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Name of Surgery

Designed to…

Reported Problems…

 dry mouth

 Changes to voice (to




Uses lasers to

people who require

remove uvula

their voice to earn


their living!)




Assisted tissues,

 pain in the ears



 unpredictable


success rate



lateral tissues

 can mask deeper









palate in order  post-operation

to stiffen it

discomfort and pain


(Cautery-assisted against

palatal stiffening operation)

vibration, and  currently


removes the

experimental stages

mucosa along


the uvula.

53 | H o w t o S l e e p L i k e a B a b y E v e n i f Y o u H a v e S l e e p D e p r i v a t i o n

 difficulty predicting

if surgery will be


 expensive

In addition to these examples, other new types of surgery for specific snoring have been developed including somnoplasty and snoring.

These procedures are new and have not been proven to have a reliable success rate, and it is not known what can have long-term effects from these types of snoring surgery.

In general, surgery is a good thing and a very good thing; however, this does not mean that surgery is the best step to take when trying to solve a problem and snoring.

As long as it is clear; in some cases, surgery is definitely the best solution for people who snoring and sleep loss, all health problems, and the resonance of the positive effects accompanied by negative emotions are the best solution to the situation.

Fortunately, there are other options. As non-surgical reactions to snoring abound, some of these remedies have existed for a long time, while some are relatively new.

These small traumatic steps to relieve snoring are the source of most snoring relief.

Countless people have used these alternative methods all over the world with great success, making it easier for them and those around them to fall asleep and feel good, and we will see this now.

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Non-Surgical Solutions to Snoring The surgical aspects, risks, and procedures of snoring have been reviewed; we now turn our attention to the most common methods of dealing with snoring.

Non-surgical options for addressing snoring can be divided into different types of methods: medications, equipment and appliances, lifestyle changes related to diet and exercise, sleeping habits, and alternative therapies for snoring.

Based on the root cause of snoring and understanding what the root cause is, any of these can be successfully implemented.

This may require a comprehensive approach, and it is certainly necessary to look at the impact of these measures on the snoring problem itself in order to estimate the mitigation effect it produces.

Medication Solutions

In many cases, prescription medications can provide a way to get rid of the snoring nightmare.

Medications are prescribed to relieve snoring by performing the following tasks:

• Unfold the nasal airways

• Energize breathing

• Counteract the R.E.M. deep.

Sleep (rapid eye movement) R.E.M. Sleep is an indispensable part of sleep. This is a state of deep sleep, in which the body is rejuvenated and the mind remains alert and healthy.

The role of these snoring-related drugs is to limit the depth to which the body can relax in this state, to prevent the throat from becoming too relaxed, and to keep the airway unobstructed, thereby alleviating snoring.

These drugs are basically the opposite of what happens when someone takes sedatives or drinks too much alcohol.

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These things are more relaxing than usual, and may exacerbate existing snoring problems or cause people who don’t normally snore to do so.

Pharmacies have over-the-counter medicines specifically designed to clear the sinuses and respiratory tract.

These drugs are designed to treat cold or flu symptoms, but because they contain decongestant and antihistamine properties, they also help snorers.

Salt water sprays, because they are also sold in pharmacies, are considered part of the same group. These sprays are not controlled substances.

You only need to buy saline to keep the sinuses and other tissues around the respiratory tract moist to reduce or eliminate vibrations, thereby reducing snoring.

Snoring Equipment

There is many equipment that can help people deal with snoring. These elements start from very basic elements to very complex elements.

Most of these can be purchased at your local pharmacy, online or through catalogs.

The most popular and effective anti-snoring programs are as follows.

Sandler Pillow ™

is named after the inventor of this type of pillow, a device designed to eliminate snoring by forcing the sleeper to sleep on his side.

This usually promotes the closure of the mouth during sleep and helps to minimize vibrations and thus eliminate snoring.

The Snore Ball

Since the invention of the snoring ball in the early 1900s, this effective device has helped countless people stop snoring by sleeping on their side.

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The snoring ball is inserted into the pocket on the back of the pajamas. When the sleeper turns over after sleeping on the side, the device can be very uncomfortable, so the sleeper will return to the side sleeping position instead of sleeping on the back, which is the time for most snorers.

