Hydrogen Peroxide Medical Miracle by William Campbell Douglass - HTML preview

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Chapter 8

Some Impressive

Case Histories

(Arranged alphabetically for easy reference.)


Both Mr. and Mrs. Anderson took H2O2    orally. Mr. Anderson, a severe arthritic, was "having a hard time moving. It has helped me tremendously." He took the peroxide daily for nine months and improved so dramatically that he decided to see how he would do without it. "As far as I can tell," Mrs. Anderson said, "he seems to have a permanent cure." It's important to note that arthritis comes and goes. Only time will tell if Mr. Anderson is really cured. See Mrs. Anderson's story under Varicose Veins.


Another doctor horror story. Maybe you're getting used to them. I don't think I ever will lose my sense of outrage when I hear these cases; at least, I hope not.

Dennis Holder is from a little town in Canada called Amherstberg. He is a pleasant, nonaggressive fellow who sounds like he's from Maine-complete with the aye? at the end of a sentence in place of just a question mark.

He was devastated to find out that he had cancer of the lung. He had lost the other lung as a child. He was having recurrent lung collapse (called pneumothorax), so the lung was partially surgically removed. There's no doubt that it will never collapse again. There is little left to collapse.

But now there is cancer in the remaining lung. Not much to work with. His doctors said that there was nothing to be done. Holder was in terrible pain, only partially relieved by pain medication. He had to quit his job at the hog farm. He told his doctor that he was going to try hydrogen peroxide therapy. The way the doctor reacted, you would have thought he had said, "I'm going to kill myself."

The rejection could not have been more complete. He demanded that Holder return all medication, including the medication far pain. He refused to give him copies of any lab work or X-ray reports. He said that he wasn't taking any chances of a lawsuit. (Seems to me he's asking for it.)

Dennis Holder started taking oral H2O2     and quickly regained his lost weight and strength. His pain is now minimal, and he is looking for a job.

He then asked a friend whether he thought he should take some intravenous peroxide. The friend said he didn't think it necessary. Some friend.

As I have often said, people make momentous decisions based on the opinions of people with absolutely no medical training. But the way doctors behave, I guess you can't blame them. I urged Mr. Holder to seek out a doctor who would evaluate him for intravenous H2O2    therapy. His cancer was diagnosed only six months ago. The intravenous peroxide may prolong his life. I haven't heard from him since, but if he didn't take my advice, he is probably dead.

* * *

John O. Boxall, M.D., of Napa, Idaho, reports an interesting case of a cancer patient who lived 15 months beyond the longest estimate by all of the physicians involved. The patient was a 72-year-old Caucasian male with complaints of severe pain in the feet, and especially the right toe, with weight loss from 150 pounds to 109 pounds, shortness of breath, which had been present for about five years, and hypertension. The patient was on a number of medications, including Darvocet, Hydrocortisone, Tenex, Lorezapan, and Trental. He had also been on Procardia, which depressed him so he discontinued it.

About three and one-half years before going to see Dr. Boxall, he was told he had emphysema, so he ceased smoking. Five years prior to this, he had his left lower lobe of his lung removed for adenocarcinoma.

At this time, he began to have mini-strokes (TIA's), and he was also found to have an abdominal aortic aneurysm (a swelling of the large artery leaving the heart and going to the abdomen).

He was hospitalized in December 1986 and was found to have a metastatic cancer at his left adrenal gland. His lung cancer was not cured, as this was a growth of the lung cancer which had formed in the adrenal gland.

Because of all these complications: spread of his cancer, hypertension, probably carotid artery disease and the aortic aneurysm, he was told by his doctors that nothing else could be done. He was sent home on one aspirin per day and some cardiac drugs.

In summary, what we have is a dying man who has come to Dr. Boxall for help. Dr. Boxall saw him on May  15, 1987. He was emaciated; he had a blood pressure of 180/100; he had the aforementioned abdominal aneurysm in his aorta, a minimal and restrictive breathing capacity, with cyanosis (blueness) of the toes and a large mass which was palpable in the left upper quadrant of  the abdomen (the cancer)—a hopeless case.

At this time his creatinine (kidney test) was 1.7. Normal is 1.0.

Because of the seriousness of the case, Dr. Boxall gave the patient two hydrogen peroxide intravenous treatments on the first day, whereas usually one is given every other day. The patient noticed slight improvement immediately in his general well being. He also received treatment on May 20 and May 22. By May 26, the color of his feet had much improved, but he continued to have pain. Dr. Boxall continued the hydrogen peroxide infusions.

On May 11, a creatinine test was done and found to  be 1.2, which is within the upper limits of the normal range. BUN, another kidney test, had fallen from 55 to 43, a significant improvement.

