How To Win Your War Against Back Pain by wing of success - HTML preview

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Exercise For Back Pain: 3 Types Of Exercises

Exercises are very much essential to keep our body fit. Three such types of exercises are shown here to reduce the lower back pain. You must have performed these exercises some time. But it is necessary to know exactly how to do the particular exercise. Yes, it’s easy.

The following are three simple exercises which will help you to reduce back pain or any such recovery from injury.

1. Press-up

Through this exercise, you can relieve the stiffness from lower spine as well as hips. To do this exercise, lie down with face on floor. Put your both palms down and hands on sides of face.

Press your shoulders and head upwards and rest on elbows. Hold your breath for 10 seconds and then release slowly. Then, rest completely on hands fully lifted so as to get more curve on lower side of your back. Perform three such sets.

2. Cat and Cow Pose

This exercise helps in stretching back so as to improve mobility. Keep your back flat and hands below shoulders. Spread the fingers and place the knees under the hips. Keeping your eyes closed, exhale and fold the back as a cat. Tuck your pelvis. Round up your shoulders. While lowering down your head, look at the knees. Keeping your eyes closed, concentrate on the movement of spine vertebrae and feel the stretch and contraction of muscles. Control properly the inhalation and exhalation. Bring head in upward position and slowly open eyes. Look forward and repeat this exercise for ten times. Better concentration will be more effective and also helps in preventing the injury in future also.

3. Hamstring Kick

This is helpful in stretching the hamstring as well as calf muscles. It also helps in getting relief from nerve pain. Lie down on the floor. Firstly, lift the right leg at 90 degree angle. With both hands, firmly hold thigh to lock up the leg in a stable position. In the same position, try to straighten up your leg. As soon as you feel the pull on the back side of the calf or knee, stop it. Hold it for ten seconds and slightly bend knee. Do the same with another leg.

These three exercises will be very much helpful and beneficial for lower back pain. Walking is also the best exercise. Start waling daily for 20-30 minutes and see the results. Walk straight and maintain your posture.

Tighten up your buttock muscles giving support to your back.

Thus, exercise for back pain need not be vigorous to be beneficial and your doctor is still the best judge. Just remember that simple exercises such as walking and stretching can have a huge impact on not only back pain, but aches and pains all over the body.