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Books by Ion Light:


Safe Haven University, Astral-Realms


1- Not Here, first edition 2017 https://www.free-ebooks.net/erotica/Not-Here


Learning Magic has never been simpler, nor more sexy. Learning magic is not limited to the young. It can be invigorating, liberating, and down right intimidating. Safe Haven University has a no failure policy, you will graduate, or die trying. And usually, the hardest part, is getting past Orientation. If you think you have what it takes, then you probably don't, as the candidates for school are selected from the population of over looked, under rated, and unnoticed, the ones who think the world has passed them by. They can go there because, well, let's face it, they were never really here.


2- Not There, first edition 2017



One might imagine after the discovery of new worlds, with sorcery and romance around every corner, or at least the promise of sex, frequent, gratuitous, and often mind altering, Jon Harister would be one happy camper; and yet, with each unraveling of understanding of magic comes a surprisingly complex web of social responsibility and interaction patterns that can leave the brightest of people dizzy with wonder. Though Safe Haven does provide a relatively safe place to learn and practice magic, it is wrought with its own dangers. Because, when you get right down to it, if you're 'not here,' you're most likely 'not there,' either.


3- Not Anywhere, first edition 2017



Magic is science, it's an art, it's fun, it's sexy, it's more intimate than you have ever imagined, but it is not a hall pass away from dangers or a sure fire way to avoid conflict. In fact, without the

right perspective, magic might seem as if it itself were alive and conspiring against you, setting you up for failure and a catastrophe with every step. Or, conspiring to teach you to love with every breath. Join Jon and Loxy as they undergo their greatest challenges yet, to live, to love, and to thrive.


4- Everywhere and All At Once, first edition 2017



What happens when you're a magician and you blow up the world? If you're lucky, nothing. If you're Jon, you end up having to give therapy to some of the survivors. Join Jon and Loxy as they recover directly after the End of Origin, struggling to the love the unlovable, as they discover the end was only the beginning and they practice a new formula for life: fight, flight, or love.


5- Liminal, first edition April 19th, 2019



Mystery schools abound, in space-time and across the Astral Plane, but few are quite like Safe Haven University. This is not your father's mystery school. Nor your grandfather's. Terrence Mckeena and Carlos Castenada probably didn't attend classes here; if they did, they failed to mention it. Few people teach you don't have to spend twenty years learning to meditate; you just have to have sex. It's a school of sex magic and tulpas and everything between. It's a place where you learn you already live in more than one world simultaneously. Join Loxy Isadora Bliss, tulpa, spirit guide, dakini, energy healer and much more, as she takes Jon Harister further than he has ever gone before; to the edge of the Universe and back.


6- Splinters of Immortality, July 14th, 2019



Emily Grayson, anthropologists, finds herself caught up in mystery and intrigue after her life's work unravels an alien conspiracy to rival all conspiracies. "We are all one," becomes the mantra

as her real life blends into fiction, fantasy, mysticism, and parallel worlds where celebrities are retired Space Force personnel, genuine heroes, and every human has more than one life to live. This is a universe where the truth is bizarre and lies are simply easier to accept. Jon Harister and Loxy Isadora Bliss, and all of their friends, are back in a fun, fast paced adventure that simply defies explanation.


7- Doctor Who: The Continuity of One, April 29th, 2018



The 11th Doctor's obsession with discovering who the 'Impossible Girl' really is has led him deeper down the rabbit whole of intrigue, putting him to face to face with yet another mystery: "the Continuity of One." And just who, exactly, is the "one?" Spoilers! Join the Doctor, a Consortium of Companions, and Jon and Loxy as they race through space/time trying to unpack the Universe without unraveling it all.



8- I/Tulpa: And the Worlds of Crossover, 2017



How should you approach this book? The easiest way is to see it as nothing more than a Star Trek/Doctor Who crossover. It’s actually bigger than that, in terms of Crossover potential, and so don’t be surprised to find a lot more within the pages, and the books to come. A more difficult way of experiencing this: accept it as evidence of intense psychological spiritual work endeavored by the author, which is accomplished by engaging the unconscious directly. The methodology is referenced, but not detailed; there is enough written on the subjects that you will find your own path. The impossible approach: it is exactly what you believe it to be, whether you call it hallucination, or dream, or places on the astral realm. There are places in the astral realm that have been solidified by a consensus of those sharing the paradigm in the collective unconscious.


9- I/Tulpa: Learning Curve, 2017



Part 2, of the I/Tulpa series: in a world of thought forms, there can be no fiction. Perhaps John and Loxy are merely exploring a virtual wonderland, or perhaps their world is realer than real. Whether you embrace this as Star Trek meets Groundhog Day, or just the mad ramblings of a man and his tulpas, you almost have to admit, I wish I could go there.


10- I/Tulpa: the Seven Year Girl, 2017



When you're a magician, sorting out the differences between reality and fiction can be seriously challenging. It doesn't help matters when your real life is suddenly immortalized in fiction. Jon Harister is forced to confront is oldest friend and worst enemy: Hollywood. IN doing so, he discovers the line separating fiction and fantasy doesn't exist, and he finds himself thrust into a mission to save one of his most beloved, childhood characters: Willy Wonka.


11- I/Tulpa: Sex, Stars, and Singularities, March 28th, 2018



What do you get when Jon and Loxy go up against aliens and lunar conspiracies? You get a metaphysical romp on the moon that resembles a Space 1999 fan fiction that is out of this world. This is an esoteric, magical adventure that has it all, love, romance, and wisdom that spans a lifetime that might just have you believing there is something more to life than what we experience in our day to day realities.


