Hearing Aids Inside Out by Archi Mackfly - HTML preview

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The Importance Of Hearing Aids

Hearing loss can come about from all different reasons such as from birth, illness, or an accident and even through medication. Exposure to constant, loud noises has resulted in piercing the eardrums in some people resulting in a loss of hearing. Hearing loss becomes a physical challenge and in some cases frustrating although in some cases surgery can aid recovery, or using a hearing aid, or with some a combination of the two. Not everyone can expect a complete recovery, so hearing aids have become important within our society.

Children who have hearing difficulties have been abused, teased, misunderstood and often shunned by other children. A parent may have noticed that their child is ignoring them regularly when spoken to or is not learning as well as another child; so should get them tested for their hearing. Today, children's hearing aids are very attractive so they are not such a burden to wear or unappealing.

Your child can overcome many classroom challenges with hearing aids. It can a make a huge world of difference to your child who has the decision to take notice of the teacher or not during a lesson. A child who has difficulty hearing properly will often give up trying after a while, but they do not have to continue to face this problem when there is help available.

There are many jokes about hearing loss, but when faced with the problem it isn't always a laughing matter. One of the biggest challenges a person has to face is usually their family, and not society itself. Other family members are around the person more on a daily basis and may get irritated at having to repeat themselves all the time, or have to position themselves so that the person who has impaired hearing is facing them and can read their lips or interpret their hand signals. It isn't fair on other members of the family if the television or radio has to be turned up louder. With television, some programs now come with subtitles. Movies on DVD also come with subtitles so the whole family can watch without being disturbed by the member who has a hearing loss.

If a person has to wear a hearing aid, situations can get embarrassing if they misunderstand what another person is saying or they laugh at inappropriate moments. Whispering cannot be understood by this person, so a crowd situation needs more careful handling. Some people are insensitive and may make fun of the person who can't hear properly. A person's self esteem can be affected or lowered and can lead to depression from not being able to hear properly, or constantly struggling to understand others or for others to understand their problem. It can be quite a struggle if you feel like an outcast and not able to get the help that you need. Hearing aids will not solve all the problems of a person with a hearing loss, but they do go some way to enriching a person's life by making it easier to communicate.

For a person with a hearing aid, it is quite a struggle trying to use the telephone. There are special aids which can be bought that are equipped with the features needed for phone transmissions, or for using a cell phone.