Appendix III
Metabolic and Physiological Effects of Peroxide Healing
Numerous physiological effects are attributed to hydrogen peroxide and documented in the literature. Some of these effects may be broadly categorized as follows:
1. Pulmonary
2. Metabolic Rate
a. Hormonal effect
Several hormonal effects have been reported to be regulated by the action of H2O2 . Examples are:
1) Iodination of thyroglobin ( 13)
2) Production of thyronine (13)
3) Progesterone production (107)
4) Inhibition of bioamines (108); dopamine, noradrenalin and serotonin
5) Prostaglandin synthesis (46,47,109)
6) Dopamine metabolism (110)
7) Regulates Reticulum Calcium Transport (111)
b. Stimulation of Oxidative Enzyme System Hydrogen Peroxide directly and indirectly stimulates oxidative enzyme systems. Micromolar amounts of infused H2O2 have been found to increase oxidative enzymatic activity to the maximum rate of reaction. This enzymatic stimulation influences many different metabolic pathways.
1) Increases GSH oxidation to GSSG, which increases ATP production (112)
2) Activates Hexose Monophosphate Shunt (41 )
3) Alters Na-KATPase activity (12)
4) Regulates cellular (113) and mitochrondial (15) membrane transport
5) Regulates thermogenic control ( 11 )
3. Vascular Response
a) Vasodilation
1) Dilation of peripheral vessels (31 )
2) Dilation of coronary vessels ( 114)
3) Aortic strip relaxation response (115)
4) Cerebral arteriolar dilation (116, 117)
5) Pulmonary arterial relaxation (118)
b) Vasoconstriction-Essential Hypertension effect (31)—Patients with severe essential hypertension have been reported to have a vasoconstriction response to infusions instead of vasodilation, which usually occurs.
4. Glucose Utilization
a. H2O2 mimics insulin (16)
b. Increases glycogen production from glucose (119)
c. Type II Diabetes Mellitus stabilized with H2O2 infusions (120)
5. Granulocyte Response
6. Immune Response