High as a Kite by Terry Clark - HTML preview

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Signs To Watch For In A Child Suspected Of Using Drugs

We have heard that the teenager or young adult struggling with unsolved personal problems is the most likely candidate for drug addiction. One typical example is a teenager who is out of school, out of work, and ashamed because of an impoverished family background.

But a teenager who comes from a respectable family isn't necessarily exempt from the danger. He may have his problems too, as in some unresolved tensions between him and his parents.

Parents do well to discuss everything about drugs with their children - their effects, dangers, and the perfidy of the influences that embolden one to experiment with drugs. Additionally, parents have to keep alert for any sign that their child might already be into drugs.

What are the signs parents have to watch for if they suspect their child is beginning to use drugs?

In many cases, there are no specific outward signs. This is mainly due to the teenager's characteristic vigor; his body will adjust to the drugs without giving early indications. Hence, there often is no change in his rate of growth nor in his body weight. Also, there are no special indications of decline of his personality.

The signs, therefore, will often be indirect. Typical examples are when a teenager exhibits unusual irritability or excessive sensitivity and when there is an obvious decline in his performance at school. When a teenager begins to use drugs, his behavior becomes more unpredictable than usual. He may be more awkward and is socially detached and unresponsive. He is especially withdrawn in his relation with adults.

There are additional, more evident signs as a teenager becomes actually drug dependent. When it is obvious that he is keeping his arms covered, it is likely that he is using "the needle" and he is hiding the marks. His insistence onĀ  wearing long-sleeved shirts gives this away.

A drug-using teenager will need more money than youth of his age ordinarily handle. Valuables and money around the home may inexplicably disappear. Even while inside the house, he will wear sunglasses to hide the redness of his eyes. He may strangely spend a long time in the bathroom or, more oddly, inside storage spaces or closets.

When there is no longer any doubt that a teenager is experimenting with drugs, his parents should do all that are necessary to help him avoid being hooked completely. Parents must act swiftly and decisively while there is still prospect of success.