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Exercise – Why & how

“People become really quite remarkable when they start thinking that they can do things.

- Norman Vincent Peale

Benefits of exercise

There are several reasons for this question. Let us see them one by one.

Get good shape

Would any man hate a woman who has size zero hips or would any girl hate a man with six pack abs? Here I am saying about their looks alone, not their character. So a woman appears sexy if she has a fantastic figure. Isn’t? The same holds good for a sexy man. So how do they get that good shape and structure? It’s nothing secret, all comes by exercise alone. If you do exercise regularly, your body becomes more organized in its functioning. Every part of the body is tuned up during various exercises. So, when you exercise, the body becomes healthier, gets good shape. When you are at the age of 40, the slimness can make you look like a person of age 25. Without any make up you can be young for years. As you do exercises the blood in our body has the capability to flow regularly to the cells. As the flow is regular, the reproduction of cells takes place fast enough making the skin not to appear shrinking when you get old. So you can appear young without make up, only through exercise.

Reduce Weight

By exercise, you can reduce weight! We are going to see this in detail in the fore coming pages. Our body burns energy according to the intensity of our exercise. Say more amount of energy is needed to run fast than to walk slowly. Like the same way if you increase the intensity of the exercise, you can achieve more fat burning, which in turn reduces your weight.

Increased Immunity

“Prevention is better than cure”. This quote alone is enough to say how better it is good to prevent diseases, than to spend lot of money on medicines. The best way to prevent diseases is to do exercise. If you exercise properly, you can save a lot of money that will be spent on medicines if a disease comes to you.

Exercise for joy

Think how good you would feel when you are running in hot sunny day for a long time and then come and rest under a tree shade. The same you will feel when you exercise a lot and take rest. The comfort you get after doing exercise can’t be expressed in words. You can also gain a lot of friends when you go to gym or for a jog in morning.

Understand who you are

This was the greatest thing that I understood when I started doing exercise. Really I assure you, you will know your real side when you do exercise. You will know how weak you are, what you are not capable of. You must have heard about Zen. One of their principles is that “Know who you are”. If you know who you are, then you have understood life. Like the same way, you will know more about you if you do exercise. If you know your weakness, you will try to break that weakness. Breaking the weakness is a victory. So you become victorious in your life.

Develop Leadership qualities

When you exercise you will be disciplined in your way of living. Without discipline you can’t do exercise. So when you do exercise, you will learn leadership qualities such as motivation, communication skills, confidence, and obedience.

Types of exercise

Exercises are of three types. They are body strength exercises, stamina exercises and exercises for flexibility. For to develop the strength of your body, do the body strength exercises. The exercise done in gym using weights come under this category. These exercises give you good muscle strength.

To develop the strength of your heart, you do stamina exercises. Walking, running and Aerobic exercises come under this category. When you do these exercises, the heart becomes trained and become strong. These exercises are needed for to burn the unwanted fat in your body.

Exercises do improve flexibility. Exercises such as Yoga, brings good flexibility to body. Flexibility is need for to do different tasks. Say if you need to take an object from the ground, you need to bend down and pickup. For this bending action you need flexibility. To catch a ball in cricket, you need flexibility of your fingers.

Action plan

“If you don't risk anything, then you risk even more.” - Erica Jong

These are the key points that are needed for you to know before following this program.

  1. Don’t do any exercise, if you have even the slightest doubt about it. This is not a trial and error method. Always get the proper data and then involve in the plan. A certified coach can help you.
  2. Don’t do anything that doesn’t seem to be right. When doing an exercise, you might feel hard, but you must not feel discomfort. There are differences between these.
  3. From a small seed, grows the big tree. Remember the quote, “Rome was not built in a day”. It takes a long time to get a fit shape. All you need is continuous effort. Start with lighter exercises.
  4. Always have a helper with you when you do exercise. If you are alone, then don’t involve in too risky exercises. There are always alternatives.
  5. Give a lot of rest. Most of the action plan happens when you rest.
  6. Never skip a warm-up session.
  7. Never do exercise when you have injuries. First let the injury heal completely!
  8. Don’t cross the limits. Calculate your pulse rate and do exercise accordingly.
  9. Monitor your body continuously, it is recommended that you keep a note with you and record your observations.
  10. Last but not the least, get advice from a doctor. Everyone have different body conditions. One’s idea won’t fit other completely. If a doctor says don’t do exercise, then don’t do it.