Snoring ball can be any type of ball, as long as it can produce enough discomfort, it can prevent people from sleeping on their backs.

Over time, habit formation makes the ball unnecessary.

Sleeping Position Monitor

This electronic device basically achieves the same goal in different ways.

When a person is lying on his back, it will not cause physical discomfort, that is, when snoring occurs, the sleep position monitor will start beeping when the person is sleeping on the back.

The beeping sound may disturb others, but the point is that the device helps establish new sleep behaviors. Anyone who snores can deal with a slight beep until the problem is resolved.

By learning a better way of sleeping, the person will stop snoring, and over time, the ringtone will not become a problem. Eventually, sleeping position monitors may no longer be needed.

Nasal Strips

This is a simple but highly effective device that has been welcomed by many people.

The concept is basic, it opens the nostrils to promote breathing.

The device is composed of elastic plastic strips and adhesive materials. The strap is put on before bed and taken off in the morning.

These strips are very effective in maximizing nose breathing and are therefore used by many different athletes.

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This is an over-the-counter drug that anyone can use because there is absolutely no drug involved. Even those who do not snore can get a more restful sleep by breathing easier and replenishing more oxygen to the body.

Nasal Dilator

The nasal dilator provides the same relief as opening the nostrils for easier breathing, but uses a slightly different method than the nasal patch.

This type of device is actually a steel or plastic coil that will be placed in your nostril when you fall asleep. The effect is smoother breathing and less snoring.

Throat Spray

This is another way to fight snoring. A simple mist on the back of the throat can keep the tissues well lubricated to reduce or eliminate vibration.

This is similar to salt water spray, the difference lies in the composition of the spray, in this case a special oil, not just salt water.

If used properly, throat spray is another simple, inexpensive but effective method of snoring.

Excessive use of throat spray can irritate the throat and then cause snoring.

If over-the-counter sprays are not good enough, doctors can prescribe a more effective version of the same tool.

Snore Stopper ™

is a device that negatively correlates with snoring and makes sleepers stop snoring.

The device can be worn on the arm or wrist, and whenever snoring is detected, the device will give a slight electric shock to the sleeping person to stop them from snoring.

The other version actually causes the tongue muscles to tighten, thereby opening the airway, making breathing easier, and thus stopping snoring.

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Snoring Device

The snoring device is applied inside the oral cavity and directly affects or affects the components of the oral cavity to eliminate snoring.

These actions manipulate the tongue, chin, and upper jaw in a certain combination to stop snoring and provide better rest.

Oral Appliances

These tool sets are usually designed by medical and dental professionals to help solve snoring problems.

They have different names, such as The Equalizer™ and The Silencer™.

By affecting the oral cavity, these devices affect the three basic characteristics of eliminating snoring; they are:

• Keep your mouth closed to avoid snoring due to vibrating trachea.

• Place your chin forward to prevent the tongue from sliding back and blocking the airway.

• Open the airways as much as possible to promote breathing and prevent snoring.

Tongue Keeping Appliances

This type of appliance is specifically for the tongue. The function of the device is to train the tongue not to lie on the airway by using suction, thereby keeping the tongue forward.

This increases the airflow, making it easier to breathe and avoiding vibrations that can cause snoring.

The tongue retainer is suitable for people who cannot or do not want to sleep on their side. Although the tongue retainer may be uncomfortable, it is a very effective option.

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The Mandibular Advancement Device

Abbreviated as MAA, which is a splint device, which is basically similar to the mouthguard used in sports.

This keeps the chin locked in one position to prevent it from rolling back and creating an obstacle that can cause snoring.

These need to be customized by dental experts and may be a bit expensive, but they are a good way to stop snoring.

The Thronton Adjustable Positioner

Silencer ™ is a popular example of this type of equipment, which was created by Dr. Thronton in the 1990s.

This is an expensive option, but there is a reason; it is adjustable and sometimes made of titanium.

These are often called TAPs and are similar in nature to MAA in that they move the jaw forward to keep the airway open and prevent snoring.

