How to Lower Your Cholesterol by Catherine Edison - HTML preview

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Cholesterol Reducing Vitamins and Drugs 3 Key Variations

Cholesterol is the name that scares one and all in terms of health. Here are some healthy eating habits to control cholesterol. The key cause of heart diseases as the doctors suggest is cholesterol. High cholesterol level in the blood can not only lead to heart attacks but also several weight problems.

Let us first understand what this cholesterol is – It is a waxy fat-like substance naturally made in the liver of our body. Though cholesterol holds a thorough 'bad guy image,' surprisingly it serves many vital functions for our healthy living.

Coronary heart disease or the CHD is the medical term for heart attacks. While studies have shown that having a higher level of cholesterol increases the risk of suffering with CHD, people with low cholesterol levels are less likely to get it. Hence, lowering the bad cholesterol in your blood stream seems to be a drastic solution to coronary heart diseases.

While CHD does not react instantly, it gradually develops with the person's growing age and sustained high amounts of blood cholesterol. In order to live a healthy and long life it is a must for you to lower the cholesterol levels as early as possible.

Here are some specialized medications and substitutes to fight back the rising cholesterol levels instantly:

1. Statins

These are specialized medications aiming at lowering the cholesterol levels. Such medications are grouped in to different classes. The most common ones that are available in the market these days are HMG-CoA Inhibitors, in words of the common man the statins.

Statins reduce the cholesterol in our body by blocking the enzyme HMG-CoA. Formation of this enzyme is one of the important functions in the steps involved in the conversion of fats in to cholesterol. These are most effective form of drugs lowing blood cholesterol made till date.

Hence, they have lent great help to the people who require urgent and drastic reduction in the cholesterol levels.

2. Bile Acid Sequestrants

Human liver produces a special bile. These cholesterol lowering drugs bind itself with this bile. Bile is a substance that aids our digestion system in the absorption of fats in our intestines. Bile acid sequestrant prevents the formulation of cholesterol. It actually prevents the bile acid from digesting the fats.

3. Vitamins

Vitamins help lower the cholesterol levels. Some of these effective vitamins are as follows:

i. Vitamin B

Vitamin B3 or the Niacin is the most common cholesterol lowering vitamin. It is one among the 8 water-soluble B vitamins. It helps our body in the conversion of carbohydrates in to glucose that provides energy for the body. B vitamins are also quite important in breaking down the body fats as well as proteins and acids that aid in making our nervous system, eyes, skin, mouth, hair & liver healthy. Niacin is also helpful in getting rid of the toxic & harmful chemicals in the body.

Niacin also increases the effects of the other cholesterol reducing drugs, only if taken in very high doses. But this is something not very advisable as taking large amounts of Vitamin B can lead to flushing of skin. This happens due to the dilation of blood vessels. The other side effects of excessive intake of Vitamin b are head aches, itching, headaches, muscle cramps and nausea.

ii. Lecithin

L is among the other substances and vitamins that lower body cholesterol. It allows cholesterol and fats to get dispersed from our body. It also prevents the fatty build up in the arteries.

iii. Vitamins C and E

Vitamins E & C prevent LDL cholesterol from damage hence save the individual from heart disease. While LDL cholesterol is also known to be the bad guy, most oft the cardiologists believe that only damaged LDL cholesterol contributes to the rising risk of heart diseases.