Because of the patient's severe arterial disease, Dr. Boxall also gave him chelation therapy to improve his circulation.

After three months of treatment, 17 peroxide treatments and nine chelation treatments, the patient was clinically improved, feeling well, but he had not gained any weight. Despite the urging of Dr. Boxall to continue his treatment, regardless of ability to pay, the patient did not continue treatments and was not seen again until five months later, May 16, 1988.

The patient had stopped taking his vitamin E, which Dr. Boxall encouraged him to take again. From this visit and for the next five months, the patient received 13 hydrogen peroxide treatments and four chelation infusions, which was less than Dr. Boxall wanted but was all that  the patient felt he could afford. The patient died about  one month after his last treatment. He had received from May 15, 1987 to October 19, 1988 a total of 46 hydrogen peroxide treatments and 23 chelation infusions. The interesting thing about his case was, in spite of his multiple problems and hopeless prognosis, he lived 15 months beyond the longest estimate of any of his doctors.


Patient D.P. was a personal friend, as well as a patient. At about 11:45 p.m. on April Fools Day, 1989, his sister called me, almost hysterical, and stated that she found her brother collapsed in the bathroom, cold, clammy, unconscious and quite white in appearance.

The first thing a doctor thinks of in this situation is a massive bleeding episode from something in his intestinal tract. I instructed her to call the ambulance service immediately and have him taken to the hospital, informing them that his doctor's diagnosis was bleeding peptic ulcer with hemorrhagic shock.

The hospital staff agreed with my diagnosis and gave D.P. two units of blood immediately. His hemoglobin was 12 grams and, in my opinion, the blood should not have been given because of the danger of AIDS. Unless the hemoglobin is below eight grams, blood is not warranted. Fortunately, tests done after he left the hospital were all negative for AIDS and AIDS-related diseases. His blood will be checked every three months for at least two years.

Subsequent tests in the hospital, including endoscopic examination of his stomach and CAT scan, showed him to have a mass, which turned out to be a large-celled lymphoma in the top part of his stomach and taking up over one-third of the stomach area. The mass was about the size of a grapefruit

Against my advice, the patient started on chemotherapy 12 days after leaving the hospital. He continued  to take hydrogen peroxide intravenously on a daily basis at first, and then at least three times a week. The peroxide treatment was started before chemotherapy, was continued during, and then also continued after he stopped his chemotherapy.

He noted that he had absolutely no side effects from the chemotherapy when he was also being treated with the hydrogen peroxide. D.P. said, "When you would leave town, I would always have trouble with the chemotherapy with nausea, vomiting and very severe depression." His doctors, he said, were puzzled that he had so little in the way of side effects from most of the treatment. D.P. said he also felt extremely fatigued and spent a great deal of time in bed when he would take the chemotherapy treatment without having had the peroxide.

D.P. lost his hair, as always happens with chemotherapy, and his toenails turned purplish and dropped off. These were the only physical signs of the toxicity of the chemotherapy that he noticed during the entire treatment.

Seven weeks after the first CAT scan another was done and, much to the amazement of his physicians, the tumor mass had completely resolved. There was absolutely no evidence of cancer being present. Granted, the patient was on chemotherapy, but I think any qualified doctor would admit that this was a truly remarkable result. D.P. told his doctors that he had been taking peroxide and photoluminescence, and they replied, "Well, perhaps it's a result of both his therapy and ours."

Four-and-a-half months later, in late August or early September, D.P. had a repeat CAT scan, and again everything was completely normal with no evidence of any tumor.

D.P. lost 26 pounds in the hospital. By October of 1989, he had gained back all of that weight and put on some additional pounds. He feels vigorous and healthy and now is more concerned about keeping his weight down than keeping it up. Parenthetically, it should be noted that his chemotherapy injections cost him over $6,000 per month. These injections cost him over $1,000 each. One of them cost almost $2,000. These so-called chemotherapeutic drugs are all listed by the FDA as experimental, yet the patients are charged these atrocious fees. If this isn't the biggest rip-off in medicine, it certainly has got to be close.

Along with his peroxide treatments, D.P. also received photoluminescence therapy on a daily basis. Both therapies should be given for maximum results in treating cancer. A series of cases needs to be done with peroxide alone, photoluminescence alone, and the combination of the two to determine the relative effectiveness of the two therapies. Photoluminescence, the subject of another book,1 consists of drawing a small amount of blood from the patient, exposing it to a certain frequency of ultra-violet light, which activates the blood, then injecting it back into the patient, either intravenously or into the muscle. You will see in the chapter on our AIDS clinic in Africa that the combined therapies are showing quite remarkable results in AIDS.

An additional note on patient D.P. He continues to thrive and work full-time, although he is in his late 60s, and shows no evidence whatsoever at this time of ever having had cancer.