Warm up

A warm up exercise is a preparatory stage for the body before engaging in exercise. Never ever skip the warm up and engage in exercise. If you skip, the muscles, due to sudden exercise movements will be damaged, causing you pain. A warm up can be general warm up and then specific warm up. Say you can go for a run or engage in jogging before doing exercise. This is what you call general warm up. After this if you have scheduled for to do chest exercises, and then you must do the warm up for chest such as push up. After these you can engage in heavy exercise.


When you engage in walking, keep your mind calm. You can listen to your favourite music in your mp3 player or just have a talk with your buddies. But always keep in mind that the walking must be a relaxed one. I have seen a lot of couple who do walking, talking all non-sense about their relatives, telling faults of the neighbourhood people, complaining at the government and all blah-blah-blah!! They don’t enjoy walking. When you walk, keep your mind calm, enjoy the sounds of birds, and enjoy the chill breeze. You must be like a Zen guru when you walk.


When you go for jogging, choose the correct shoes and dress. The shoes must not be too hard or too soft. When buying the shoes, go in the evening, don’t buy shoes in morning. Your body’s blood flow will be less in morning. So the correct shoe size will not be known in morning. When you go for jogging, do warm up for 20 minutes by walking. Then engage in jogging for 20 minutes. And take rest by walking for 20 minutes. Never directly run from start or never forget to give rest by walking. The jogging must be smooth and at regular speed. There is a difference between jogging and running. Many people say that they do jogging but they actually run. The best time to go for jogging is morning, as the air will be fresh and chill. You will love to enjoy the jogging.


Isometric crunch

This is the exercise used to train the muscles in abs. To do this you will need to wear a comfortable dress. The dress must not over strain the abs.

How to do?

  1. First lie down on the floor with your back and stretch your body straight.
  2. Now bend your knees at 45 degree angle.
  3. Place both the arms behind your head, and move up your head till half the way.
  4. Now return back to the initial position by moving your head backwards.
  5. Repeat the same again.
  6. Repeat these for a cycle of 20 to 25 crunches.
  7. Do this for 4 cycles with a resting time of 120 sec between each cycle.

When moving your head up, move fast and when dropping, move slowly. At the end point of upward crunch, you might feel the abs being “crushed”. If you are new to this exercise and can’t even do one, never leave up but try the best you can. Some day you will start doing it. Another variation of this exercise is that you twist your abs slightly when you are lifting up, by touching the right hand elbow with the left knee and left hand elbow with right knee.

Push up

This exercise builds up chest muscles.

How to do?

  1. Place your hands upon the ground and stretch you whole body, so that from head to toe, the body forms a straight line.
  2. Don’t make your elbows too rigid.
  3. Slowly push down to ground level, but not with your body touching the ground. There must be at least 2 inch gap between the ground and chest.
  4. Now push yourself faster and rise up to normal level. Now the elbows will be straight.
  5. Slowly lower your whole body and take the position you were in the start of the exercise.
  6. Repeat the cycle again

Set the exercise in order of 20, 18, 15, 12 and 10 drops. Simply, first do the cycles with 20 as target, then do with 18, then 15. While placing the hands if you place the hands shoulder width, then that push up will train your chest muscles. But if you place the hand too close to each other, it will train the triceps. If you find too hard to do a push-up, start with knee push-up. In knee push up your weight is reduced because you don’t supply full weight to the hands instead, you now kneel down and your knees carry a certain amount of body weight. Do this for some time and then move on to regular push up.

Dumb-bell curl

 This exercise is for biceps. You can buy dumb-bells in weights of 3kg, 5kg and 10kg and use for exercise at home.

How to do?

