The following is some important information about sleep apnea:
• Sleep apnea is a chronic disease that interrupts sleep for more than three nights per week.
• Because snoring is normal for some people, this sleep disorder is easy to detect.
• Obstructive sleep apnea is the most common of the three listed.
• Prolonged sleepiness during the day can cause work-related accidents or injuries.
• If you are overweight or obese and sleepy. Pause, trying to lose weight. Once you do this, don't add any more weight.
• When a person suffocates, gasps, and lacks sleep, family members can determine that there may be a problem.
• There are many ways to treat sleep apnea. Depending on the severity of your condition, your doctor and sleep specialist will work hard to provide you with the best treatment.
• People should not make fun of people with sleep apnea. This is a very serious sleep disorder and requires urgent treatment.
• Children with behavioral and academic problems are often ignored. These signs are usually not related to sleep apnea.
85 | H o w t o S l e e p L i k e a B a b y E v e n i f Y o u H a v e S l e e p D e p r i v a t i o n
Sleep apnea is a symptom that is difficult to recognize.
However, in the future, someone may notice something. Remember, the fact that snoring is chronic does not guarantee that you have a sleep disorder.
The only way to find out is through sleep testing and research.
It is important that if you or someone suspects that your sleep patterns are different, see a doctor as soon as possible.
This may mean that there is a difference between receiving treatment on time to prevent serious health problems.