* * *

HJ. Hoogerman, M.D., of Santa Barbara, California reports a rare case of blood cancer.

The patient, E.M., was a 68-year-old Hispanic female, first seen in August 1988. She complained of extreme fatigue and that every bone in her body felt tired. She had nausea and loss of appetite. Her vision was so poor that, without her glasses, she could not distinguish one person from another. She was brought in with the help of her daughter. The daughter stated that she spent her time in her home resting, being too weak to go out.

Her laboratory report showed an unusual picture, with anemia and nucleated red blood cells. This is very unusual in that human red blood cells do not usually have a nucleus, when taken from peripheral blood. Her hemoglobin was 9.8 grams (normal is 12 to 14 grams).

Because of the abnormal blood picture in this obviously very ill patient, a hematology and oncology consult was obtained. The report, which included a bone marrow study, concluded with a diagnosis of "myelodysplastic syndrome with predominant erythroid abnormality and a primary refractory anemia." This is a very serious disease, and, based on the blood picture, the patient was given a median survival time of one year.

Due to the poor prognosis and lack of any conventional or encouraging therapy, the patient was begun on a course of intravenous H2O2 , alternating with intravenous megadoses of ascorbic acid (vitamin C), in a dosage of 25 grams. The routine was intravenous hydrogen peroxide on Mondays and Thursdays and intravenous Vitamin C on Tuesdays and Fridays. The treatments were begun on August 15, 1988, and on September 1, 1988, just 16 days later, after receiving five infusions of hydrogen peroxide and five infusions of Vitamin C, the patient was very much improved.

Dr. Hoegerman's notes on her chart in September read as follows: "Patient feels 50 percent better; she is no longer sleepy or tired; the nausea has stopped, better appetite and better eating. Her eyesight is very much improved. Vision is so dramatically improved that she came to the office unaware that she was not wearing her glasses. Prior to this, without her glasses, she could not distinguish one person from another; they were only large objects. "

Treatments were continued, and on September 12, 1988, the patient stated that she felt wonderful, much more energy, etc. At this time, she was working in her garden and going shopping. As of October 3,1988, her treatments were reduced to once a week. This routine was continued until December 22,1988, when lack of suitable veins prevented further intravenous therapy. She was then continued on oral supplements, which consisted of multiple vitamins and minerals, coenzyme Q10, vitamin  E and vitamin C. She was last seen on February 6,1989, at which time she moved to Mexico. She was feeling well and had maintained her improvement.

It is interesting to note that her blood picture also sustained dramatic improvement. These results are listed below, and, although you may not be medically trained, you can easily see the remarkable degree of improvement:













Basophilic stippling


1 +



1 +

Tear Drop Cells


1 +

Target Cells



Large Platelets







1 +


And most striking of all, the nucleated red blood cells had completely disappeared.

Dr. Hoegerman also reports, in addition to these rather remarkable cases: "I have seen several cases of bronchitis and pneumonia that were unresponsive to conventional antibiotic therapy which have improved within hours of IV hydrogen peroxide therapy."

Kingsley Medical Center

William J. Mauer, D.O.

Osteopathic Physician and Surgeon

3401 North Kennicott Avenue

Arlington Heights, IL 60004


PATIENT: Charles E. Woodward #6969 DATE: 11/28/89

PHYSICIAN: William J. Mauer, D.O. 1st VISIT 11/28/86

1. History 75-year-old male almost completely debilitated, barely able to get into the clinic, has undergone chemotherapy and radiation and refused any further treatment, having been diagnosed with bone cancer. The patient understood that we do not treat cancer, but merely try to enhance the immune system and he was willing to sign a release to this effect. His family was advised that he would do well if he managed to survive 4 to 6 weeks.

2. Initial Complaint Complete fatigue and exhaustion with digestive problems; unable to eat; a lot of stomach pain.

3. Results of Diagnostic Testing Showed a INSA [a cancer marker] of 35.5, Hemoglobin of 9.7, Hematocrit of 28.4 with RBC's of 3.14 and ESR at 140 plus, Serum Ferratin of 200 and Bone Imaging equivalent to that of an average 83-year-old male. [All of these lab results are abnormal.]

4. Diagnosis Metastatic cancer to bone, extreme immunodeficiency and anemia.

5. Treatment Course Began with multiple vitamin infusions; he had 14, which seemed to be very beneficial, but he still was having a lot of stomach pain, and, as a result, had no particular interest in eating. At eight weeks, his LASA had gone down to 30.9, and on 1/26/87, it was decided to give him Chelox. After one treatment, the pain in his stomach completely disappeared. Currently, the patient has had 35 Chelox treatments and 30 chelations of EDTA. [