How to Lower Your Cholesterol by Catherine Edison - HTML preview

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Lower Cholesterol With Exercises 14 Reasons And Tips

Cholesterol is the name that scares one and all in terms of health. Here are some healthy eating habits to control cholesterol. The key cause of heart diseases as the doctors suggest is cholesterol. High cholesterol level in the blood can not only lead to heart attacks but also several weight problems.

Let us first understand what this cholesterol is – It is a waxy fat-like substance naturally made in the liver of our body. Though cholesterol holds a thorough 'bad guy image,' surprisingly it serves many vital functions for our healthy living.

Coronary heart disease or the CHD is the medical term for heart attacks. While studies have shown that having a higher level of cholesterol increases the risk of suffering with CHD, people with low cholesterol levels are less likely to get it. Hence, lowering the bad cholesterol in your blood stream seems to be a drastic solution to coronary heart diseases.

Unhealthy eating and drinking habits like extra consumption of alcohol and elements of high sugar, fats and oils in the food can cause irreparable harms to an individual's body. Such a person would very soon land up to CHD, diabetes, high blood pressure, etc.

The better way out of these problems is hidden in that age old saying – Prevention is better that cure. We must change a\our lifestyle and add some little habits that would help us live longer, healthier and happier. Though these li'l habits would call for a lot of sacrifices and adjustments from our body, ultimately it is for our own benefit. It becomes rather more important to act on it quickly as aging is one factor that adds further more to the cholesterol related problems. The younger you are, the easier it is to sustain the changes and hence avoid the ill effects.

Here are some easy tips to inculcate in your daily life so as to live a cholesterol free life:

  1. Eat controlled diet preferably prescribed by a professional dietician.
  2. Exercising – that is the healthiest of all resorts against cholesterol and perhaps the most effective as well when it comes to terms in the long run.
  3. Exercising increases your heart rate and improves the metabolism of the body allowing improved expulsion of harmful oils, detrimental to an individual's health.
  4. What exercise or what type of exercises you must do, would thoroughly depend on the varied factors and along with your medical history. The deciding factors also include your age, gender and weight.
  5. The one's who are new to the world of exercising must first consult their physician and check out what is safe for them and what's not.
  6. The individuals already suffering with a heart trouble might not be advised any rigorous exercises. They could resort to simpler alternates like stretching, weight lifting, walking, etc.
  7. In case your physician allows you to participate in some high impact exercises; try your hand in swimming, running, bicycling, aerobics, etc.
  8. Ask your doctor to sketch your fitness plan in detail and stick to the same with the guidance of a professional fitness trainer. As a good patient and a responsible individual following the plan duly is in your hands.
  9. Usually the results of such plans become evident within a week or two. Very soon the bad cholesterol would start getting reduced in the body, getting replaced with good cholesterol leading to a considerable reduction in the individual's body weight.
  10. Exercising is also supposed to be a better resort than all other remedies as it has less or no side effects, for instance consuming drugs has a lot of side effects on our body.
  11. In case you do not have time in your daily schedule to go out for a gym, try on other simple resorts like brisk walking in the early morning or just before going to your workplace.
  12. Some organizations these days encourage their people to walk up 1 or 2 flights of stairs, in place of using the elevators to go up & down only a few floors.
  13. Especially the companies that have big parking lots, the people working there could try walking only a few yards more.
  14. Whenever you take up any exercise, consuming lots of water helps you a great deal. This would prevent your body from dehydration and its repercussions like exhaustion. For this, do not run up to the fountain time and again, rather carry a water bottle with you. While working on a machine or carrying on a group activity, this thing really helps and moving from your place again and gain is juts not on professionally.