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Sciatica Treatment – Get It Done Early For Best Results!

Chronic back pain is a terrible condition to suffer from and thousands of people all over the world have this complaint, but for it to be considered so, it has to be tagged by a medical expert after examination of the patient who should have had the complaint for at least a few months. Degenerative spondylolisthesis is one of the forms of chronic back pain while severe sciatica is the other very painful and trying type of back pain condition one can have.

In most of the cases, the complaint of sciatica heals on its own, though it may take a few days and at the most a week or so. In other cases, the person suffering from sciatica back pain may complain of having severe bouts of pain or even frequent occurrences of back pain episode flaring up, which may seem unbearable but are actually a warning sign to the patient to get immediate treatment carried out.

If the patient finds that these recurring flare-ups of sciatic back pain are more frequent than usual, then he or she must take it as a sign for consulting a medical expert for exploring the various options for initiating proper treatment for their specific condition i.e. sciatica pain.

In order to understand what sciatica pain is, in simple terms, it can be defined as a dull to throbbing pain that originates from the sciatic nerve, rising in intensity if not attended to; in severe cases, it is recommended that treatment be started immediately.

Depending on what stage of sciatica back pain the patient is at, simple and regular physical exercise regimes may be developed and followed by the person under the guidance of a professional physiotherapist, medical doctor or personal trainer who also has knowledge of pain management methods so these can be quickly and effective put into service as and when the patient needs them.

If the sciatica back pain is very severe and the case cannot be helped even with over the counter medication combined with regular exercise programs, then the patient must be guided towards considering more advanced levels of physical therapy, other non-invasive procedures of treatment, alternative therapies such as acupuncture and acupressure before taking the ultimate step of back pain surgery.

However, what often happens is that people are scared of going under the knife and actively avoid surgery even when it can be good for them in the long run; such patients must be counseled about the merits of the sciatica surgery and made to understand to what extent the quality of their life can be improved if they opt for proper treatment, including surgery.

Once the exact cause of the sciatica pain has been determined, the doctor can work towards explaining the various techniques that are most useful and effective in treating the condition; this typically includes hot and cold fermentations for the back as well as the legs in the initial stages of the disorder, beginning with only 20 minutes at a stretch 4-6 times a day.

Other treatment options for sciatica patients include taking non-prescription anti-inflammatory medication like ibuprofen, or taking the recourse of having an epidural steroid injection administered to them, both of which help reducing and ultimately relieving the pain and inflammation. Injections for treating sciatica pain are more effective though, as they are delivered to the specific area of the pain and work immediately as compared to the pills; they can be safely expected to work for up to a year.