  1. Stand straight and hold the dumb bell in right arm (or left arm – one at a time).
  2. Now lift the dumb-bell from down to up without changing the position of the hand. Only your arm must work.
  3. Hold it for 2 seconds and then drop down slowly.
  4. Again repeat this.

Repeat the cycle for 4 times. When starting, start from 3kg dumb-bell and do for 15 drops. Then increase the weight for 5kg with 12 drops and finally with 10 kg dumb-bell with 10 drops. Maintain a gap of 2 min between each cycle.

Dumb-bell back curl

This exercise is for triceps.

How to do?

  1. Stand straight and hold the dumb bell in one hand and lift them, so that your arm comes close to your ears. The arm will be taking an inverted L position, with forearm parallel to floor.
  2. Now just bring down the dumb-bell by folding the elbow alone, until the dumb-bell is in the back side of your head. When reached stop.
  3. Now lift the dumb-bell from down to up, so that the dumb-bell returns to old position.
  4. Hold there for 2 seconds and then drop down slowly and again repeat this cycle.
  5. Similar to dumb-bell curl you can repeat the sets for each arm.

Dumb-bell Shoulder curl

This exercise is for shoulder muscles.

How to do?

  1. Hold the dumb-bells in each of the arm.
  2. Stand stiff and lift the dumb-bells up to shoulder level without folding your elbow.
  3. Lift those till both the dumb-bells till your arms are horizontal.
  4. Now drop slowly and bring back to normal position.

Repeat the cycle again for 4 times. When starting, start from 3kg dumb-bell and do for 15 drops. Then increase the weight for 5kg with 12 drops and finally with 10 kg dumb-bell with 10 drops. Maintain a gap of 2 min between each cycle.


This exercise is for you muscles in legs (especially buttocks). To do this you may need a bar-bell and sufficient weights.

  1. Carrying the bar-bell on your shoulders with your hands and now sit down without altering the position of your spine (back must be parallel with nearby wall).
  2. When you sit, the width of your legs must be approximately equal to the width of the shoulder.
  3. Sit down for 2 seconds and then lift up.
  4. When doing the spine must be straight always (spine be parallel with nearby wall)
  5. Repeat the cycle again.

Similar to previous exercises you can do a set of 18, 15, 12 and 10, with increasing weights and take rest for 2 minutes between the cycles.

Well these are the exercises that are sufficient to make you lean. Make a schedule and do one exercise per day for one part of the body.

That’s it?

Some of you may think “these things I know already”. If you would have known these already, then you might have not searched for ways to reduce your weight or bought this book. Isn’t?

While some others might think, “…these exercises are very basic. How can these be useful to reduce the weight?” Say for an example, if a person asks Rs 10,000 from you in a month it seems to be a huge amount, because it is ten thousand rupees!

But if a person asks you Rs 350 per day, hearing this you might think “350 is acceptable. It is merely low!”  Generally people see the number rather than the value first. Generally, people have the mentality to spend money as low as possible.  Fact is that when this Rs 350 is collected every day for a month, it would approximate to Rs 10,500 in a month, which is greater than the amount said before. If you understand the business trick of people selling products in internet or in the television you can understand it more easily.

Have you seen in online or in TV, where a product demo is shown and at last they would say that the product is Rs 999/- only?

The fact is that the product is nearing Rs 1000. But when you see the ad, your mind observes that the price is only a 3 digit number and your mind will only think, “this product is cheaper! It is less than thousand – a 4 digit number!”

Likewise when a person does exercise with 10 kg dumb-bell with 10 repetitions for 2 sets and when you do with 3 kg dumb-bell with 20 repetitions for 4 sets, people may see the person with 10 kg dumb-bell as the strongest, as he lift a heavy weight. They may think you are weak. But the real fact is that you exercise your muscles more than he does. Strength will come by endurance. In long term you will see more good results. So practice these basic exercises well and you will succeed in improving your health. Be strong in basics and be strong through the basics. When you do the exercises that I have mentioned here regularly - again I say “regularly”- with full effort, certainly your weight will reduce a lot. There is no doubt in it. For people who want to reduce weight drastically, focus more on stamina exercises such as walking or jogging. The more you do, the more you lose weight.