I Am Oz: The Golden Road to Recovery by John Erik Ege - HTML preview

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Author’s Notes


You can read some of my blogs here. It includes all sorts of things, tulpas, aliens, conspiracies… https://pathfindere.blogspot.com/


the Joy of Writing



If you're like me, you always imagined you sit down and write a book. I can take that 'want' back to at least sixth grade. I went a step further. In addition to imagining, I started writing down what was in my head. Reams of notebooks and timelines that went seemingly nowhere fill a chest. There was no goal other than to write. It was sporadic. I waited for muses, temperamental, fickle, and inconsistent. I decided in 2015, it was not that they that were fickle, but me, as I was the one who was inconsistent. So I set off on an adventure, committing to a process and agreed I would sit down every day and write which became a practice in 2016. Even if I only wrote for one hour, even if what I wrote made no sense whatsoever, i would write. In order to do this, I had to make a commitment to getting up earlier than my child. If I waited till bedtime, I would be up all night and wouldn't be able to function at work. I discovered, once that light is on, it is on. That's it.


In addition to a consistent time table, I engaged a combination of metaphysical exercises. I committed to a esoteric practice of "Tulpamancy," the art of creating a sentient thought form; successfully. Her name is Loxy Isadora Bliss, and she participates in my writing process- and much much more. We, she and I, also engaged in "The Invisible Counselor Technique," by Napoleon Hill. Invitations were sent out. One of our heroes, counselors, Doctor Carl Jung, was the first to sign on, and so we began incorporating "Active Imagination." What has unfolded over the last couple of years has exceeded my expectations, in terms of experience, and in terms of productivity. Maybe the work itself is not 'publishable' by 'traditional models,' but then, that wasn't my goal. My goal was to write. To explore my own conscious mind, the subconscious, and to explore the subtle reality. If nothing else, my works have taken a form of 'narrative therapy' that far exceeds anything the proponents of narrative therapy and active imagination seem to realize is even possible, or at least talk about without sounding as crazy as the people they serve. Carl Jung had his red book- and if you believe him, hallucinations! I have volumes of something that are at times part fan-fiction, part philosophy, part therapy, part spirituality, part transcendence, part download, and part magic. Some of the experiences that came felt real enough at times that I could not distinguish between my 'real' world and the 'imaginal' world. For instance, I experienced one entire book in an instant, from beginning to end. It was like a download direct to my brain. In real time, it was measured by the time it took the eggs I set to boil to lose the water and explode. The explosion of the first egg coincided with an explosion in the experience. The second egg that exploded drew me out, back to this world and the smell of burning shells drew me suddenly to the kitchen.


I have published in several places, mostly free-ebooks.net. As of today, I/we have completed 30 books. I have a small following. I made friends from around the world; people who have taken time out to correspond with me, and share how something I wrote has touched them, often times profoundly. Surprisingly, many with doctorates. One particular person, a Dentist on a Kibbutz in Israel wrote me because of my Star Wars fan-fiction, ‘A Force to Contend With,’ wondering if my ideas of the force came from his spiritual faith. I have found a particularly wonderful friendship with Doctor Robert Newport, psychiatrist. I met many interesting people, who have opened up their lives to me, shared intimate details and ideas. This, in turn, has encouraged me to continue writing, imperfectly, improving in small measures, but mostly, just in having fun. If you're curious, here are lists of my books to date, by me, by Ion Light, my pseudonym, and by Loxy. In truth, Ion Light is a character unto himself, not just an ideal projected self, but a gestalt of part me and Loxy. Loxy suggested the alias, even provided the name, but what emerged from him was more than us.


If you think I am not making sense, well, half the time I don't understand it myself. I simply trust the process, allow the muse to work through me. The books, minus grammatical errors, feel solid. They seem to be finding their way to where they need to be, the hearts and minds of fellow fans of the art. I continue to grow in the art writing, and in the art of 'traveling.' I am grateful for all the events and persons in my life that have allowed me to come to this place, this time, this acceptance, this understanding, this love, this life. Thank you.


Peace, love, and always, Travel Light, John, Loxy, and Ion!