How to Sleep Like a Baby Even if You Have Sleep Deprivation by Ben Wiseman - HTML preview

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2. Meditation Centers on Breathing

Find a comfortable and quiet space, sit on the floor, and use cushions if you want.

Put your hands on your knees, calm your body, and close your eyes.

Inhale and exhale through the nose. Try to concentrate on your breath, counting each inhale and exhale until you reach ten.

17 | H o w t o S l e e p L i k e a B a b y E v e n i f Y o u H a v e S l e e p D e p r i v a t i o n

Continue counting in groups of ten until you start to feel relaxed.

Clear your mind and focus only on counting when you inhale and exhale.

If these thoughts enter your mind, admit that they are there, then let go and focus on your breathing again.

When you finish meditation, be aware of your body again and stretch before getting up.