How to Stay Fit and Healthy at Any Age 18 - 99 and Have Fun Doing it! by Terry Clark - HTML preview

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How to Stay Fit and Healthy at Any Age 18 - 99 and Have Fun Doing It!





"Do This, No Not That, Tips & Advice to A Healthy Long Life"...



by Terry Clark




Table of Content



1. Staying Naturally Fit and Healthy

2. Aerobic Exercises for Greater Health

3. Are Artificial Fat Burners Dangerous?

4. Burning Calories Plays a Vital Role in Staying Fit

5. Calisthenics that You and Your Child will Enjoy

6. Dance Movements as Part of Your Fitness Regimen

7. Eating Habits to get Healthy and Fit

8. Essential Facts of Life - Achieving Longevity

9. Fitness Activities for the Whole Family

10. Foods that Burn Fat

11. Fresh Air is One Key Health and Fitness

12. Get Fit Through Regular Massage

13. Good Water is Essential to Stay Fit and Healthy

14. How Fitness Helps the Individual in the Long Run

15. How to Get a Lean, Fit Body without Much Pressure

16. How to Get Fit Faster

17. Selecting the Right Fitness Trainer for You

18. Making Everyday Activities into Exercise Fitness Routines

19. Making Sure Your Child Stays Fit

20. Medicinal Value Plants - Great for the Health

21. Moving an Hour a Day for Exercise

22. Muscle and Nerve Stimulation as Part of a Fitness Program

23. Fitness: Definitely Not a Waste of Time

24. Home Fitness Machines: What One Should You Select

25. Staying Fit with a Simple Workout Schedule

26. The Role of Swimming in Staying Fit

27. The Role of Yoga in Staying Fit and Healthy

28. Staying Fit Mentally and Physically

29. Useful Diet Suggestions a Healthy Life

30. Why Walking?

31. Warm Weather Activities as Alternatives to Traditional Fitness Programs

32. Why Fat Cannot be Burned Up Immediately

33. Why Liposuction Fails as a Weight Loss Remedy

34. Wrist and Ankle Exercises for Those with Limited Mobility

35. Fitness Tips For Senior Citizens

36. Is Fitness Over 40 Easy?

37. Stay Fit With Wii Fit

38. Staying healthy post 50

39. Restaurants: Eating Out And Staying Healthy

40. Healthy With Diet Smoothies

41. 8 Great Ways to Eat Healthy Without Losing the Taste

42. Staying Fit While Pregnant

43. Staying Healthy on a Low Carbohydrate Diet

44. Staying Slim For Spring

45. Kung Fu - A Great Way To Stay In Shape

46. Shorter Workouts Are Better Workouts

47. Fitness: Boredom Busters


Resources and Fitness Program Recommendations.








#1. Staying Naturally Fit and Healthy


The best way to stay fit is to do exercises. Exercises help you build the stamina necessary for the body to exercise even further. Endurance plays a vital role when it comes to staying fit and healthy. Exercises will help reduce the overall fat content in the body. Burning the extra fat is important to avoid unforeseen diseases and ailments. You should read on to understand the important things that can be done by you to stay fit. Doctors recommend using natural ways to lose weight and burn calories.


Choosing the right form of exercise plays a vital role for your overall health and fitness. It is necessary to burn all the unwanted fat content and additional calories present in the body. Though medication and operations are available, they do have side effects. Hence, opting for a natural way is essential. The basic factor is to calculate your body mass index and the additional amount of calories present in the body. Any form of exercise burns calories. But it should be performed in a manner which the body accepts. As the requirements of the body differ from person to person, an exercise schedule should be planned accordingly.


Walking and jogging are the most common forms of exercises apart from body building and fitness exercises. Exercise produces heat in the body because it involves moving every part of the body. The movement in the body spreads to every muscle and increases its strength. This action burns calories in the body and improves the overall functioning of the body system. Having fewer calories in the body is the key to improving health. High intensity workouts and low intensity workouts are the two main categories that should be looked into.


High intensity workouts have their own advantages. The same applies to low intensity work outs as well. They have their own advantages. Choosing the right form should depend on the age of the person. The heart rate is taken into account to arrive at a result which shows the total amount of calories to be burnt. It is important to consult a trainer to learn in detail about the form of exercise to be included in daily schedule. With exercises and with proper diet control, it is possible to achieve good results within a short period of time. Staying fit is no longer an impossible task and with a simple workout every day you will achieve success.



#2. Aerobic Exercises for Greater Health


Burning more calories is the secret behind staying fit. Most of us do not realize this fundamental fact completely and lead a sedentary lifestyle. This is the reason behind the accumulation of fat and obesity in due course of time.