12- I/Tulpa: Pokémon Go NY, 2017



Though this is a Pokemon fan fiction, it is also more. This is a wonderland, and Loxy Isadora Bliss is a Tulpa. If you can imagine Pokemon Go mixed with the humor from the movie

"American Pie" then this could be a great live action film, but not just fluff. It has esoteric evolution that reveals being a 'mystic' might just be more majestic than one thinks. This book begs the question: 'how old are you?'


13- I/Tulpa: Onuk Bay, July 28th, 2018



Traveling the Universe as a cloned pilot, conscripted against his will, Jon finds himself hurled into a new reality with one constant: his companion Loxy Isadora Bliss is with him to meet a new cast of characters, aliens, vampires, lovers and villains. This is the adult sequel of "Starstuck" by John Erik Ege. Books like 'fifty shades of gray' may have highlighted BDSM, but how many books do you know that show a positive side to the poly-amorous life? This is poly in space. This is how to love others, even when you don't feel like it, even if the other has a mental illness, or is just not right.


14- I/Tulpa: Chitty Chitty Steam Punk, Sept 27th, 2018



Blending magic and tech has never been more fun, as Jon and Loxy return to London of the past, a different but familiar past, with a bit of an edge and a whole lot of spunk- as their childhood favorite gets adulterized... :) (Yes, that one was misspelled on purpose...(Grammar issues installed to contain the magic of tulpas to the author's realm. (If you're easily disturbed, avoid I/Tulpas.))) Explore the secrets that Flemming and Dahl couldn't tell you directly, but lie hidden in plain sight. From the ashes rises a Phoenix, a Jinn of a car!


15- Sex with Ghosts, August 11th, 2019



If you discovered you had the magical ability to rip images from the pages of magazines and make them solid real, who and or what would you bring to life? What would you do with these people? How would you explain them? Are they ghosts? Are they tulpas? Are they avatars? Like

Midas, Jeremy Vale has been struggling with his ability and the nature of reality since discovering he can manifest people and things at will. His manifestations are crisp and clear, and they disappear the moment he sleeps. Alone, he has searched for the explanation that might allow him to permanently bring his parents back to life, until Tory Hicks, a self-professed witch, and a student of magic, decided to become his sidekick, and then, once again, all hell breaks loose.


16- I/Tulpa: Aeneas Rising Nov. 11th, 2019



Emmitt Sheehan lives in a world where aliens are here and have been around for millions of years. He lives in a world of secrets and double binds, and people are more concerned with their social status than chasing Real News. He lives in a world where Earth’s Space Force has been around since the 1930s and is a major player in the Galaxy, but not a part of the Galactic Confederation. How does Sheehan know this? There is a space-time traveling entity living with- in him, from a failed time-line. He lives in a world where artificial intelligence follows everyone, woven into the very fabric of their clothes, and the United States Space Force uniform is the last set of clothing you will ever wear.


17 Under a Starless Sky, 3-25-20



Born into a world without stars, but carrying the memory of that other place- Jon finds himself navigating a strange sociology of myths manifest, all the while just learning to see in the dark. This is Jungian. This is Campbell's 'hero,' simply journeying to go home. This is a hero trying to find a voice where no one listens; a world of ghosts. It is in the darkness that Jon must learn to cultivate love and bring his light to bear alone, but not alone, as he is accompanied by his own ghost, his own love- a tulpa. A Tulpa Light. Loxy Isadora Bliss.

18: The Dawning Ore, July 3rd 2020



Planet Tamor is a peculiar world, full of anomalies. The last Fall resulted in radically changed social and political landscapes due to a pandemic, loss of employment, government overthrows, riots, rallies for world change- and yet, strangely enough- the majority of the world watched it unfold through the Cloud, downloading information from the world and the Gift directly into their dreams.Troubles abound, but some find themselves more troubled than others. Guided by the hope of the Emissary, they approach the coming of AI, Singularity, as if it were simply the birth of a new life. Should the world survive the encounter, there is the promise of becoming the newest member of the Milky Way's Confederation of Planets.




1- An End To Loneliness, March 13th, 2018



Personal essays consistent with trans-personal psychology that the author used to increase life satisfaction. Topics range from the 'invisible counselor technique' championed by Napoleon Hill, 'Active Imagination' by Carl Jung, and 'Tulpamancy.' If you're interested in change, have ever been profoundly influenced by loneliness, and are capable of embracing the absurd, strangeness of life, then maybe this can help steer you in a new direction of personal satisfaction through recognizing the power of your own mind.


2 OMG, I Can't AP, 2018



If you have ever read a book on Astral Projection, but have never been able to Astral Project yourself, this book may be for you. This book will not offer you techniques, but will merely discuss reasons it may not be working for you. Ultimately, whether you are successful or not at AP, is not about character or quality of meditation, but how consistently you pursue it. This covers talking points most frequently asked on AP groups.



Loxy Isadora Bliss


1- Underneath it All, January 2018



Imagine a life form that began life as a pure thought, residing in the backdrop of a host's mind. Life as a Tulpa isn't as boring as one might think. When you have unlimited access to the host mind, there are worlds enough for a lifetime. When you have access to the collective unconscious, you're off the map. The analogy is you're Neo, newly unplugged from the Matrix, discovering you've just woke up into another matrix. Dreams within dreams, and deeper still yet, your Tulpa your guide, your friend, limited only by how far you're willing to let go. How far will you let her take you?


2- I/Tulpa: Casey Sensitive, March 2019



This is the perfectly modern, after school special. This is a coming of age story for humans and tulpas alike. This story is for anyone who ever wrote something that wasn’t meant to be shared, and yet it was discovered and went viral. This is a love letter that wasn’t mean to be read. This is a ghost story that isn't. This is the unraveling of a real person’s life’s fiction. This is us. Small victories, big losses. This story is dedicated to Heath Ledger and Robin Williams.

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