Kind of like when you were a kid and had a contest to see how long you  could  hold  your  breath  under water.   Perform  something  like  this  3  times  a  day  for  a week  or  so  and  watch  your  energy  levels  increase.   It  takes  practice,  but  the  benefits  are awesome.

Aerobic  Exercise  means  to  exercise  with  oxygen.    Regular  exercise  provides  so  many benefits to the body.  Besides developing a strong cardiovascular/circulatory system, aerobic exercise moves the lymph through the body, cleansing your system.  It is also a fantastic way to  get  large  concentrations  of  oxygen  into  your  body,  where  the  oxygen  can  work  its wonders.

Aerobic exercise does not need to be hard.  It should be at a comfortable pace, but it should get your heart beating and increase your breathing rate.  The key to consider is that the longer the exercise, the better for you.  Studies show that the benefits are additive, meaning you can break 20 minutes of exercise into four 5-minute sessions and get the same benefits of one 20 minute  session.    I  personally  feel  more  satisfied  with  one  session.    However,  splitting exercise  times  can  be  a  great  way  to  get  your  exercise  benefits  with  a  busy  schedule  – especially at work.

Training  aerobically  will  increase  your  blood  supply,  boost  your  immune  system,  increase the  oxygenation  of  your  cells  and  promote  the  elimination  of  cellular  wastes.    Aerobic exercise also produces endorphins, which drive away stress and depression and stimulate the immune system.   Exercise also increases your levels of growth hormones; another reason to get our kids to exercise.

Examples  of  aerobic  exercise:    brisk  walking,  swimming,  dancing,  running,  bicycling, rowing, stair climbing, jump roping, hiking, rowing, etc.   Exercise can be fun.   Choose an activity you enjoy and mix it up.  Have fun!  Remember when we were kids and playing was all the aerobic activity we needed?