When you become obese and remain so for a long period of time, you are at higher risk of serious health problems. You are more prone to suffering from a variety of ailments. The fundamental reason is that the organs of the body are not working properly any more as it is difficult for them to do so with the accumulation of fat inside them and in the different parts of the body. Blood pressure increases due to the increase in fat accumulation. The bad cholesterol is higher. The body needs certain types of cholesterol as a fundamental building block but at the same time bad cholesterol is detrimental to the health of all individuals.


Watch out for fatty food items that can be inducers of the bad cholesterol inside the human system. Some of the fat-rich foods are tastier and they are really tempting to eat. You may even want to eat as much as possible. This is where you need to take a break and stay cautious all the while. If you are already obese and still continue to eat in the same ways as you have eaten until now, then it will surely be detrimental to your life as a whole.


One way to deal with the problem is to reduce your calorie intake. The other one is to exercise more in order to burn calories effectively. If you start to burn more calories than you consume on a daily basis, then eventually over a period of time, you will start to realize that you are getting better and better. Within a year or so you will have lost a big portion of your body weight. This is what real health is all about. It is the ideal way to get your fitness back. Other than that taking pills could be a secondary choice. Burn calories effectively through aerobic exercises on a regular basis and you are to stay active and agile as a result of it.


Exercises done near the ocean in open air are great for improving the health of all individuals. The metabolic process in the human system gets better. The presence of pure fresh oxygen will rejuvenate the body as a whole. You get better sleep as well.



#3. Are Artificial Fat Burners Dangerous?


Physique demonstration competitions happen every now and then in health clubs. Their members love to take part in these. The local health club is one of the greatest places to get health tips and secrets for staying fit and healthy. The members that participate in the competition show how much weight they have lost over a period of time and how they did that so drastically.


Are they staying healthy after the end of the competition or not? What was their approach? How healthy was it? So many questions like that appear in our minds. It will be wonderful to know the principles followed by these men and women to achieve great transformations in the shortest span of time. Sometimes it is not possible for everyone to follow in the footsteps of others. The ideal solution is to consult a physician or an expert to confirm that you can adopt the new approach that you have found.


As a matter of fact, most of these people opt to choose the fat burners such as the Citrus aurantium, 7-Keto, yerba mate, and guarana to burn their excessive body fat. Along with that they have regular work outs and do strenuous exercises in order to achieve the desired results in the shortest span of time possible. Remember one important aspect here - they should not deprive themselves of nutrients. The body starts to malfunction due to poor nutrition.


There should not be a deficit of energy which might lead to a weak immune system. A weaker immune system will invite trouble to the body. Hence, those who participate in such competitions should be well aware of these fundamental facts. They should not allow their body to starve. They should eat nutritious food. Burning calories appropriately using the right food items is a great idea - you should have proper diet for success.


There are many individuals that believe in ephedrine. Yes, it is a great fat burner for sure. Still, there are a lot of side effects that ephedrine is sure to cause on the individuals that use it. Over a period of time due to repeated usage of the drug one might develop heart diseases, dry mouth and so on. It is not a smart idea to rely upon such drugs to just burn fat which is quite simple. You could get things done the natural way to get the best permanent results.



#4. Burning Calories Plays a Vital Role in Staying Fit


Fitness is very important for any individual. It is necessary to maintain proper health. The main aim is to reduce the overall presence of fat in the body. Eating more calories than you burn increases body fat. This leads to various ailments in the long run and can be dangerous. Hence, there is need to stay fit naturally and choose the right kind of program to complete a schedule that helps the reduction of calories. Here are some exercises to reducing fat in the belly region.


The belly region is the critical region for the presence of fat. Excessive calories present in the body turn into fat and get stored around the waist and hips. Any increase in the amount of fat will lead to various ailments. A few of these ailments are proven to be dangerous. To address this issue, choosing a natural way to reduce fat content is preferred. Exercising is the best activity available to a human to shed those extra pounds and burn away the fat present in the belly region. Do not opt for unnatural ways such as operations or use of medical pills to burn fat content as they come with hefty side effects.


Now, the exercises that should be performed basically depend on the areas where fat is accumulated. This can be checked with a medical device that calculates the total amount of fat present in the body. As we are looking at the belly region, exercises that concentrate on the area such as jogging, walking, stretching and yoga can be performed. Jogging and walking are known to be the best natural ways to burn extra calories present in the body. As the workout has complete effect on the entire body, any excess amount of fat content is reduced over a period of time.