Continuous Positive Airway Pressure

This device is specially designed to solve sleep apnea. It works like an oxygen mask.

The mask is worn on the face or nose to maintain the so-called positive airway pressure, prevent tissue collapse, promote breathing, and control blood pressure during sleep.

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Lifestyle and Snoring - Exercise

Exercise is generally good for your body and helps you get a more restful sleep.

Healthy habits can help prevent and reduce snoring, but you can also do some specific exercises.

Throat Exercises

To exercise the throat muscles can really improve your breathing process while you sleep, thereby helping snoring, if you can’t eliminate everything together.

There are several ways to put pressure on the muscle system that affects snoring.

You can clamp the pencil firmly between your teeth for up to five minutes.

Gently press your fingers on the chin for a few minutes to increase the strength of the chin. In addition, pressing the tip of the tongue tightly against the lower incisors can increase the strength of the tongue.

These exercises can be performed anytime, anywhere. These should not be painful, and the more these exercises are implemented, the better the effect.

Sleep Factors

People must consider how a person sleeps and how it affects how a person breathes at night.

Sleeping on your back can cause snoring, but sleeping on a good pillow or placing something under your chin can help stop snoring.

Anything that shuts up during sleep will go a long way. Your sleeping environment can also affect your snoring.

Humidifiers help keep the throat and sinuses moist, and keeping the room as dark and quiet as possible will help reduce stress and calm the sleeper to the point where breathing becomes easier.

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Alternatives to Snoring Therapy

Here are some other methods you can try to treat snoring; due to their success in fighting snoring, these products have been around for some time.

Have a hot drink before bed; herbal tea can indeed help relieve snoring.

Relaxation techniques to relax the mind and breathing techniques such as Tai Chi and yoga are of great benefit to many snorers.

Other forms of relaxation include meditation and massage, or even just relaxing music.

Homeopathic medicine also provides many treatments for snoring. These include products such as Snore Stop ™ and Y-Snore ™.

Homeopathic alternatives try to achieve the same end result in different ways, such as dissolving blockages in the nose and throat or lubricating with natural products.

Magnetic therapy is very popular in China and can help improve snoring by affecting the nerves of the nose.

Magnets can be placed on the whole body to achieve the effect of improving snoring problems.

This even applies to weight loss, which in turn affects snoring.

Some people even use hypnosis to help control snoring, although many people are skeptical of this practice because it is not a recognized successful solution to snoring.

Other more "alternative" therapies are based on light and color, or in other cases gems and crystals as a source of healing power.

These latter examples have not been scientifically or medically proven to be effective, but the power of faith may be sufficient to produce a placebo effect.

Therefore, as long as the end result is to stop snoring, you can try any method to see if it is effective for a specific individual.

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III. Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea is a condition where you temporarily stop breathing or become shallow while sleeping.

Temporary breathing can last from a few seconds to a few minutes. These respiratory interruptions may occur multiple times per hour, even more than 30

times within a 60-minute time frame.

Then he will return to normal breathing. It may be accompanied by loud gasping or suffocation.

This situation will prevent you from getting a good night's sleep. It keeps you sleeping enough.

Sleep apnea can make you feel tired and sleepy during the day. This condition is not easy to diagnose.

In addition, it is usually not detected during regular check-ups with your doctor.

Because it happens when you sleep, you may not know you have it unless someone notices an abnormal pattern in your sleep.

The way you can find out is that someone notices it while you sleep. Even so, they may not know that you may have sleep apnea.

Millions of adults suffer from sleep apnea, but they don't know it. Most of them are overweight or obese.

Men are more susceptible to this disease than women. The older a person is, the more likely they are to inherit this disease.

As far as women are concerned, they may experience sleep apnea during the postmenopausal stage of life.

More minority groups, such as African Americans, Hispanics, and Pacific Islanders, are more likely to have sleep apnea than other ethnic groups.

It can also be inherited from family members. If you have small airways in your throat, mouth, or nose, you are more likely to have this disease.

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Sleep apnea can also occur in young children whose tonsil tissue is larger than normal tissue. You may also be at risk for sleep apnea if you:

• smoke

• have high blood pressure

• may have a stroke

• heart failure