It is important to plan ahead and design a schedule that helps an individual perform in the best possible way. Stretching exercises can be included to increase the flexibility of the body and yoga can be done to get a complete control over body, mind and soul. A peaceful mind gives you a greater control over the actions performed and helps you stay fit internally and externally. The intensity with which you will have to perform the exercises can be discussed with a trainer. A constant routine should be maintained for particular time period after the reduction in the fat content.



#5. Calisthenics that You and Your Child will Enjoy


As many parents know, having toddlers in the house can be a workout in itself. They love to climb and crawl all over everything including you. Now this would be an opportunity to use those little bundles of joy in your workout routines.


Most babies love to be bounced and your arms already get a great workout daily. But another way of incorporating that same action would be to have them supported on your leg or shin area and raise your leg up and down a few times. Depending upon the age and weight of your child you will determine how many repetitions you will be able to do. Of course, they are at the age when any little thing makes them laugh hysterically. The movement up and down will definitely give them the giggles while you are toning up your calf muscles.


Another exercise you can do with your little one is scooping them with both hands under their arms and gently swinging them between your legs. The swinging motion will comfort the child when they are young as well as make them giggle when they are older. This will help strengthen your arms as well as your abdominal muscles which are worked out you while you are swinging your child.


With a toddler, you can introduce a simple tumble. The first part is to support the child as you introduce a slow back tumble in the standing position where the “back roll” happens at your lower abdomen. You want to introduce your child to putting his feet up and through your arms (telling them that mommy will kiss them as they come up to touch the sky) and with an upward motion to push them through and having them land on their feet. After a couple of times, they will once again start giggling with joy. When the child is a little older, you can have the child “walk up your legs”. This involves stepping on your abdomen to initiate the back tumble. This involves using your arms as static weights.


Going back to leg lifts for a second, it is great for the younger child when you lie on your back with your legs bent but raised up off the floor. Have your child resting on your shins. Now straighten your legs up and then bend them back to the original position while holding your child. Again, your child will enjoy the movement while you have the resistant weight to help with the exercise.



#6. Dance Movements as Part of Your Fitness Regimen


The interest in alternative fitness methods have taken some very interesting turns. One of the best ways in which people can enjoy movement is dancing. Dancing is an art form that can improve your mood. It can bring people together as well as increase your heart rate and promote weight loss. And for the most part, there is no wrong way to move. The only difference is the type of dancing you want to enjoy.


Modern dance has introduced freedom to all movement with no particular style or form. So this is one form that even the most uncoordinated person can do. Many other types of dance that will also get you going or in the mood can be any type of line dancing including country line dance; tap or step dancing; or other ethnic dancing. The movement involves the whole body and muscle groups and it can be quite contagious. It can make even those wall flowers want to get up and do something (even later or behind closed doors).


There is a popular form of dance exercise that uses some coordinated movements that provide the cardio and calisthenics aspects of an exercise program. This is Zumba. Everyone is welcome to Zumba classes and the movements aren’t that difficult so those who are coordination challenged can get a good workout from it.


Another artistic dance form is that of pole fitness. Some people associate it with pole dancing that exotic dancers perform. This form of fitness isn’t necessarily bringing a sexual element to the routines but using the pole as a piece of equipment helps build up arm and leg strength. It also allows for the creativity and expressionism of the individual performer to shine.


Dance programs like Dancing with the Stars have brought back the popularity of ball room dancing. Many of the dance routines do look easy but can be just as much of a work out as doing the circuit in your local gym and you get to do it with someone you will want to do it with you.


If you prefer to dance in private, many of your video entertainment systems have regular dance exercising as well as dance routine programs that you can dance to as part of your fitness program. Or you can just turn on your radio or mp3 player and move. One of the good things with most dance fitness routines is that they can be performed as often as you like with minimal equipment and injury risk.



Eating Habits to get Healthy and Fit


Food is very important for remaining healthy and fit. There are many natural ways to get fit which all depend on the intake of good food. There are many food items which are available all over the world. These food items can be used to keep the body fit and healthy in a natural manner. Fruits and vegetables must be eaten for good health. When you eat natural foods you are able to live a healthy and long life. Different types of health related problems can be eliminated with good eating habits.


You must have a proper plan to remain fit with natural foods. Over-use of fast foods is not good for the health. You can take fast foods occasionally but you should eat primarily natural foods. It is good to use natural ways to get fit. These depend on using natural foods. Food acts like fuel for the body. If you provide good fuel to your body then the performance can be increased and your body will remain healthy and active. Food will provide energy to your body which will be used for the performance of all the tasks of routine life as well as exercising to keep fit.


The internet is helpful for getting proper eating plans which can be used to